My cold CEO wife

Chapter 524 Giving Orders

Chapter 524 Giving Orders
Lu Chen immediately slapped Zhao Qing on the head, and said, "What are you thinking? Put away the old quadrangle for me. If you want to make trouble, my wife will kill me."

He knows Lin Qinghan very well. Lin Qinghan is now going to make a reputation for the property. If Zhao Qing takes his younger brother to be violent here, it is estimated that Sihe Property will be completely destroyed.

"Hey, I'll just talk."

Zhao Qing laughed twice, crying inwardly.

Originally, they were rough guys. They had to deal with a hundred communities in a month, which meant that they had to deal with three communities in an average day. This was simply impossible.

But now if he said he couldn't complete it, Lu Chen would have to kill him.

"Remember, we have to operate in compliance with the regulations and be friendly to the people. We can't do anything that makes residents uncomfortable, you know?" Lu Chen reminded.

"Yes, Master Lu, I see."

Zhao Qing's face became even more bitter, but now he didn't dare to tell Lu Chen about his difficulties anymore. If he did, he would have to be beaten.

Now, I can only think of a solution after leaving.

"Go down!"

Lu Chen waved to Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing left with a grimace, summoned the entire Sihe Property Management team, and held an all-staff meeting.

"Listen to me, everyone. Master Lu has an order. We must settle [-] communities within a month and settle in these [-] communities. Tell me, do you have confidence?" Zhao Qing said to everyone.

"Boss, a hundred communities? Aren't we going to die?" When a younger brother heard this, he immediately said in his heart.

They have been carrying out property management work for two weeks now, but the results in these two weeks have not been high, and they have only completed two communities in total.

Moreover, there was a turmoil in another community, which almost ruined the reputation of Sihe Real Estate.

Zhao Qing said with a straight face: "What the hell are you talking about? Since Master Lu gave me the task, it must be completed."

"Boss, that's Lord Lu, can we compare with him?" Another younger brother answered.

"Master Lu can do it, why can't we do it? If you are still a man, you have to refuse to accept this tone. We will rush for a month, understand?" Zhao Qing said in a deep voice.

Zhao Qing is also a person who is very good at inciting emotions. After he paused for a moment, he continued: "Now Master Lu has given us such a good platform, so that we don't have the risk of fighting and killing, and we can live a good life. We have a good relationship with our family." If there is an explanation, shouldn’t everyone repay the favor? Shouldn’t they work hard?”

"To the end of your life, you have to live by yourself. No one can help you. You are old and young. The whole family depends on you to support them. If you don't have the ability and ability, you will not be able to support them." Do you have to live with a family?"

"You don't want your parents to go out to work when they get old, right? Don't you want your wife to run away with others because you don't have money? You don't want your daughter to go to work in nightclubs when you get old?"

The people in the Sihe Club used to be ruffians, so they naturally knew what the nightclub was like, and the girls who worked there would probably be taken advantage of in various ways.

Zhao Qing's words stimulated everyone's pain points, because his words hit the point.

"Boss, you don't need to say anything. I'm going to fight so hard. I'll risk my life."

"That's right, I won't run away with others for my wife, and I won't go to nightclubs for my daughter to work in the future. I don't want to take my life anymore."

"When I was young, my parents raised me. When I got older, I wanted to support my parents, and I worked hard."


Everyone's emotions were aroused by Zhao Qing.

Seeing everyone in this state, Zhao Qing was very happy, and he said: "It is necessary for everyone to work hard, but please remember Master Lu's request, can we really work hard like before the Sihehui?" .”

"What we have to do is to work hard and strive for improvement. Any of our actions must not make the residents feel any discomfort."

"We can't be like the ruffians in the past, buying and selling by force. Do you understand?"

Zhao Qing's voice became louder and louder. When he finished speaking, a unified voice sounded from below.


A smile appeared on Zhao Qing's face.

After giving the people below the chicken blood, that is the process of letting the people below fight.

He continued: "Okay, the responsible persons, you are responsible for planning out our entire community in Guiyuan City, and we will divide it into areas and sub-districts to conquer each community."

The following persons in charge all agreed.

With them agreed, work began quickly.

Not to mention, after being hit with chicken blood by him, it really had some effects.

In the next few days, the work of Sihe Property did not go as smoothly as expected, but it also received some unimaginable results.

Because everyone is working hard and thinking from others' perspective, nothing they do makes the residents of the community feel any discomfort.

Everyone cut into the major communities to understand the details of these communities, see if there are any problems in the properties of these communities, and whether there is an opportunity to connect with the residents of the communities.

Because of the previous achievements in Jianghua Community, the residents of Jianghua Community have a high opinion of Sihe Property, which makes residents of several nearby communities feel hurt when they compare it.

The property prices in Jianghua Community are cheap and the service quality is very high. However, the property prices in my own community are expensive and the service quality is only average.

In the end, residents in several communities actually clamored to change their properties.

One of the properties is called Junhe Property.

Junhe Property is a very large property company. This property company is the leading company in the property industry in Guiyuan City.

There are at least hundreds of communities under his jurisdiction. It can even be said that Junhe Property Management has formed a small-scale monopoly.

Now that Sihe Property has launched its business, it has already affected the profit of Junhe Property.

"Mr. Nie, this is the information of Sihe Property."

An unusually beautiful secretary placed information about Sihe Property in Nie Tianjie's office and whispered.

Nie Tianjie is now the general manager of Junhe Property. He is a typical rich second generation.

Junhe Property is Nie Junhe's company, that is, Nie Tianjie's father's company. However, his father is old, so he handed over the company to Nie Tianjie.

Junhe Property is the absolute dominant company in the property industry in Guiyuan City, so Nie Junhe handed the company over to his son and was not afraid that his son would fail.

Now the company has formed a closed loop and can continue to make profits. As long as the son is not too prodigal, there will be no major problems.

It has been two years since Nie Tianjie handed over the company to Nie Tianjie, and Nie Tianjie also handed over the answer sheet that he was quite satisfied with. Apart from being a little lustful, his assistant handled the work matters, so there were no major problems.


After Nie Tianjie took the Sihe property information, when he saw the initial introduction, his eyes suddenly lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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