My cold CEO wife

Chapter 501 Zhao Qing’s confidence

Chapter 501 Zhao Qing’s confidence

The person who did it was called Du Tian, ​​the boss of Dumen.

His strength is quite impressive and he is a top-notch warrior. He has always been very unconvinced by Zhao Qing.

However, because Zhao Qing entered the market too early and had too many people under his command, he almost monopolized the entire Guiyuan City market. Since he entered the market late, he could only operate in some marginal areas.

His power is not as huge as Zhao Qing's, there is a huge difference.

If it weren't for the fact that he was not as powerful as Zhao Qing, he would have started fighting with Zhao Qing long ago.

The reason he was afraid of Zhao Qing was because he was afraid of being betrayed by people from Zhao Qing's Sihe Society, not because he was afraid of Zhao Qing himself.

Now he wants to challenge Zhao Qing. If he wins this challenge, he will become famous immediately.

Du Tian walked out of the crowd, holding the machete in his hand, and danced in the air a few times, the knife flashing.

"it is good!"

Everyone couldn't help but clap their hands when they saw Du Tian's superb skill with the knife.

Tiger King Kong also had some admiration in his eyes.

The three major Tiangangs under him are not as powerful as Du Tian. This Du Tian is really a talent.

After he left Guiyuan City, he was thinking about whether Guiyuan City should be controlled by the person in front of him.

Hearing everyone's cheers, Du Tian became even more proud, and then rushed towards Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing stood there without moving, letting Du Tian attack him.

If it was a month ago, Zhao Qing would have taken Du Tian seriously when faced with such strength, but now he doesn't need to take him seriously at all.

Now he is already a strong beginner in martial arts, so he is fundamentally different from ordinary first-rate warriors.

No matter how powerful Du Tian is, as long as he has not broken through to the entry level of martial arts, he will definitely not be Zhao Qing's opponent.

"That's it?"

Seeing Du Tian attacking him with a machete, Zhao Qing had a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand, then stretched out his palm, and grabbed Du Tian's machete.

"Is Zhao Qing crazy? He actually grabbed Du Tian's knife with his hand."

"Yes, who does he think he is, a strong beginner in martial arts?"

"Maybe he knew he was going to die today, so he was going to show off, but he could only pretend to be dead."


Those members of the organization or gang had incredible looks in their eyes when they saw Zhao Qing grabbing Du Tian's severed head with his bare hands.

Du Tian's eyes turned cold, and the strength in his hand became a little heavier.

Zhao Qing despised him so much, he was courting death.

However, just as Du Tian's machete struck Zhao Qing's head, Zhao Qing's right hand grabbed the machete that Du Tian had struck out.


Everyone was shocked.

After catching it, Zhao Qing actually stopped Du Tian's machete.

What kind of strength is this?

"Impossible, are already a strong master of martial arts?" Du Tian lost his voice, unable to accept this fact.

He has dealt with Zhao Qing. According to Zhao Qing's talent, even if it takes another ten years, it is impossible for him to break through to the level of entry into martial arts.

Why did Zhao Qing break through now?
Of course, he didn't know that this was Lu Chen's credit.


The pupils of Tiger King Kong in the distance shrank slightly.

Even he didn't expect that Zhao Qing was so powerful. Ordinarily, in a small city like Guiyuan City, there would be no masters who were beginners in martial arts.

Now Zhao Qing has reached such a state.

He licked his lips and had other thoughts in mind.

After Zhao Qing grabbed Du Tian's machete, he used a slight force to drag the machete back towards him. With this drag, the machete was immediately changed hands and appeared in Zhao Qing's hand.

Zhao Qing slashed with his backhand and hit Du Tian's shoulder with the machete. Du Tian's left hand was broken at the shoulder level.

Then, Zhao Qing slapped his palm hard, and Du Tian flew backwards without any ability to fight back.

There is a huge difference in strength between the two, and Du Tian is no match for Zhao Qing.

After repelling Du Tian, ​​Zhao Qing glanced at the people present and asked: "Come on, who else wants to challenge me, or do you all want to come together?"

People from other organizations or forces want to become famous and establish their prestige in one battle, so why not Zhao Qing?

Zhao Qing also needs to establish his own prestige.

Because now his influence has been built very strong, and he is operating in compliance with regulations. Many people are working as security guards. He has no chance to show his strength at all, and today is the time to show his strength.

"Zhao Qing!"

Tiger King Kong spoke, and he said loudly: "Your strength is very good, and I am very optimistic about you. In this way, as long as you are willing to be loyal to me, I will give you the position of my deputy. You should know the weight of this position."

For a person like Zhao Qing, it is not a loss to give him such a position.

Although he is a Vajra in the Donghua Society, he does not have anyone who can do anything under his command, so his position is extremely awkward.

He was eager for a powerful martial arts beginner like Zhao Qing.

Therefore, Hujin would offer such excellent conditions just now.

Everyone looked very envious when they heard that Tiger King Kong actually asked Zhao Qing to be his deputy.

Being Tiger King Kong's deputy, who wouldn't want this position?

But when everyone thought about Zhao Qing's strength, they felt that it was natural to get such a position.

"Tiger King Kong, stop talking nonsense and come here. As long as I am in Guiyuan City, I will not allow you to interfere in Guiyuan City's affairs." Zhao Qing said to Tiger King Kong in a deep voice.

This was his confidence, and it was Lu Chen's confidence that pushed his strength beyond his introduction to martial arts.

"It seems that you are looking for death. Do you really think that since you have reached the level of martial arts entry, you will not take the people of the world seriously? I, Shen Hu, will tell you how stupid your idea is."

Shen Hu, the real name of Tiger King Kong, walked out of the crowd with a gloomy expression.

If he can't even deal with Zhao Qing today, how can he gain a foothold among the brothers in the future?
Shen Hu stepped out of the queue and pinched his knuckles. There was a cracking sound from his knuckles. He moved his muscles again, and there was a crackling sound coming from his body.

Everyone was excited to see it.

Shen Hu is going to take matters into his own hands.

Rumor has it that every king kong of the East China Association is stronger than the beginning of martial arts. This is the most basic condition for becoming a king kong of the East China Association.

Moreover, Shen Hu should be a veteran martial artist, and his strength should be much stronger than Zhao Qing's.

"Hmph, it is rumored that every Vajra member of the Donghua Society is a strong person above the entry level of martial arts. Shen Hu, let me see your strength today. I want to see what great things Donghua can do."

Zhao Qing's words seemed like big words, but after he broke through to the entry level of martial arts, his excellent physical strength gave him the confidence to talk big words.

When he saw that Shen Hu was not using a knife, he threw aside the machete he had just snatched from Du Tian's hand. Then he looked at Shen Hu provocatively and raised his fingers at him.

"court death!"

Shen Hu was angered by Zhao Qing's behavior. He roared, rose into the air, and attacked Zhao Qing like a roc spreading its wings.

(End of this chapter)

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