Chapter 232 Ten million to fifty thousand
Everyone respected He Shu instantly.

Isn't it true for a person like him to quit his job as a reporter because of a mistake?
Zhou Ming sat slumped on the ground again.

He never imagined that He Ming would not let him speak.

"Everyone, now you have seen that the whole thing was done by Zhou Ming and has nothing to do with our Mulshang Entertainment or our Lin Group."

Finally, Lu Chen made an invisible advertisement for Mulshang Entertainment and Lin Group.

"Mushang Entertainment and even Lin Group are very tolerant companies. Our company is willing to give young people, especially newcomers, a platform to realize themselves. As long as employees have a sense of recognition for the group and are willing to fight and work hard, The platform will definitely not let down its employees.”

There was warm applause from the reporters below. Everyone was somewhat interested in the Lin Group and interviewed Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan naturally did not want to miss this opportunity to increase the company's reputation for free, and began to tell everyone about the corporate culture of the Lin Group.

Tolerance, hard work, cooperation and win-win.

This is the core culture of Lin's enterprise.

Every employee on the platform is a partner, not an employee. As long as you have the ability in this company, the company will give you enough support to allow you to realize yourself.

Lin Qinghan finished his speech and received fierce applause.

The reporters left.

Lin Qinghan called Lu Chen to her temporary office at Mulshang Entertainment.

"Did you plan all this today?" Lin Qinghan asked.

Lu Chen smiled and replied: "Honey, how can I be so capable? I am on the side of truth. Isn't there a saying that those who have gained the truth will get more help?"

"Look at the video. It was our Mulshang Entertainment who installed the camera. Look at He Shu. He felt that he was sorry for the journalist profession and took the initiative to apologize."

Lu Chen knew that Lin Qinghan was very strong. In this case, he was unwilling to show his strong side in front of Lin Qinghan.

He is willing to be the little man behind Lin Qinghan's successful woman, and he is willing to hide his edge in front of Lin Qinghan.


Lin Qinghan obviously didn't believe it, but he felt that Lu Chen's words made some sense.

With a camera, the video thing can be solved.

It makes sense that He Shu felt sorry for the journalist profession and came out to testify.

"That's true!"

Lu Chen nodded.

Only then did Lin Qinghan let Lu Chen go and said, "Go and call Liu Qian in. I'll talk to her about something. By the way, after grandma's birthday in two days, we have to go to the provincial capital two days in advance. Look at the purchase. What gift is suitable? Once we have chosen the gift, we will set off early tomorrow morning.”


Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Lin Qinghan is willing to take him to see his grandmother, and it seems that he is beginning to accept him in his heart, which is a good sign.

After answering, Lu Chen left the office and called Liu Qian to Lin Qinghan, who then went to his office at Mulshang Entertainment.

He Shu had been waiting in the office for a long time.

He rubbed his hands and said, "Mr. Lu, are you satisfied with how I handled this matter?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied. As a reporter, my writing skills are really incomparable to us roughnecks. Your last speech was the finishing touch." Lu Chen said with a smile.

After hearing his words, Zhou Ming smiled even happier.

"Mr. Lu, look at the 5000 million promise you gave me."

These entertainment reporters will soon publish the contents of the apology meeting this afternoon. Once Qi Tian knows that he has rebelled, he will definitely be killed.

Therefore, now he can only be safe if he takes the money and runs abroad.

"Wait, I'll have someone send you money right away."

Lu Chen nodded and called Ya Fei.

"Mr. Lu, I'm going abroad soon. If you send me cash, how can I take it with you? Why don't you transfer it to me directly?"

Zhou Mingpai said with a smile.

5000 million in cash, that would probably be as much as half a truck, right?
How could he take it away? It would be more practical to transfer money.

"Don't worry, you can take it with you."

Lu Chen showed an inexplicable smile.

Seeing that Lu Chen was unwilling to transfer money, Zhou Ming endured it.

Even if cash is given later, he will deposit the money in the bank as quickly as possible.

dong dong dong.

While he was thinking, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

Lu Chen gave an order.

Yafei pushed open the door and entered with 5 yuan in cash in her hand.

"Sir, here's the cash you want."

Yafei put the cash on the desk.

Lu Chen nodded and gestured to He Shu.

"Here, here is your money."

He Shu saw the five wads of money and was dumbfounded.

"Mr. Lu, are you kidding me? We are talking about 5000 million yuan, not 5 yuan." He Shu reminded.

Lu Chen nodded and said seriously: "We are indeed talking about 5000 million, but the 5000 million I am talking about is Zimbabwean currency. The exchange ratio between this currency and our country's currency is exactly one to one thousand. After conversion, it is not Exactly 5 yuan."

He Shu vomited blood...

He suddenly remembered that Lu Chen really didn't mention the currency to him. He only said to give him 5000 million. Now even if it is 5000 million Zimbabwe dollars, there is nothing wrong with it.

He Shu understood that he had been tricked by Lu Chen.

"Mr. Lu, do you dare to trick me? I remember you, and I will let you...let you..."

He Shu gritted his teeth and said.

He only has a few 10 yuan on him now. If he goes abroad, a few 10 yuan will be the same as a pauper.

I originally wanted to use the 5000 million to live a noble life abroad, but now it seems that this idea is a bit unrealistic.

He was only halfway through his threatening words when he thought of the scene that night when Lu Chen smashed the tree with one punch, and he swallowed his words hard.

"He Shu, do you really think it's so easy to get money? You have followed Qi Tian over the years and done a lot of things against your will, right? You said at the apology meeting today that you were sorry for the journalist industry. You have already been sorry for this industry."

"You follow Qi Tian to deal with me. If you follow my previous personality, I will shoot you to death. I am willing to let you go, which is already a kindness to you."

"By the way, I would like to remind you that Qi Tian has a fickle personality. This time you betrayed him. He doesn't know what method he will use to deal with you. If you want to survive, run away quickly."

The reason why Lu Chen knew He Shu and Qi Tian so well was because of the information collected by Ya Fei. Ya Fei had collected the information about the two very completely.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, He Shu realized that he had betrayed Qi Tian.

Thinking of Qi Tian's character that changed faster than the weather, He Shu shuddered. He quickly took the money on Lu Chen's table, turned around and left quickly.

"Sir, is this guy really so cheap? He almost ruined your reputation."

Ya Fei was a little unhappy and didn't want Lu Chen to be wronged.

She felt that Lu Chen was just too kind.

"Don't worry, I let him go, and Qi Tian won't let him go either. He can't leave Guiyuan City."

Lu Chen replied definitely.

(End of this chapter)

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