Chapter 522
It's night, the moon is high, and it's as cool as rain.

It's a good time to commit a crime.

Li Xiaoqi called a few of his friends, holding a linen bag in their hands, and a few of them also carried big sticks in their hands.

Obviously, he was trying to beat Lu Chen.

They have done similar things before, so now they are familiar with doing such things.

A few people were hiding in a corner outside Jiangting Villa. As soon as Lu Chen got out of the car, they could immediately rush over and cover each other's head with a linen bag, and then use a stick to hit each other.

"Damn it, how lucky is this kid to have a beautiful woman like Lin Qinghan take care of him? If only I had the ability like him."

Li Xiaoqi looked at the extremely luxurious Jiangting Villa and was extremely envious. He felt even more unbalanced and was ready to beat Lu Chen to death later.

Several other brothers also started chirping here.


Soon after, several people heard the roar of the car, and everyone obediently closed their mouths and held their breath.

Lu Chen became Lin Qinghan's driver again in the modified six-eighth car.

However, the frost on Lin Qinghan's face did not diminish.

"Don't think that I don't know what method you used to settle this matter for me, but this is not the result I want." Lin Qinghan said in a deep voice.

"Honey, if you don't believe me, go to Jianghua Community tomorrow and find out. This matter will be solved without spending a penny." Lu Chen assured, patting his chest.

Today, he settled the matter in Jianghua Community according to Lin Qinghan's request, and told Lin Qinghan the truth.

Lin Qinghan didn't believe that he was so smart and actually recorded the recording in advance.

She insisted that Lu Chen secretly spent money to get Li Xiaoqi to tell lies in the community.

Although the final result was that the community recognized their Sihe property, Lin Qinghan was deeply opposed to this kind of behavior of stuffing money to do things, especially since they were threatened.

Therefore, on the way back, she still didn't want to see Lu Chen.

Lin Qinghan took over Lu Chen's words and said, "Don't worry, I will go find out tomorrow. If things are not what you said, I will make it look good for you."

"That's not fair. Tell me, what if things are really like what I said?" Lu Chen was a little unconvinced when he heard this.

"Huh, if it's true, you can do whatever you want." Lin Qinghan didn't believe what Lu Chen said was true.

"Then I will hug you, kiss you, and even put you to sleep... Ahem, if you lose, then you will give me a kiss. How about that?"

Originally, Lu Chen wanted to go too far and directly said that Lin Qinghan was sleeping, but when he saw the cold light on her face, he immediately changed his words.

"Yes, but if the result is not as you described, I will make you die ugly." Lin Qinghan agreed.

Lu Chen instantly trembled, feeling that his spring was coming.

What a wonderful thing it would be to be kissed by the goddess in your heart.


While the two of them finished their bet, the car stopped at the door of Jiangting Villa. Lu Chen got out of the car, opened the passenger door in a gentlemanly manner, and said to Lin Qinghan: "Honey, you go back first, I Go park the car.”


Lin Qinghan nodded and walked into Jiangting Villa.

"Come on, brothers, do it."

Several people saw Lin Qinghan walking inside, and then saw Lu Chen walking towards the driver's seat at this time. They were afraid that Lu Chen would drive away in the car. They rushed towards Lu Chen's location before Lin Qinghan could go far. past.

Several people quickly rushed towards Lu Chen, hoping to cover Lu Chen's head without being discovered by him.

However, many times things will change in the direction you expected.

When several people ran to Lu Chen, they found that Lu Chen was standing right in front of them, looking at them with a half-smiling expression.

Li Xiaoqi immediately walked out and said: "Boy, since you have discovered it, I know that people do not do secret things. If you are blocking me from getting rich today, I will kill you."

"Haha, Li Xiaoqi, you know who is right and who is wrong about the property management of the community. Now that you have done something wrong, you still want to come and deal with me. Can you do it?" Lu Chen deliberately spoke louder. , so that Lin Qinghan in the distance can hear it.

After all, he had just made a bet with Lin Qinghan. If things were as he described, Lin Qinghan would have to kiss him.

Now the person who committed the crime appeared in front of him like this, it's not too good at all.

After he finished speaking, Lin Qinghan in the distance actually stopped, folded his hands on his chest, and watched this scene with interest.

"Hmph, you're so stupid that you dare to trick me and record the sound in advance. I'm not done with you today, and I'm going to deal with you tonight. What can you do to me?"

Li Xiaoqi straightened his body and said: "In this way, you give me one hundred thousand tonight, and this matter will be settled. Otherwise, I will beat you tonight, and I will continue to beat you in the future."

"Well, you give yourself a hard blow tonight, and promise me not to disgust me in the future. I'll let you go tonight. What do you think?" Lu Chen said jokingly, not accepting Li Xiaoqi's threat.

His words immediately angered Li Xiaoqi. Li Xiaoqi said with a sullen face: "Boy, if you are shameless, I won't give you this face. Brothers, come to me and kill him."

There were five of them, and Lu Chen was the only one.

After he finished speaking, a group of brothers below him followed him and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Oh, I left a way for you to go and you didn't go. If that's the case, don't blame me."

Lu Chen sighed and took action.

He took action quickly, and in just three seconds, Li Xiaoqi and the others were lying on the ground.

At this time, Li Xiaoqi and the other three realized that Lu Chen was not as useless as they thought, and that the other party must know martial arts. There was a look of fear in their eyes.

Lu Chen looked at the two of them and said, "I said, I left a way for you to go. If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

Lu Chen came to Li Xiaoqi and stepped on the crook of his foot. The sound of bones breaking was heard from the crook of Li Xiaoqi's foot, and he immediately let out a scream.

Then, Lu Chen's foot moved to the crook of Li Xiaoqi's other foot.

"Mr. Lu, Master Lu, I beg you, please don't mess around. I was wrong, woo woo, please let me go."

One of Li Xiaoqi's legs was already disabled. If the other leg was disabled now, he would probably have to stay in bed for a few months.

"What did I say just now?" Lu Chen said calmly.

"I hit, I hit myself."

Li Xiaoqi took the wooden stick and hit it on his body. These sticks were almost sparing no effort, but he did not hit the key parts of his body, so it only hurt, but it would not break his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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