My cold CEO wife

Chapter 529 Junhe Property Changes Owner

Chapter 529 Junhe Property Changes Owner
Now that Zhao Qing was respectful to Lu Chen, Nie Junhe knew that he had offended a great god that he could not afford to offend. If he didn't leave at this time, he might not have a chance.

However, he had only taken a few steps when he was stopped by the younger brother behind Zhao Qing.

These boys now know that the person in front of them is Mr. Lu, how can they let Nie Junhe leave.

"Nie Junhe, didn't you want a leg from me today? Just tell me, do you still want this leg?" Lu Chen's eyes finally fell on Nie Junhe.

Nie Junhe smiled awkwardly and said: "Master Lu, you are joking. How dare I ask for your leg? I didn't know you were the boss of Mr. Zhao. This matter is my fault. I will give it to you." Apologize for your mistake.”

"Do you think it's enough to just apologize for your mistake?"

Lu Chen sneered: "You didn't know right from wrong just now. You asked me to kneel down and apologize to your son, but you wanted to break my legs. Do you think this matter can be settled like this?"

"Master Lu, what do you want? Just tell me what to do and I won't even frown." Nie Junhe was under the eaves and had to lower his head.

"Okay, keep your son alive." Lu Chen said calmly.

"No, dad, save me, you must save me, I don't want to die."

Nie Tianjie was extremely frightened when he heard Lu Chen's words.

At first, if Lu Chen said this, he wouldn't take it to heart at all. It is impossible for a waste like Lu Chen to threaten his life, but now Zhao Qing has knelt down in front of Lu Chen. This strong impact On his nerves.

He was defeated in his heart and shrouded in boundless fear. He was already afraid.

"Master Lu, are you going too far in asking for my son's life? After all, my son didn't get killed today." Nie Junhe didn't have the confidence to talk to Lu Chen at first, but now that Nie Tianjie's life was at stake, he had to hold on. Scalp opening.

"No life was lost. This matter is more serious than the death. Is it okay for you to treat me as my wife? If I hadn't been more sensitive, your son would have cuckolded me today, and so would you. A man, can you bear it?" Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

Zhao Qing next to him gasped.

They all knew that Lin Qinghan was Lu Chen's rival. If they offended Lu Chen, they might have a chance to survive. But if they offended Lin Qinghan, no one in the world could save them.

Because all members of the Sihehui knew that Lu Chen was a maniac about doting on his wife. Anyone who dared to offend Lin Qinghan would be punished by Lu Chen, and even to death.

"Boss Zhao, why don't you beg Master Lu for mercy?"

As a man, Nie Junhe naturally understood the anger of his woman being slept with by another man. He said to Zhao Qing: "I am just a son. Seeing as I have helped you before, you can speak to me. As long as you can save my son's life, I'm willing to agree to any conditions you have."

"Oh, is this what you said, including Junhe Property?"

When Zhao Qing heard this, his thoughts moved and he asked.

"Including Junhe Property."

Nie Junhe understood that what happened today was no joke. If he failed, Nie Tianjie's life would be lost here.

Their Nie family's property is gone, and they can still make a comeback, but if their son is gone, the Nie family will be wiped out in the future.

"Master Lu, I dare to ask for a favor from Nie Junhe. Nie Junhe is not a bad person, he is just his son. For the sake of him having only one son, for the sake of him helping me, for the sake of Since he is willing to give up all the Junhe properties to you, can you let them and his son go?"

Zhao Qing is not an ungrateful person. If it were anyone else, he would not intercede for others at all. This person is Nie Junyuan, so he is willing to say a few more words.

"Zhao Qing, just for your sake this time, I will spare them and their son. However, Junhe Property Management must belong to the Lin Group and be absorbed by Sihe Property Management. As for Nie Tianjie, I want his leg. "Lu Chen surrendered his lower limit.

"Yes, Master Lu, I will definitely help you get it done."

Zhao Qing agreed and walked towards Nie Tianjie next to him.

"No, Dad, save me, I don't want to be a disabled person." Seeing Zhao Qing walking towards him, Nie Tianjie became frightened and rushed towards Nie Junhe.

However, Nie Junhe ignored Nie Tianjie.

He knew that Nie Tianjie would get into trouble sooner or later. Losing a leg this time might be a good thing for Nie Tianjie.

"I need to merge Junhe Property into Sihe Property within one day. Zhao Qing, you are fully responsible. If it cannot be completed today, I will not only punish the Nie family, but also you." Lu Chen said to Zhao Qing said, hugged Lin Qinghan and walked outside.

"Yes, Master Lu, don't worry, I will complete the task tomorrow." Zhao Qing responded quickly.

When Lu Chen walked away, Nie Junhe came to Zhao Qing and whispered: "Boss Zhao, can you please don't break one of my son's legs? If you want money, just ask."

"Director Nie, I can't help you with this matter. I must fulfill the instructions given by Boss Lu at all costs. If he finds out that your son's leg is not broken in the future, it will definitely be my neck that is broken." Okay, I can only help you so much today, please don’t make things difficult for me." Zhao Qing said.

"Isn't this Lu Chen the loser of the Lu family? Why do you respect him so much?" Boss Zhao asked again in confusion.

"You called him Lu Chen? Did you call him trash? Nie Junhe, I don't want to hear this in the future. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

When Zhao Qing heard this, his face immediately turned cold, and he said at the same time: "I will take your son away first. Tomorrow morning, you will complete all the relevant transfer procedures for me. Junhe Property will be transferred to Sihe Property. If it cannot be done, If it's over, I'll take your son's life."

While speaking, Zhao Qing waved to the people below, who walked towards Nie Tianjie.

Now the people in the Sihehui are all good players, so Nie Tianjie was quickly controlled by Zhao Qing's people, even if Nie Tianjie could resist.

Lu Chen took Lin Qinghan home. He could have used silver needles to force the drug ingredients out of Lin Qinghan's body, but Lu Chen thought about it and ultimately did not use the needles.

Lin Qinghan has been working at a high intensity and has never had a good sleep. Now that he is in a coma, he can just have a good sleep, which is just right.

Therefore, Lu Chen did not wake up Lin Qinghan.

When Lin Qinghan woke up the next day, she looked around in a daze. Then she thought of Lu Chen's appearance yesterday, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He should not have been succeeded by Nie Tianjie.

However, when she looked at the time, she was shocked by it.

"Lu Chen, come here and die."

As a result, a sound like the roar of a lion from the east of the river suddenly sounded in the room.

Lu Chen looked confused and rushed into Lin Qinghan's room and asked, "Honey, what's going on?"

"What's wrong? Why are you so late and you didn't even wake me up? Don't you know I have to go to work today?"

Lin Qinghan's pretty face turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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