My cold CEO wife

Chapter 209 I want to fuck him

Chapter 209 I want to fuck him
"Cousin, this guy accepted the challenge. If you can't beat him by 1 minute when we get off the highway later, don't say in front of me that you are the provincial racing champion!" Qingting was particularly excited.

"Don't worry, in the entire province, no one's driving skills are better than mine!" The young man was very confident.

While speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and the car drove out quickly.

Lu Chen also stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped off.

At first, the distance between the two sides was still parallel. After a while, Lu Chen passed Qingting's car.

"Wow, is this guy crazy in order to win? There is a [-]-degree bend ahead, doesn't he need to slow down?"

The young man slowed down because there was a [-]-degree bend in front of him, and was overtaken by Lu Chen.

"Cousin, you talk so much nonsense. You were overtaken. It's not normal for him not to slow down!"

The car was overtaken, Qingting was obviously very unhappy.

"What do you know? Let me tell you, that is a [-]-degree turn in front of you. If you want to go around this turn without slowing down, no more than one finger of racing drivers in the world can do it."

"Even if your cousin and I are powerful, there is no way I can float off the ground in that position."

"As for the owner of the car next to him, his modified car has a relatively high chassis and a relatively high weight. With that car, it is even more impossible to complete the drift. He is likely to get into a car accident!"

The young people analyzed it from a professional perspective.

"Ah? There's going to be a car accident? Cousin, what should I do? Why don't you tell them to stop? I just want to compete with them in racing. Isn't that young man working too hard to win?" Qingting suddenly felt a little worried. Scared.

She had no bad intentions, but if someone died because of this, she would be uneasy for the rest of her life.

"It's too late. Even if it's a reminder, the speed can't be slowed down now."

The young man sighed: "We just hope that their modified car has a fully automatic air cushion in it. When the car falls out, the air cushion can pop up so that they will not be injured."

While the two were talking, Lu Chen suddenly opened the car window while driving at high speed, and then raised his middle finger to the two cousins ​​behind him.

"Cousin, look at this guy, I sympathize with him so much, but he dares to show me his middle finger and look down upon me. Doesn't he know that he's about to get into a car accident?"

Qing Ting was so angry at Lu Chen's behavior that her lungs almost exploded.

"In these days, there are really a lot of idiots who don't care about their lives."

The young man shook his head helplessly.

If Lu Chen sat in the car like this and turned on the air cushion, they would most likely not be injured after the car fell out. But now that Lu Chen was doing such an action while turning at high speed, he was simply seeking death.


However, just as the two were feeling emotional, Lu Chen stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, then slammed the steering wheel with his right hand, and the tail of the car turned and floated in the air.

"It's over!"

When Qingting's two cousins ​​saw this, they knew that the car was going to slide out and hit the fence next to them.

Then the fence will definitely be broken and the car will fall into the river.

At this moment, Lu Chen's hand that he stretched out to raise his middle finger suddenly flicked his middle finger away, and then he slapped the car body.

The car shook violently, and then the modified car that was about to slide out was stopped abruptly by a huge force.

Then the car accelerated and sped away.

"Wo Cao, can you still operate like this?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, his eyes bulging out of his head.

"How much power is this?"

Qingting was also shocked.

The slap actually caused the car to change direction. The force of that slap must have weighed over a thousand kilograms, right?

"Cousin, hurry up and catch up. That little brother is so awesome. This girl has decided that I want to pick him up."

Qingting is crazy about sex.

"Cousin, do you think I can catch him at his speed?" The young man sighed.

Met a ruthless man!
Qingting said speechlessly: "Aren't you the provincial racing champion?"

"I am the provincial racing champion, but this guy doesn't play by the rules. Have you ever seen anyone in a racing car who can slap his own car like this?"

"If a real racing car was slapped like that by him, it would have to fall apart."

"It's just that this is a modified car that can withstand such vibrations, otherwise his car would have fallen apart."

The young man explained.

"What should we do? If they don't wait for us at the exit, then I will definitely not be able to find him." Qingting said anxiously.

The young man was scornful and replied: "What are you afraid of? Didn't you remember their license plate number? If you check it based on the license plate number, you will know everything? You still keep saying that you are the number one goddess, I She looks like a stupid girl."

"Huh, that's because I met someone I like, so my brain is not enough!"

Qingting pouted, her playful look was particularly beautiful.

Soon after, the young man drove off the highway and found that Lu Chen was nowhere to be seen.

"This bastard, shouldn't he stop here to show off to this girl after winning? He just ran away like this."

Qingting was very angry, this guy just ignored her.

Lu Chen drove into Daoguan, the provincial capital.

Daoguan is very famous in the provincial capital, and many important people usually make appointments to meet here.

This place is famous, but it is not high-end. On the contrary, it is very simple.

It is called Daoguan because its owner is Luo Nanfeng, the president of the Provincial Chamber of Commerce, who planted a rice field here.

How luxurious would it be to have a piece of land dedicated to growing rice fields in the center of a provincial capital?
However, Luo Nanfeng didn't care about the money.

As the president of the Provincial Chamber of Commerce, he has been very successful in business, and his comprehensive financial resources rank among the top three in the province.

"President, Ms. Wu Lan from Guiyuan City has made an appointment with you to meet at Daoguan in an hour."

Next to Luo Nanfeng stood an old man with half-white hair. The old man reminded him respectfully.


Luo Nanfeng nodded and said, "Qingting will come back from Guiyuan City in about an hour. I originally promised to pick her up, but now the temporary plan has changed. Please help me pick her up."

"In addition, Jin Yuangui recently had an idea. You can bring more people to protect Qingting. This is the only daughter I have."

"Yes, President!"

The half-white-haired old man responded respectfully and walked out.

After he left Luo Nanfeng's sight, he dialed Jin Yuangui's number.

"Master, the latest news is that Luo Nanfeng's daughter has returned from Guiyuan City. Due to unexpected circumstances, Luo Nanfeng was unable to pick up her daughter in person today, so she sent me to pick her up. This is a big day for you. It’s a great opportunity. If you want to take action, let me know and I will cooperate with you.”

Luo Nanfeng probably never imagined that the most loyal person who had been with him for 20 years would actually be a dog beside his enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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