My cold CEO wife

Chapter 220 You Scared My Wife

Chapter 220 You Scared My Wife

"I sign, I am willing to sign!"

Lu Siqi understands that if she doesn't sign now, she will be reduced to a passerby, A, B, C. In the future, it will be difficult to find a job with an annual salary of 100, let alone 20 million.

100 million, just for occasional entertainment, she can accept it.

Of course she never expected that what was waiting for her next was one old man after another.

The next day, news came from Mulsanne Entertainment that the salaries of all employees in Mulsanne Entertainment had increased twenty times, and all employees held shares on behalf of the company.

Zheng Yu regretted leaving Mu Shang, and Lu Siqi also regretted leaving Mu Shang.

Only Zhou Ming is still excited to the point of flying.

Because Hua Yuanjie promised to increase investment in the next movie and go all out to create him.

"Master Hua, Duan Dao is back, and he has invited Jueminggui here." Yu Yinghong appeared in Hua Yuanjie's office and said respectfully.

The desperate ghost.

A veteran martial arts master who has killed countless people has become a wanted criminal.

The most powerful one was when one person slaughtered more than [-] people from a gang, and among the more than [-] people, there was a martial arts master and two quasi martial arts masters.

That battle made him famous as a deadly ghost.

If he makes a move, he will definitely die.

As for the word ghost, it is related to his preference for women, and he is a pervert.

This time, the reason why Jueminggui dared to take the risk to come to Guiyuan City was because Guiyuan City was just a small place and would not be taken seriously by the relevant departments; in addition, Hua Yuanjie also promised to give him adequate shelter and adequate remuneration.

"Haha, that's really great!"

Hua Yuanjie was overjoyed.

He had never dared to touch Lu Chen because Duan Dao was no match for Lu Chen. Now that he had invited Jue Minggui, he could have a tough fight with Lu Chen.

"Great. Wherever he is, I will personally greet him."

Hua Yuanjie stood up from his position, and then he thought of something and ordered Yu Yinghong: "Call Lu Siqi too."

When the deadly ghost appeared, Hua Yuanjie greeted him personally.

"Master Gui, I've had a hard time this time." Hua Yuanjie was particularly respectful.

In front of the powerful martial arts beginners, his identity is useless and he must put down his attitude.

"It's easy to talk, as long as Mr. Hua doesn't forget to promise me something."

The desperate ghost didn't look at Hua Yuanjie at all. He stared straight at Lu Siqi and licked his mouth.

"Don't worry, Lord Ghost. As long as you kill Lu Chen, I will give you one billion. In addition, I will prepare ten young beauties and ten beautiful young women for you to enjoy, Lord Ghost."

Hua Yuanjie chuckled, but found that Jueminggui's attention was not on him. He immediately laughed and said:

"Master Gui must be very tired after traveling for days, right? Siqi, you haven't arranged for Master Gui to rest yet. In addition, you must take good care of Master Gui. If he is not satisfied at all, I will kill you."

"Yes, less flowers!"

Lu Siqi felt disgusted when she saw the desperate old man's appearance and the pimples on his face, just like the pimples of leprosy.

However, she had to obey Hua Yuanjie's order.

Bringing Jue Ming Gui to the hotel, Jue Ming Gui rushed towards Lu Siqi without any hesitation. Lu Siqi screamed that the sky would not respond and the earth would not work...

Twilight falls.

Jiangting Villa was shrouded in moonlight.

Under the moonlight, there were more than thirty people standing.

These thirty or so people are the Hua family’s personal strength.

Of course, there are two distinctive figures among them.

One of the figures is that of Hua Yuanjie, and the other figure is that of Jue Minggui.

"Master Gui, are you satisfied with Lu Siqi?" Hua Yuanjie chuckled.

"Satisfied, quite satisfied. I didn't expect this woman to be so good at kung fu. When things are done, I want to take her away. Does Mr. Hua have any objections?"

"As long as Master Gui likes it, I dare not have any opinions. It is her blessing that Siqi can follow you."

Hua Yuanjie couldn't help but shudder when he thought that he saw Lu Siqi covered with injuries not long ago. This old man has special preferences!
While the two were talking, a modified car came into everyone's sight.

The modified car parked outside the villa in a leisurely manner.

Lu Chen got out of the car, and Ding Yi took Lin Qinghan out of the car.

"Master Hua, there are so many of you gathered outside my villa. What are you trying to do? Are you being thieves?" Lu Chen asked.

"Being a thief? I am here to be a robber today. If you break my leg, I will kill you today." Hua Yuanjie said in a deep voice.

Lu Chen spoke calmly and replied: "You can't take my life away. I advise you to go back and forth wherever you go. My wife is here today and I don't want to use force."

"Don't talk nonsense here. I've invited Mr. Ghost here, and today is the day you die." Hua Yuanjie pointed at Jue Ming Gui.

The desperate ghost did not listen to the content of the conversation between the two. When Lin Qinghan got out of the car, his eyes were fixed on her.

"There is such a beautiful woman in this world. This woman, I will sleep with you tonight."

As Jueminggui spoke, he strode towards Lin Qinghan.

When Lin Qinghan saw the ugly face of Jueminggui, she instinctively took a few steps back.

Lu Chen stepped forward, got stuck between the two of them, and stopped Jueminggui.

"You scared my wife. Get out of here right now. I'll spare your life, or I'll kill you tonight."

"Boy, many people have stopped me from picking up girls before, but do you know what their final result was?"

The desperate ghost stood still and said: "Every time I will beat the person who stops me half to death, and then let him watch me play with the woman he wants to protect, the way he looks like he wants to take care of me but can't do anything, how special is it?" Very enjoyable."

"Tonight I have decided to break your legs, play with your wife to death in front of you, and let her show her slutty side in front of you."

"Ding Yi, take my wife back to the villa first."

Lu Chen didn't reply to Ming Gui's words and gave instructions to Ding Yi.

Ding Yi knew that Lu Chen was angry.

Lu Chen was going on a killing spree but didn't want Lin Qinghan to know.

"Mr. Lin, let's go back first." Ding Yi said to Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan was a little afraid of Jue Ming Gui. He nodded and walked towards the villa. At the same time, he warned Lu Chen: "If you can't beat him, run to the villa. I'll ask Ding Yi to call the police."


Lu Chen didn't expect that Lin Qinghan would care about his life and death. This was the first time, and he felt a deep sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"The woman I like will never let her out of my sight."

Seeing Lin Qinghan leaving, Jueminggui stepped out.

"If you don't want to die, it's best not to move."

Lu Chen suddenly released an aura, which locked onto Jueminggui.

Jueminggui felt threatened, and his muscles were trembling.

He suddenly realized that Lu Chen was not weak, otherwise Duan Dao would not have come to ask him to take action.

If he really distracted himself from keeping a woman now, he might really capsize in the gutter.

The desperate ghost stepped back and began to look directly at Lu Chen.

"Boy, are you a beginner in martial arts?" Jueminggui asked tentatively.

Lu Chen shook his head.

"Hmph, since you are not a beginner in martial arts, and you still dare to be so arrogant in front of Master Gui, Master Gui will destroy you tonight."

Jueminggui was a little angry to be frightened by someone who had not even started martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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