My cold CEO wife

Chapter 506 You are nothing in front of me

Chapter 506 You are nothing in front of me
When Xiao Ting saw the security guard rushing toward her, a look of despair appeared on her face again.

She agreed and followed Yuan Jun. Why did she end up like this?

Is it just because Lu Chen hit Yuan Jun?

However, the way Lu Chen beat Yuan Jun was really handsome and it was really easy to relieve people's anger.

She doesn't blame Lu Chen for this matter.

The only strange thing is that she was born in an ordinary family, with no background or influence, otherwise no one would dare to cause trouble for her.

Bang bang bang!
However, just when she was desperate, the sounds of fists and flesh kept ringing around her. She looked up and opened her mouth in disbelief.

Because she found that all the security guards at the scene fell to the ground. Only Yuan Jun next to her was stunned at the scene in front of her.

As for Lu Chen, his hands were still in his trouser pockets.

What happened when I lost my mind just now?
"You want to beat me?"

Lu Chen approached Yuan Jun.

"Don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll call you."

Yuan Jun said to Lu Chen.

As he spoke, he backed away, only to take a few steps back, and he immediately retreated to the wall.

Lu Chen came to Yuan Jun's side and grabbed the other man's neck.

Yuan Jun only felt that his breathing was heavy and his face turned red.

"Let me tell you, you are nothing in front of me. If you try to take advantage of my friends, I can kill you at any time."

After saying that, Lu Chen slapped him again with his backhand.

Both sides of Yuan Jun's face were beaten to pieces, which was considered symmetrical.

Then Lu Chen threw Yuan Jun on the ground like a dead dog, then he looked at Xiao Ting and ordered: "Come to my room."


Xiao Ting felt her face was a little hot.

Lu Chen was too domineering just now, but the feeling of domineering shocked her heart. She found that she really liked this kind of manly man.

He took the initiative to invite her to his room. Could it be that he had some intention towards her?
"Lu...Mr. Lu, why don't we leave this hotel? This hotel belongs to the Yuan family. The person you beat up is the owner's young master. The person who wants the hotel will find out that he was beaten next door to us. room, we will be in a lot of trouble then." Xiao Ting said to Lu Chen.

Although Lu Chen has some strength, Lu Chen is a foreigner after all, and the person she has to fight is the richest man, so she is very worried about the safety of the two of them.

"It's okay. As long as I'm here, no one dares to do anything to you." Lu Chen said confidently.

"I beg you, can we leave?"

It's not that Xiao Ting doesn't believe in Lu Chen's strength. He believes that if the Yuan family sends dozens more people, Lu Chen can handle it.

However, the number of people that the Yuan family can send out is not just a few dozen, there are many more people that the Yuan family can send out.

"Okay, let's change places."

Lu Chen saw Xiao Ting pleading and knew that she would not sleep well even if she slept in her room tonight, so he finally had no choice but to agree.

The two found another ordinary hotel to stay at.

"Brother Yuan, who hurt you like this?"

Cheng Jin saw that Yuan Jun had not brought Xiao Ting to him for a long time, so he took the initiative to look for Yuan Jun. However, he found that both sides of Yuan Jun's face had been beaten to pieces, and he couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Brother Cheng, it's not easy for me to do it for you. You don't know that that woman has a friend who is particularly good at beating. Look, my security guard was knocked down by him, and even I was beaten. You You have to make the decision for me."

He still somewhat admires Cheng Jin. After all, Cheng Jin knows kung fu, and his kung fu is not weak. He is already considered a first-class warrior.

Now he hopes Cheng Jin will make the decision for him.

"Haha, I will naturally make the decision for you in this matter. Wherever that kid is, I will go find him and cause trouble for him."

Cheng Jin agreed immediately.

The woman he fell in love with, no one could take her away.

Tonight he was going to trouble Lu Chen, firstly to get that woman back, and secondly to help Yuan Jun deal with Lu Chen.

"It's next door."

Yuan Jun still didn't know that Lu Chen had left the Nebula Hotel. He told Cheng Jin, and then he asked the waiter to get the master card to open the door of Lu Chen's room. He found that there was no one in the room. Someone had already gone upstairs. empty.

"Hmph, it seems this kid is still afraid of me."

Seeing that there was no one here, Yuan Jun became even more proud, and then he began to send people out to find Lu Chen's whereabouts.

In Qingtian City, it is not difficult for him to find someone.

It only took him half an hour to find out where Lu Chen's corner was.

Welcome to the Grand Hotel.

"Brother Cheng, we found it, welcome to the Grand Hotel."

Yuan Jun said something to Cheng Jin, and then he called a group of his lackeys and took Cheng Jin straight to the Xiying Hotel.

Yuan Jun even found out the room number where Lu Chen stayed.

Lu Chen rented a suite.

"Brother Cheng, it seems that there are going to be sparks between this boy and this woman tonight. If you don't do something tonight, this woman might become that boy's woman."

Yuan Jun laughed jokingly.

At the beginning, the two of them had separate rooms at the Xingyun Hotel, indicating that the two were just friends.

But now the two of them are opening a large erotic suite, which means that the two of them are going to have a relationship.

It must be Lu Chen's heroic act of saving the beauty just now, which made Xiao Ting have a good impression of Lu Chen and prepare to commit herself to him.

He was going to ruin this good thing tonight, and it was exciting to think about it.

Of course, he didn't know that the reason why Lu Chen was with Xiao Ting was because Xiao Ting was already worried about living in a separate room, and she proposed to live with Lu Chen.

This large love suite is actually as standard as a home, with two rooms and a living room, and two people sleeping in one room. The real situation is not what Yuan Jun imagined at all.

"Hey, they live together. That's really great. You don't know that sleeping with his woman in front of other men is the most exciting thing." Cheng Jin couldn't help but lick his lips.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived outside Lu Chen's suite.

Yuan Jun held a treated gauze head on his head, and then motioned to the dogleg next to him.

The dog-legged man understood and kicked the door of Lu Chen's room.


Lu Chen's door burst into pieces, and then everyone filed in.


Xiao Ting was watching TV in the living room. When these strangers rushed in, she screamed instantly.

Then, she found that the person who rushed in was somewhat familiar, and then asked uncertainly: "You...are you Yuan Jun?"

Yuan Jun now has gauze on his head, so she is not sure.

"Hmph, you seem to have good eyesight, you actually recognized me."

Yuan Jun snorted coldly and said, "Where is your friend? Call him out to me."

"He...he's taking a shower."

Xiao Ting whispered, a little scared at the same time.

Now that Yuan Jun is here again, he must be prepared. I am afraid that he and his friends will be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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