My cold CEO wife

Chapter 226 Beat Zhou Ming until he begs for mercy

Chapter 226 Beat Zhou Ming until he begs for mercy
"You want to hack me, Mulshang Entertainment, anyway, so there should be no difference between me slapping you once and slapping you twice, right?"

Lu Chen did not play his cards according to common sense and looked at Zhou Ming with a grin.

"Don't come here!"

Zhou Ming was a little scared when he saw Lu Chen's sharp eyes.

Lu Chenxing walked up to Zhou Ming and slapped him again.

Zhou Ming's two teeth fell out.

"Since I've been slapped twice, I think there shouldn't be any difference if I'm slapped three times, right?"

Then, Lu Chen slapped him for the third time, and then for the fourth time...

Zhou Ming was slapped ten times and slapped on the head by Lu Chen.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting. I don't hate Mulshang Entertainment anymore. I beg you, please stop fighting."

Zhou Ming was beaten until he begged for mercy.

"Do you think your bones are cheap? When you left Mushang Entertainment, you thought my salary was low, but did you come and talk to me about your salary?"

"Hua Yuanjie gave you a high salary, but you ran away. Now that you find out that the Hua family has collapsed, are you planning to return to Mulshang Entertainment?"

"What do you think of me, Mulshang Entertainment?"

"You're a typical person who has breasts and is a mother. What am I going to do?"

Lu Chen slapped Zhou Ming several times before stopping, and at the same time he glanced at the other actors who were about to come back to join the job.

The actors lowered their heads in shame.

Lu Chen was right. In fact, they were too selfish and had no sense of recognition and belonging to the company. Otherwise, they would not run away when others made high promises.

Now that I have crossed the platform, I want to come back.

"A friendly reminder to you, if you really want to go out and attack Mulshang Entertainment, I will ruin your reputation in the industry. I, Lu Chen, will do what I say."

After beating Zhou Ming, Lu Chen reminded everyone.

"Don't dare, Mr. Lu, we don't dare."

Everyone was frightened by Lu Chen's power.


Lu Chen called out.

Everyone did not dare to face Lu Chen, the murderous figure, and fled quickly.

"Mr. Lu, you shouldn't hit Zhou Ming. He is too narrow-minded. Once he leaves, he will definitely take revenge."

When Lu Chen hit Zhou Ming just now, she was particularly relieved to see it, but she understood that Lu Chen was in trouble.

Although Zhou Ming is not a big shot, he is a star and a public figure who can stir up public opinion. The power of public opinion is very powerful.

Once public opinion attacks, Mulsanne Entertainment will collapse quickly, and even the Lin Group may be greatly affected.

"Don't worry, I don't care about little Zhou Ming." Lu Chencheng replied with his feet firmly in his chest.

"Lu Chen, Zhou Ming, I want you to die, I want Mushang Entertainment to die, I want the Lin Group to die, I want Lin Qinghan to lie naked on the bed for the sake of the Lin Group, and beg me to let Lin go. Group."

Zhou Ming left Mulshang Entertainment with a bitter look on his face.

In fact, what he wanted to sleep with most was not Liu Qian, but Lin Qinghan. Lin Qinghan was really too tempting.

Lu Chen's slap today brought out all the dark thoughts in his heart. Now he only had one idea, to use various methods to destroy Lu Chen.

"Brother Ming, don't be angry, I have a way to finish Mu Shang Entertainment."

Xia Lu comforted Zhou Ming while sending him to the hospital.

"Oh, what can you do to finish off Mulshang Entertainment?" Zhou Ming asked curiously.

His family relationship is relatively simple, and he doesn't know any awesome people. All he can think of is to use the power of public opinion to destroy Mulshang Entertainment.

It would be best if Xia Lu could help him.

"My second aunt is the nanny of the Qi family, the most wealthy family in the provincial capital. I heard her mention by chance that the Qi family plans to develop in Guiyuan City.
Moreover, the Qi family has certain thoughts about the Lin Group. If you can hand in the certificate of investment, you might be able to establish friendship with the Qi family. "Xia Lu quickly replied.

"Are you serious?" Zhou Ming's eyes lit up.

Although the Hua family is also a wealthy family in the provincial capital, compared with the Qi family, it is really far behind.

The Qi family is the most powerful family in the provincial capital, and its overall strength is much stronger than the Hua family.

If the Qi family really wanted to come to Guiyuan City to develop, killing the Lin Group would be like killing an ant.

Now he can just hack Mulshang Entertainment and the Lin Group, and the Qi family is preparing to deal with the Lin Group. He is very happy to be the Qi family's dog.

"When did I ever joke with you, Brother Ming?"

Xia Lu inadvertently reached out to Lu Chen's chest with her fingers and drew circles on his chest.

"Haha, Xia Lu, if you can really let me get in touch with the Qi family, I will let you be my girlfriend."

Zhou Ming got Xia Lu's hint and touched her thigh hard.

Xia Lu laughed angrily, then said warmly: "Then let me try it."


The Qi family had long been preparing to attack Guiyuan City, but they had never found the right time.

Guiyuan City is a battleground for many families.

Because there is a Lin Group here, and there is a big secret in the Lin Group, and this secret is related to the mountain.

The Qi family is one of the families who happened to know this secret.

They have been coveting the Lin Group.

The reason why he hasn't taken action is because he didn't get any instructions from the Qi family in Kyoto.

Once they get it, they will advance towards Guiyuan City with all their strength.

Qixian, the current head of the Qi family, is only about 50 years old.

To be able to become the head of the first family in the provincial capital at this age can be said to be young and promising.

He is not willing to become just a branch of the Qi family in Kyoto. He wants to surpass the main family, so he has his own ideas.

"Call Qi Tian in."

Qi Xian gave instructions to the nanny.

The nanny quickly called Qi Tian to the study.

"Dad, what do you want from me?"

The tiger father has no dog son, Qi Tian looks particularly energetic, his eyes are full of divine light.

"Now that Hua Mingxian and Hua Mingchen are dead, the Hua family has withdrawn from Guiyuan City. This is an opportunity for our family to unite. However, I cannot go to Guiyuan City to develop in a big way. I am going to send you there. Can you bring Lin Is the Group done?"

Qi Xian has high hopes for Qi Tian.

"Hua Mingxian and Hua Mingchen died in Guiyuan City?"

Qi Tian gasped.

If this is really the case, then Guiyuan City is too scary.

Qitian didn't take Hua Mingxian seriously, but Hua Mingchen was a powerful figure in the Golden Triangle area. He had dozens of people under his command who all had hot weapons. Such a person actually fell into trouble in Guiyuan City.


"But this matter has been investigated clearly. It was done by people from the Siheyuan."

Qi Xian nodded and said: "The two brothers Hua Mingxian went to Guiyuan City, originally planning to avenge Hua Yuanjie, but they accidentally met people from the Sihe Society, and the two sides clashed in the Grand Canyon. In the end, the people from the courtyard destroyed the Hua family."

"Dad, you can't, right? A small gang in Guiyuan City can threaten Hua Mingchen?" Qi Tian didn't believe it.

Qi Xian replied: "Because Hua Mingchen was ambushed, otherwise how could the Sihehui be the opponent of Hua Mingchen and his men?"

"This makes me feel more at ease!" Qi Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

If there were forces in Guiyuan City that could kill Hua Mingchen head-on, he would be in trouble after passing there.

Because now he was heading to Guiyuan City without telling the Qi family in Kyoto, he was unable to mobilize the Qi family's energy on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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