My cold CEO wife

Chapter 519 Extortion

Chapter 519 Extortion
"Wife, who made you angry?" Lu Chen hurried back to the Lin Group, saw the chill on Lin Qinghan's face, and asked.

During this period, the Lin Group continued to grow, and good news continued to come from all walks of life. Lin Qinghan should be happy.

He didn't understand.

"Humph, who is it? It's your group of unqualified subordinates. Although the residents of the community are at fault in this matter, your security guards shouldn't beat people. Now Jianghua Community is very dissatisfied with our properties. You yourself Go and deal with this matter, if you can't handle it well, don't come to see me."

Lin Qinghan said coldly to Lu Chen.

"Okay, leave this matter to me." Lu Chen agreed immediately.

After saying that, he left immediately.

Not long after, he showed up at the headquarters of the Quad.

Zhao Qing came to Lu Chen tremblingly. He had already guessed what Lu Chen wanted to talk to him about. It was indeed his failure to do this.

He didn't expect that the younger brother still committed a crime by emphasizing the issue of discipline so much.

"Master Lu, I'm sorry that I caused you trouble."

Zhao Qing came to Lu Chen and bowed at a standard ninety degrees.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you. Just call that little brother in."


Zhao Qing agreed and at the same time sweated for the little brother. This little brother was afraid that he was going to be unlucky.

In their eyes, Lu Chen is the devil who kills without blinking an eye.

He often kills his enemies until they have mountains of corpses.

Everyone also knew that Lin Qinghan was his rival. This younger brother made Lin Qinghan very angry, and the consequences would definitely be disastrous.

They didn't even dare to plead for the younger brother in front of Lu Chen, because if they did, they were worried that they would be implicated.

Zhao Qing retreated and quickly brought the young man in.

When the younger brother came in front of Lu Chen, he was so frightened that he knelt down.

"Master Lu, I'm sorry. This matter is my fault. I am willing to die to apologize. I hope you will not harm my family."

He had experienced Lu Chen's killing scene. In his eyes, Lu Chen was a killing machine.

Lu Chen asked calmly: "What's your name?"

"Liu Qiang!"

The younger brother replied in a low voice, very afraid of what Lu Chen would do to him.

This fear of the unknown is the scariest thing.

However, just when he thought Lu Chen would announce his death sentence, Lu Chen said calmly: "Haha, Liu Qiang, right? You did a pretty good job on this matter. Since there are people who don't cooperate with your property management tasks, then... It’s time to hit.”


Liu Qiang didn't react. Is Mr. Lu praising him?
Even Zhao Qing next to him was in a daze. When did Lu Chen become so easy to talk to?Have you converted to Buddhism now?
"Zhao Qing, send a commendation notice in the security company group and give Liu Qiang a reward of 2 yuan. In addition, please give me the address of the family and I will go there myself."

Lu Chen understood that to solve this problem from the source, it had to start at the resident's home.

"Yes, Master Lu."

Originally, Liu Qiang was not at fault for this matter. If he followed the rules of the Sihe Club in the past, Liu Qiang should indeed be praised.

Some residents are unruly people and deserve to be beaten.

These residents use moral kidnapping to bite their property companies for not doing well. This is the real moral problem.

Jianghua Community.

This is an old community. Due to the poor management of the previous property company, the entire community was dirty and messy, and the property company was in a state of loss.

Now Lin Qinghan has taken over the property of this community, but it will cost a lot of money to solve the problems of the previous property.

Therefore, the money needs to be paid by the residents.

Naturally, many residents were unwilling to cooperate. The household that had a conflict with Liu Qiang was the one least willing to cooperate.

The head of the household is called Li Gaohan, a little old man, and the householder's son is called Li Xiaoqi. He is almost 40 years old and is still single. He is usually unkempt and likes gambling.

When Liu Qiang asked him to collect the property fee that day, Li Xiaoqi first verbally abused Liu Qiang, and later spit on Liu Qiang, provoking Liu Qiang and saying that Liu Qiang did not dare to do anything.

Liu Qiang couldn't hold back and took action.

Later, Li Xiaoqi asked Liu Qiang for [-] yuan in compensation. If he didn't give it, he would report the matter to the community, making it difficult for their property management company to carry out work in the future.

Naturally, Liu Qiang cannot compensate. He has been humiliated. If he doesn't take action, he will no longer be a man.

Therefore, the fault of this matter really does not lie with Liu Qiang.

After Lu Chen arrived at Jianghua Community, he went straight to Li Xiaoqi's home.

Boom boom boom!
He knocked on Li Xiaoqi's door.

Soon after, a middle-aged man came to open the door. This middle-aged man was Li Xiaoqi.

Holding the toothpick, he glanced at Lu Chen and asked, "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

"My name is Lu Chen. I am the owner of the community property management company. I came to you to resolve the matter between you and our employees." Lu Chen said calmly.

Li Xiaoqi didn't take Lu Chen seriously at first, but after hearing that he was the boss of the property company, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Then Li Xiaoqi said: "Okay, it's very simple for you to deal with this matter. Your property employees have personally attacked me. I won't be able to work for the rest of my life. You have to bear my living expenses for the rest of my life. I will do it according to the regulations." If I live to the age of 1 with 70 yuan per year, you must compensate me 32 yuan, not even a penny less."

"If you don't give me money, fine, I promise you, I will find ways to stir up trouble in the entire community and make everyone hate your property company, so that you can't continue to manage our community."

"32 is not much to you. I will give you 3 minutes to think. After 3 minutes, if you don't have an answer that satisfies me, I guarantee you that you will regret it!"


After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoqi stood there and looked at Lu Chen provocatively.

Lu Chen smiled and joked: "It only cost 10 yuan at first, and now you suddenly increased the price to 32 yuan. Do you really dare to ask for a price?"

"Humph, it's alright that I didn't ask you for 100 million. You can consider not giving it, but the consequences are definitely something your company can't afford." Li Xiaoqi said coldly.

Lu Chen did not refute Li Xiaoqi's words. He said, "If what I expected is correct, you deliberately angered our security guard last time in order to blackmail him, right?"

"Hehe, you have seen this, but now that things have happened, there is no use saying this. In short, it is his fault for taking action."

Li Xiaoqi smiled sinisterly and said, "You can either lose money now and settle the matter, or your property company is going to get out."

"I think it's better to do this. You should clarify this matter in the community. It was you who deliberately angered our security guards. We security guards couldn't help but took action. It's your fault..." Lu Chen thought for a while, He spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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