My cold CEO wife

Chapter 504 Don’t insult me ​​with money

Chapter 504 Don’t insult me ​​with money
"Brother Cheng, why did you arrive just now? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

When Cheng Jin showed up at the Xingyun Hotel, Yuan Jun quickly passed by. The flesh on his body was trembling. It was very scary that his flesh would fall off immediately.

Yuan Jun is a fat man.

"I've been waiting for a long time." As Cheng Jin walked into the hotel, he began to look around, often his eyes stayed on the beauties coming and going and even the waiters.

Now even if he was just passing by, he couldn't help but take a second look around him.


When he walked a certain distance, he pointed to one of the passing girls and whispered to Yuan Jun: "That girl is really beautiful."

Yuan Jun understands Cheng Jin's temper all too well.

Now that Cheng Jin said this, it actually meant that he was playing with that girl.

"Hey, Mr. Cheng, I understand, I understand, how about I arrange this matter?"

"Haha, brother Yuan, you are serious." Cheng Jin laughed.

Yuan Jun laughed, and then he secretly looked at the girl Cheng Jin had taken a liking to from a distance, and then sent Cheng Jin to the hotel room.

Then, Yuan Jun reappeared outside the hotel.

He originally thought that the girl Cheng Jin was interested in would disappear, but he didn't expect what she was doing at the bar. Yuan Jun was happy and walked over.

"Beauty, if it's inconvenient, let's take a moment to talk."

Yuan Jun said to the girl.

"Sir, are you okay?"

The girl's voice was particularly gentle, and she said at the same time: "Besides, I have a name, my name is Xiao Ting."

Yes, this girl is Xiao Ting.

"Take a step to speak."

Yuan Jun motioned for Xiao Ting to sit on the sofa next to her. Yuan Jun was not polite and sat on the sofa next to her.

At this time, Yuan Jun whispered: "Beauty, I need your help. As long as you help me complete the task, I can give you a house with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters in Qingtian City. What do you think?"

"What do you want me to do?"

When Xiao Ting heard that Yuan Jun was going to give her a house, she felt that her brain was being shocked. She felt that this matter must not be a simple matter - so she did not agree immediately.

"It's like this. I am Yuan Jun, the son of Yuan Qingtian, the richest man in our city. This is my ID card, so you don't have to worry about whether I can give you a house." In order to gain Xiao Ting's trust, Yuan Jun gave his ID card All taken out.

"Mr. Yuan, please tell me what help you want from me."

The more this happened, the more Xiao Ting felt that this matter was not easy to handle, and she did not dare to agree easily.

"I have a buddy who is the son of a wealthy family in the provincial capital. He has fallen in love with you. As long as you are willing to stay with him for one night, I will give you a house. Of course, if you can make him like you tonight, you will be very happy in the future. The possibility of becoming a king from now on is far from a problem that can be solved by just one house. This is your opportunity, you have to seize it." Yuan Jun said to Xiao Ting.

Xiao Ting's face changed slightly when she heard Yuan Jun's words. Then she stood up and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yuan, you have the wrong person."

She knew it was not a good thing, this guy actually wanted to sell himself.

Although she doesn't make much money, she makes a lot of money. She doesn't do things like trading her body for wealth. It's better to make money in a down-to-earth manner.


Hearing Xiao Ting's words, Yuan Jun was obviously stunned. He never thought that Xiao Ting would refuse.

Even in the worst case scenario, Xiao Ting can still get a house. What reason does she have to refuse?

Isn't a woman's biggest bargaining chip her own body?

Xiao Ting should be very willing to trade her body for wealth. The women around him are willing to trade their bodies for him to trade for wealth, so there is no shortage of women around him.

"Why, do you think there is a lack of a house? Then, how about I give you a luxury car worth 100 million yuan, so that you can become a family with a house and a car?"

Yuan Jun felt that Xiao Ting was bargaining with him, so he offered a higher bargaining chip.

"Mr. Yuan, I hope you will pay attention to your words. You can't do anything without money, but money is not everything. I hope you won't use money to insult me." Xiao Ting said coldly, feeling a little disgusted with Yuan Jun.

These second-generation rich people are self-righteous when they have money, thinking that they can do anything with money, but she doesn't do this. She makes money, earns steadily, and earns with peace of mind.

"Haha, beauty, are you insulting me?"

Seeing that Xiao Ting was unwilling to cooperate, Yuan Jun said in a cold voice: "Do you know how many people begged Ben Shao to insult me, but Ben Shao didn't want to insult me? It's your blessing that my friend can see you. You are so special." Why don't you shame your face."

"Do you believe that I will force you to my friend tonight, and then he will sleep with you and you will get nothing. Why don't you dare to report the crime?"

"As long as you report the crime, if something happens to me, something will happen to your whole family. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your whole family, right?"

Xiao Ting was so frightened by Yuan Jun's words that her pretty face turned pale.

She knew that these rich people had great backgrounds. Yuan Jun was right. Even if he did something to her tonight, she would not dare to report it.

Because if Yuan Jun is brought to justice, then the Yuan family will definitely not give up. How can his family be able to fight against such a family?

It is his family who suffers.

"Mr. Yuan, I beg you to let me go. I'm just an ordinary girl. Why are you trying to get in trouble with me?" Xiao Ting had a pleading look in her eyes, and her voice was much softer when she spoke.

Yuan Jun smirked and said, "Hehe, ordinary girl, I find that you are not ordinary? As long as you agree to my request tonight, then you will fly to a high branch and become a phoenix from now on. You don't have to work hard for the rest of your life." Yes, what a good thing this is.”

"Mr. Yuan, I can't promise you. Your request is too harsh."

After saying that, Xiao Ting turned around and ran away.

Now she suddenly remembered that Yuan Jun didn't know her name, as long as she left the other party's sight range, the other party would not be able to find her in the future, let alone trouble her parents.

So, all she has to do now is run away.

Yuan Junman thought that Xiao Ting would agree to him, and never thought that she would run away, so he didn't react at all when she ran away.

By the time she reacted, Xiao Ting had already run away.

"Hmph, stinky woman, do you think you can run away? As long as you are still in this hotel, you can't run away. I'm afraid you don't know who runs this hotel, right?" Yuan Jun saw Xiao Ting walking away. The figure couldn't help but sneered.

For Xiao Ting, he is determined to win.

"Come on!"

Yuan Jun immediately called the service staff here.

"Young Master, what orders do you have?"

The service staff asked, being very respectful to his young master.

(End of this chapter)

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