My cold CEO wife

Chapter 212 What They Can't Do To You

Chapter 212 What They Can't Do To You

"Jin Yuanfu, you let Mr. Lu and Wu Lan go, and I will give you the position of president of the Chamber of Commerce. In addition, I can give you all my properties."

After losing his position as president, Jin Yuanfu will definitely not tolerate him. In this case, his property is of no use, but it would be better to give it away directly to save the lives of Lu Chen and Wu Lan.

Jin Yuanfu was very tempted.

Luo Nanfeng has been the chairman of the chamber of commerce for so many years, and has countless industries under his name. If he wants to take over, the Jin family is even expected to become the richest family in the provincial capital.

"I want both of them!"

Just when he was about to agree with Luo Nanfeng, One-eyed Shi licked his lips, looked at Lu Chen and the two of them, his eyes lit up and he spoke.

These are really a pair of golden boys and girls, and it will definitely be exciting to play.

"Luo Nanfeng, since they are both attracted by Mr. Shi, there is nothing I can do. Just keep your property for yourself."

Jin Yuanfu asked One-Eyed Shi to take action and paid a heavy price. One-Eyed Shi now has special requirements that he must meet, otherwise he will turn against Luo Nanfeng now.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Wu Lan, I'm sorry, I have caused trouble to you." Luo Nanfeng did not expect that things would develop to this point.

"Why bother talking about it?"

Lu Chen stood up and said with a smile: "As long as I'm here, they can't do anything to you today!"

As soon as he spoke, everyone's eyes were on him.

With One-Eyed Shi around, Lu Chen actually said such words. Isn't it crazy?

"Mr. Lu, I don't know what kind of abilities you have, but what you are facing now is One-Eyed Shi. He is a strong man who is infinitely close to the first glimpse of the realm."

Luo Nanfeng didn't believe that Lu Chen could suppress One Eye, so he kindly reminded him.

"Humph, today's young people really don't know how high the sky is and how thick it is. If they have some ability, they think they are invincible."

Jin Yuanfu made a sarcastic sound from the side.

"I don't think I am invincible, but I have defeated a strong person in the first glimpse. Since he is not even a strong person in the first glimpse, he is not good enough in front of me." Lu Chen said calmly.

"You're arrogant, take a punch from me!"

One-eyed Shi was despised, so he punched Lu Chen.

He wants to see what kind of arrogant capital this young man has.

Lu Chen, however, did not confront Du Yan Shi head-on. He took a step back to avoid the blow.


One-eyed Shi was a little surprised.

Although this is just an ordinary attack from him, it is not something that ordinary people can dodge.

Lu Chen Kuang, indeed has the capital to be crazy.

"Boy, you didn't see it. You really have a chance to take another punch from me."

One-eyed Shi attacked Lu Chen again.

"and many more!"

Lu Chen stopped One-Eye Shi and said, "It's okay for me to fight with you, but I have a problem. Once I have some scruples, I won't be able to play happily. You guys let my friend go first, and I'll play with you." "

While speaking, he pointed at Luo Qingting next to him.

"Let her go!"

One-eyed Shi gave instructions to the person who was escorting Luo Qingting.

The two hesitated and looked at Jin Yuanfu.

Jin Yuanfu was also hesitant.

Luo Qingting is Luo Nanfeng's life. If he catches Luo Qingting, he can at least ensure that he is invincible. If he really lets her go, what if he loses later?
"Why, you don't have confidence in me?"

Seeing that Jin Yuanfu was unwilling to let him go, a look of violence appeared in One-Eyed Shi's eyes.

Jin Yuanfu then remembered that One-Eyed Shi was a murderous devil, and he quickly ordered: "Let her go."

Only then did the two people who were escorting Luo Qingting help her untie the rope.

Luo Qingting quickly ran to Lu Chen's side and said cheerfully: "Handsome boy, I saw you again. We are really destined. I have decided that I will chase you."

"Qingting, come back!"

Luo Nanfeng had a black line on his forehead. His daughter had lacked discipline since she was a child, and now she was so wild that she would chase after any man she met.

Today they don't know if they can leave here alive. They are still talking about love without knowing the seriousness of it.

"Dad, I'm serious, I like him."

Luo Qingting stomped to Luo Nanfeng.

"Let's wait until we can survive!"

Luonan Feng said coldly.

He was not optimistic about Lu Chen.

"We will definitely survive, little brother is very powerful."

Luo Qingting saw Lu Chen's slap on the car and suddenly felt that he could do anything.

"Boy, can you fight me now? If you can take my punch, I will lose. I will no longer interfere in the affairs of the Jin family and the Luo family. I will turn around and leave. If you can't take it, you and the people next to you will My little girl, please serve me well tonight."

After the one-eyed Shi finished speaking, he quickly turned into a beam of light and appeared in front of Lu Chen.

He struck out with his palm, and air currents appeared in the air.


His fist moved the air, and the teacup next to him burst.

Ordinary people couldn't bear the power of One-Eyed Shi's fist and were forced into the corner. Everyone's face turned pale.

It was just a punch that was so terrifying that it pushed them all aside.

"it is good!"

After Jin Yuanfu felt the fierceness of Duyanshi's punch, excitement appeared in his eyes.

With just one punch, Lu Chen would be injured and killed.

Arrogance sometimes has to pay a price.

One-eyed Shi roared loudly, and under the vibration of the sound wave, all the glass around Deyi exploded. His fist was as powerful as a dragon, and he hit Lu Chen directly.


No one thinks highly of Lu Chen!
This punch was too powerful.

"I was defeated by this punch. This young man will never be able to take such a punch."

Zhan Hao felt the power of Duyanshi's punch and smiled bitterly.

At this moment, Lu Chen's body surged with an unusually powerful aura.

At this time, he was like a killing god, and the aura on his body cut so hard that the air seemed to split.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen's figure in a daze, and in this daze, there seemed to be another kind of fear.

It seems that Lu Chen is a very dangerous existence now.

"What do you mean?"

One-eyed Shi felt uncomfortable.

He originally thought that Lu Chen was not even a strong beginner in martial arts, but now the other party's intention was so weird that it made his face feel cold, and he felt like he couldn't resist it.

But he had already punched out, and he couldn't take it back even if he wanted to.

Eventually, their fists intertwined.

The two martial intentions also collided together.

Killing intent and fist bump intent.

The ceramic pot next to it exploded instantly.

Lu Chen took a few steps back, his back pressed against the wall, and his arms went numb.

The one-eyed Shi was punched away and fell to the ground, vomiting blood.


The scene in front of them stunned everyone.

One-eyed Shi was defeated, actually defeated by the young man in front of him.

Luo Nanfeng remembered what Lu Chen said just now. As long as Lu Chen was here, no one could do anything to him.

At first, he thought it was just Lu Chen's pretentious words, but now it seems that this is not pretentious at all, this is real strength.

Jin Yuanfu was stunned!

The master he hired at a great price was defeated by an unknown young man, and his decades-long plan was ruined.

"too strong!"

Zhan Hao looked at Lu Chen from a distance with feverish eyes.

Lu Chen's overall aura was not as strong as his, but he was able to defeat One Eye Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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