My cold CEO wife

Chapter 214 Asset Realization

Chapter 214 Asset Realization
"President Luo, this is a deposit of 100 billion."

"This is the property certificate for all my properties in the provincial capital!"

"This is the business license for all industries in our provincial capital!"


The two big bags contained Jin Yuanfu's asset certificates.

Handing over these asset certificates, Jin Yuanfu just wanted to save the life of his Jin family.

When the two were handing over, Lu Chen walked in.

Luo Nanfeng handed Lu Chen a property certificate.

"Mr. Lu, the Jin family's collapse is entirely due to you. All the property of the Jin family should belong to you."

"In addition, you saved my Luo family. This is my Luo family's 100 billion deposit. It is a repayment for saving my Luo family. I hope you don't dislike it."

"From now on, you will be the great benefactor of our Luo family. Whenever you give orders, our Luo family will do our best to complete them."

Luo Nanfeng handed over the Jin family's assets to Lu Chen, and added another [-] billion to himself.

"You can cash out all these things for me and transfer them to my account."

Lu Chen had no interest in anything belonging to the Jin family and gave instructions to Luo Nanfeng.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, I am willing to take over all the assets of the Jin family. I will immediately arrange for specialized personnel to liquidate all the assets of his family. After the liquidation is completed, I will transfer the money to your card at the same value. "Luonan Feng responded.

After talking with Lu Chen, Luo Nanfeng gave Wu Lan great support. As long as Wu Lan came to the provincial capital to develop, then Luo Nanfeng would definitely give her full support.

The position of vice president of the Chamber of Commerce is temporarily vacant. If Wu Lan can establish a foothold in the provincial capital within a year, Luo Nanfeng is willing to help Wu Lan and help her to the position of vice president.

Luo Nanfeng prepared a feast to thank Lu Chen, but Lu Chen refused.

"I won't eat anymore. I have to rush back to Yuan City."

The purpose of coming has been achieved. Lu Chen not only met Luo Nanfeng, but also became Luo Nanfeng's benefactor. Having this person's help in the future will be of great benefit to both the Lin Group and the Lu Group.

"Brother Lu, I want to go to Guiyuan City with you, and I want to be your girlfriend." Luo Qingting was obviously pestering Lu Chen.

Luo Nanfeng was naturally happy to see this scene.

If Luo Qingting and Lu Chen can really get together, the Luo family will not only have a strong protective umbrella in the future, but Luo Qingting will not be bullied by anyone.

This is a good thing.

"Sister Qingting, I'm afraid you don't know yet, right? Lu Chen is married, and his wife is Lin Qinghan, the most beautiful woman in our Guiyuan City. He is in a hurry to go back so late because he wants to see his wife."

Wu Lan spoke from the side.

She was already trapped in it and couldn't extricate herself. She knew that this feeling was uncomfortable, but she still hoped that Luo Qingting would stop and not be like herself, who couldn't extricate herself from Lu Chen.

"Brother Lu is married?"

Luo Qingting was obviously stunned. She saw that Lu Chen was no more than two years older than her, so why did she get married? Doesn't this mean that she had no chance?
"Humph, so what if he gets married? In today's society, there are many people who get married and divorced. I can wait for Brother Lu to like me and then get divorced." Luo Qingting was still persistent.

Wu Lan advised: "If you want to wait for him to divorce his wife, I'm afraid you won't have a chance. Do you know how much he loves his wife? You'd better give up!"

"I don't, I don't. So what if he doesn't get divorced? He doesn't like me, but it can't stop me from liking him. I can be a mistress."

Luo Qingting puffed up her small breasts and hummed.

Wu Lan heard this and stopped trying to persuade him.

She understood that this little girl was really trapped like herself.

"Wu Lan, do you want to return to Yuan together?"

Lu Chen ignored Luo Qingting's direct or indirect confession. He didn't take his love for this little girl's movie seriously.

"No, I'll stay here to take care of some things. You can go back first." Wu Lan shook his head.

Originally, I came to talk to Luo Nanfeng today just to try to make contact. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen made a great contribution and made Luo Nanfeng completely recognize her.

Since everything is ready for development in the provincial capital, she will naturally seize this opportunity.

Lu Chen left, Luo Qingting chased him out.

Lu Chen disappeared in just a blink of an eye, and Luo Qingting was so angry that she stamped her feet.


The Hua family's strong presence in Guiyuan City caused a great shock in Guiyuan City.

The Hua family belongs to a provincial family, and its overall strength is much more powerful than the Ouyang family. When such a family comes to Guiyuan City to develop, it is almost unstoppable.

In just over a month, the blockbuster market in Guiyuan City was seized by Hua Yuanjie.

Hua Yuanjie has been really high-spirited recently.

The only thing that made him unhappy was the Lin Group.

Other companies all know how to act according to the prevailing situation and act according to his face, but only the Lin Group does not give him face.

It just so happens that Lin Group now controls the core of several industries.

For example, new energy development, biopharmaceutical research, etc.

These two sections will be profitable industries in the future, and he will not allow any accidents to occur in these two sections.

"Send a message to Lin Qinghan and ask him to come to my villa. I will have a good talk with her tonight." Hua Yuanjie ordered the people below.

Staying in Guiyuan City for more than a month, he often chatted with some young and beautiful female entrepreneurs at night. Once he talked at night, it would definitely last all night.

When female entrepreneurs leave the next day, their legs will feel weak.

However, the businesses of these female entrepreneurs will soon enter a period of vigorous development, and the driving forces behind them must have the shadow of the Hua family.

Tonight, Hua Yuanjie came up with Lin Qinghan's idea.

"Young Master Hua, think twice!"

Yu Yinghong reminded: "More than a month ago, you tried to seduce Lin Qinghan, but Lu Chen killed you. Have you forgotten?"

During this period of time, Hua Yuanjie was invincible, and everyone surrendered under his reputation as the young master of the Hua family, so he became so playful that his scars forgot to hurt.

Now, he wanted to take advantage of Lin Qinghan again.

Hearing the word "Lu Chen", Hua Yuanjie shuddered, and then there was a flash of madness in his eyes, and he asked: "Isn't Duan Dao back yet?"

Duan Dao knows a strong Taoist, and he is also a leader in the Tao. Now Duan Dao is going to invite this being.

As long as this being is willing to take action, it will be easy to kill Lu Chen.

Once Lu Chen dies, Lin Qinghan can do whatever he wants.

"Young Master Hua, it will take Duan Dao two days to come back. Please bear with me a little longer."

Yu Yinghong reminded.

Hua Yuanjie flipped the computer on the table to the ground and roared: "I can't bear it anymore. What kind of woman have I not done before? I will definitely fall in love with this Lin Qinghan."

"Master Jie, actually it may not be difficult to sleep with Lin Qinghan. Today happens to be the release date of our new movie. Do you remember what I told you back then?" Yu Ying couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, I understand, you want to smear the Lin Group, right? Okay, then go and smear me as much as you like, the darker the better, I want Lin Qinghan to fall from the aloof goddess to the mortal world, and then humiliate me he."

Hua Yuanjie laughed wildly.

So what if Lu Chen is great?
In the end, his woman still has to sleep with him.

(End of this chapter)

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