My cold CEO wife

Chapter 526 Despicable Nie Tianjie

Chapter 526 Despicable Nie Tianjie
Lin Qinghan subconsciously moved to Lu Chen's side, but there was a hint of vigilance in Lu Chen's eyes.

This Nie Tianjie is definitely not a good person.

Nie Tianjie seemed to realize his gaffe. He laughed and said, "Mr. Lin, please come in. Who is this?"

He had actually guessed that the person next to him was Lu Chen, and now he was pretending not to know, just to break the embarrassment just now.

"I am Lin Qinghan's husband, hello." Lin Qinghan was about to say something when Lu Chen stretched out his hand and said to Nie Tianjie.

Lin Qinghan was not angry because Lu Chen said that he was her husband in front of Nie Tianjie, because she could feel that Nie Tianjie was not a good person, so it was good to dispel Nie Tianjie's thoughts about her.

In the process of doing business, she often met men who had thoughts about her.

Nie Tianjie is not an exception. This guy has thoughts about her.

"hehe Hello!"

Seeing Lu Chen stretch out his hand, Nie Tianjie stretched out his hand and held Lu Chen's hand together.

An evil smile appeared on his lips again.

Although he likes women, he has never been hollowed out by women. On the contrary, in order to be able to play with women better, he is always exercising his body, so the strength in his hands is very strong.

Now that Lu Chen wanted to shake hands with him, he had to make Lu Chen suffer a hidden loss.

Thinking of this, he exerted slight force.


However, when he exerted force, he found that his hand seemed to be pinched on a stone, which was very hard.

He continued to exert force, and looked at Lu Chen at the same time, wanting to see if the other party showed a painful expression.

However, he was disappointed.

Lu Chen always had a faint smile on his face.

At this time, Lu Chen smiled and said, "You have exhausted your strength, now it's my turn, right?"

While speaking, Lu Chen began to exert force.


Now there was an obvious sound of bone and joint dislocation.


Nie Tianjie gasped, and then said: "Let go, let go quickly."

"Mr. Nie, aren't you going to compete with me in terms of strength? Why are you so weak now? Your body couldn't have been drained by playing with women, right?" Lu Chen let go of Nie Tianjie's hand with a joking look in his eyes.


Nie Tianjie gritted his teeth, but when he found Lin Qinghan next to him, he suppressed the anger in his heart, regained his gentlemanly demeanor, and said to Lin Qinghan: "Mr. Lin, please come inside, let's go inside to talk about cooperation. "


Lin Qinghan also wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in Nie Tianjie's gourd, so he agreed and walked inside.

Lu Chen followed, but was instantly stopped by Nie Tianjie, who said at the same time: "Mr. Lin, I hope that when we talk about cooperation, no irrelevant people will participate, otherwise there will be no way to continue the cooperation."

"Lu Chen, just stay outside!" Lin Qinghan nodded and gave Lu Chen an apologetic look.

"Well, call me if you have something!"

Lin Qinghan spoke, and Lu Chen could only stand outside.

Nie Tianjie led Lin Qinghan inside and gave Lu Chen his middle finger from behind.

It's a disdainful middle finger.

"Tell me, what kind of cooperation does Mr. Nie want to discuss with me?"

Lin Qinghan sat down at the dining table, crossed his arms and looked at Nie Tianjie.

Nie Tianjie chuckled and said, "Mr. Lin hasn't had dinner yet after get off work. How about we chat while we eat?"

"No, I'm not hungry!"

Lin Qinghan shook his head.

Nie Tianjie was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Mr. Lin is working very hard to stay in shape. But, you don't have dinner, but I want to have dinner. If you don't mind, can you chat with me while we eat?"

Lin Qinghan nodded.

Soon, the waiter brought Cai who had been prepared long ago.

Nie Tianjie personally opened the wine for Lin Qinghan and said at the same time: "Mr. Lin doesn't want to eat, how about some wine? Red wine can be good for your skin."


Lin Qinghan did not refuse this time. After all, it would not be good to refuse again.

The moment she agreed, a smile appeared on Nie Tianjie's lips.

Then he helped Lin Qinghan fill up his glass of wine.

After the two of them had poured their glasses, Nie Tian raised his glasses and said, "I invited Mr. Lin over today because I actually wanted to help Mr. Lin. I know you have been worried about property issues recently, right? I can give you some community resources to help you. Butt.”

"What conditions do you want?"

Lin Qinghan's breathing quickened and he asked.

Now this was where she wanted to break through. She knew there was no such thing as a free lunch, so she asked.

"The conditions are very simple, just drink this glass of wine." Nie Tianjie pointed at the red wine in front of Lin Qinghan and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll drink!"

Lin Qinghan agreed without hesitation. She picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Mr. Lin has a good capacity for drinking, he has a good capacity for drinking!"

Seeing Lin Qinghan drank the wine, Nie Tianjie stood up and laughed.

Lin Qinghan suddenly had a bad premonition. She felt her head was a little dizzy. She asked in a voice, "Did you add drugs to the wine?"

"Smart, but it's too late. You'll be unconscious later, and then I'll put you...hehe!" Nie Tianjie laughed mischievously.

"My husband is outside, aren't you afraid of me screaming?" Lin Qinghan was scaring Nie Tianjie because she no longer had the strength to scream. She just wanted to protect herself in this way and let Nie Tianjie let him go.

Nie Tianjie laughed unbridled, "Haha, I'm afraid you'll scream? Do you have the strength to scream now? And this is still in a private room. The sound insulation effect of my private room is not bad."

"You...if you dare to do anything to me, I will call the police." Lin Qinghan continued.

Nie Tianjie still looked unscrupulous and said: "It's useless. When I have a story with you later, I will take pictures of all your beautiful things. If you dare to call the police, I will post all these things online."

" are despicable!" Lin Qinghan's pretty face turned cold. He felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and he could no longer muster any strength.

Nie Tianjie smiled sinisterly and said: "This is not despicable, there is something even more despicable. When we have a relationship, I will ask you to divorce Lu Chen and then marry me. The union of the two of us will be a match made in heaven. You want If you don’t agree, I will still post your good news online to ruin your reputation, and then your Lin Group will suffer.”

Lin Qinghan was desperate.

If that happened, her whole life would be ruined.

She suddenly realized that she had come into contact with so many men, and they all just admired her appearance. Only Lu Chen seemed to really love her.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Seeing Nie Tianjie getting closer and closer, Lin Qinghan felt boundless fear, and even had thoughts of death in her heart.

But even death is a luxury for her.

Because she discovered that with her current power, even death was a luxury.

Nie Tianjie came to Lin Qinghan's side and gently slid his hand across her face. Lin Qinghan looked at this scene and was really helpless.

Because she didn't have any strength to resist.

"Tsk, tsk, beauty, you will know what it means to be ecstatic in a moment." Nie Tianjie took a step closer, taking every inch.

However, at this moment, the private room was kicked open, the light from outside came in, and a figure walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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