My cold CEO wife

Chapter 517 Not Enough

Chapter 517 Not Enough
Yuan Qingtian was stunned. At his happiest moment, he was captured by Yan Jun's people.

"Did you arrest the wrong person? I am Yuan Qingtian, and you are helping me arrest people. Also, who is Mr. Lu?"

Yuan Qingtian felt that Zhao Wen must have arrested the wrong person.

"The wrong person was arrested, and it was you who was arrested. You asked who Master Lu is, and you want to deal with Mr. Lu Chen, don't you know who Master Lu is?" Zhao Wen slapped Yuan Qingtian again with a cold face.

Zhao Wen looked frightened when he thought of Lu Chen's strength.

After all, Lu Chen's strength completely exceeded his imagination and knowledge.

Yuan Qingtian almost killed them.

While talking, Zhao Wen simply took Yuan Jun with him, holding one in each hand, and then walked outside.

Yuan Qingtian was naturally not willing to let Zhao Wen take him away like this. He quickly called for help, but before he could scream, Zhao Wen kicked him in the chest. He fainted from the severe pain. Dead in the past.

Yuan Jun next to him wanted to scream, but after seeing his father's miserable condition, he wisely kept his mouth shut.

Soon after, Zhao Wen brought Yuan Qingtian and his son to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen presided over the scene, Qi Shu, Zhang Yue, Zuo An, and Yan Jun's gang were still here, and they didn't leave at all.

Although Qishu and others had just known that Yan Jun's men had gone to arrest Yuan Qingtian, when Zhao Wen brought Yuan Qingtian to them, they still received a heavy blow.

After all, Yuan Qingtian is the richest man in Qingtian City. If they want to reach the level of wealth like Yuan Qingtian, they will never be able to achieve it. Even before Lu Chen came to Qingtian City, the three of them were still thinking about how to be better in Yuan Qingtian's hands. of surviving.

In just a few days, Yuan Qingtian was caught by Lu Chen in front of them, like a dead dog.

Qi Shu and Zuo An looked at Zhang Yue. They were very grateful for Zhang Yue's wise decision at the beginning. If Zhang Yue hadn't chased Zhang Liang out to cooperate with Cheng Jin when he heard the name Cheng Jin, maybe they would also become The person Lu Chen dealt with.

But now that they have become partners with Lu Chen, they will be absolutely stable in Qingtian City from now on.

"Master Yan, I brought him here."

After Zhao Wen came back, he threw Yuan Qingtian and Yuan Jun in front of Yan Jun and said.

"What do you call me in front of Master Lu? Call me Brother Yan."

Yan Jun frowned slightly and ordered Zhao Wen, who quickly changed his words.

Yan Jun looked at Lu Chen beside him, smiled at his brother and said, "Master Lu, I have brought you here. Now you have to deal with the father and son. I am willing to do it for you. Even if you want to kill them, I can still do it." You bear no responsibility."

When he said he wanted Yuan Qingtian's life, Yan Jun's tone was very relaxed, but Qi Shu and others next to him felt frightened.

If Lu Chen treated them like this, they would probably die miserably. They swore that they would be Lu Chen's little brothers in the future and hugged this thigh tightly.

"Wake him up first."

Lu Chen gave Yan Jun an order.

Yan Jun didn't dare to stand up, so he took the initiative to bring a bottle of mineral water and poured the water on Yuan Qingtian's face.

Yuan Qingtian woke up immediately, saw Yan Jun at the first sight, and then he roared: "Yan Jun, you are really not a thing, you took my money, and even helped Lu Chen deal with me, is it him?" Gave you more money? You white-eyed wolf who can't support a family."

"Quickly release me, I am willing to give you more money."

"I only have one request, and that is that you have to catch Lu Chen in front of me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that Yan Jun looked at him strangely.

Indifference, pity?

This shouldn't be this look. Shouldn't Yan Jun be happy and excited now that he heard that he gave him more money?

With this doubt, he looked at the other people around him, and everyone had pity in their eyes.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.


When he arrived here, Yan Jun slapped Yuan Qingtian on the face and said: "Yuan Qingtian, speak to me properly in front of Mr. Lu. In addition, Mr. Lu is not something that can be solved with money. You have to do it again." If you dare to say anything against Mr. Lu, I will pick off your head and kick it as a ball on the spot."

Yan Jun's words were not scary. There was a trace of anger in his eyes, which made Yuan Qingtian feel the boundless murderous intention.

Yuan Qingtian immediately begged for mercy: "Master Yan, I beg you to let me go, I am willing to give you money, any amount will do."

Yan Jun is a murderous demon who never blinks an eye. Once he decides to kill him, he really dares to kill him.

"Give me money? Beg me? The person you are asking for is not me. I can't make the decision here." Yan Jun spoke calmly, his voice cold.

Only then did Yuan Qingtian realize that this was not a place where he could make the decision, so he looked at Lu Chen next to him.

Obviously, Lu Chen is the Master Lu that Yan Jun talked about.

He didn't know what method Lu Chen used to make Yan Jun feel scared, but since Lu Chen had such a background, he couldn't afford to offend him.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lu Chen and begged: "Mr. Lu, I beg you to let me go. I will agree to whatever conditions you want."

"Kneel down and talk."

Lu Chen sat there, making a cold sound.

After all, Yuan Qingtian is the richest man in the city, and he is also older than Lu Chen. Now it is really difficult for him to kneel down.

"Master Lu, please kneel down."

When he was in a dilemma whether to kneel or not, Zhao Wen came to Yuan Qingtian's side and kicked Yuan Qingtian in the crook of his leg. Yuan Qingtian immediately knelt down uncontrollably.

"Yuan Qingtian, you tried to kill me three times and twice, what do you think I should do to you?" Lu Chen said calmly.

After Lu Chen came to Earth, he saw Lin Qinghan and was satisfied, so his desire to kill evil became much lighter. If he had followed his previous personality, he would have killed Yuan Qingtian long ago.

But this Yuan Qingtian has repeatedly troubled him twice, and he is really murderous towards Yuan Qingtian today.

"Lu... Master Lu, I am willing to give you all my Yuan family's property. I hope you can spare my life."

Yuan Qingtian felt that Lu Chen was not just talking, but that the other party really dared to kill him.

Now he just hopes that he can save his life by giving up his property.

He still has a lot of money in overseas accounts. With this money, he will have a chance to make a comeback if he changes places.

"not enough."

Lu Chen shook his head.

"Master Lu, I have given you all my property, what else do you want?" Yuan Qingtian begged.

"Give me all the group property and personal property. I will spare the lives of you and your son. Otherwise, I will keep you two here today."

Lu Chen said calmly.

Yuan Qingtian didn't expect Lu Chen's appetite to be so big, but he had a feeling that if he didn't agree today, he would probably die miserably, and he might never see the sun in this world.

Thinking of this, he said: "I...I am willing to give you all my wealth."

(End of this chapter)

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