My cold CEO wife

Chapter 534 Donghua Association Emergency Meeting

Chapter 534 Donghua Association Emergency Meeting

"Master Lu, there is no need for you to deal with people like this yourself, just leave it to me."

How could Zhong Dongyang give Lu Chen a chance to take action? Isn't this a waste of Lu Chen's time and energy?
As he spoke, he glanced at the bodyguard next to him.

The bodyguard understood and walked towards Pan Xi.

Pan Xi couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He roared at Zhong Dongyang: "Zhong Dongyang, are you crazy? I am Pan Xi, how can you hit me?"

"Bring him to me."

Zhong Dongyang waved to the bodyguard.

The bodyguard held Pan Xi and brought him to him.

Zhong Dongyang slapped him again and said, "Remember, the person in front of you is Mr. Lu, a nobler being than me. He is a being that you will never be able to reach in your life. How dare you disrespect him?" , I will slap you to death today.”

While speaking, he slapped Pan Xi on the face again.

Then, Zhong Dongyang slapped him several times in succession.

Lu Chen didn't say stop, he didn't stop. Even if someone died, he wasn't afraid. Even if it was Pan Xi who died, he wasn't afraid. He could handle this matter well.

"Lu Chen, tell him to stop. If he doesn't stop, someone will die."

Lin Qinghan came to Lu Chen's side and advised.

She was also a little shocked that a person like Zhong Dongyang was willing to call him Lu Chen and Master Lu.

What Lu Chen did outside actually made Zhong Dongyang afraid.

Zhong Dongyang has a great reputation in the provincial capital. Although Lin Qinghan has no contact with the forces in the provincial capital, he has heard of Zhong Dongyang.

The other party actually wanted to surrender to Lu Chen.

How many things does your playboy husband keep hidden from you?
"Zhong Dongyang, stop it."

Lin Qinghan begged for mercy, but Lu Chen didn't want to offend her, so he gave Zhong Dongyang instructions.

Zhong Dongyang stopped his hand, but Pan Xi's face was already a bloody mess.

"Yes, Master Lu!" He said respectfully to Lu Chen.

"Honey, let's continue shopping. Buy whatever you like." Lu Chen showed a harmless smile and said to Lin Qinghan, as if nothing happened just now.

"I won't buy it, I'm not in the mood!"

Lin Qinghan shook his head.

With such a big thing happening here, she really lost her mood.

While speaking, she walked outside.

"No, wife, don't you still want to help me buy clothes? How could you just leave like this?" When Lu Chen saw Lin Qinghan leaving, he chased after him unwillingly.

If it was really the clothes Lin Qinghan bought for him, Lu Chen could wear them for the rest of his life.

He quickly chased after her, but Lin Qinghan couldn't get rid of her.

"Boss Zhong, who is this Lu Chen? Do you want to treat him as his little brother?"

When Lu Chen walked away, Pan Xi summoned up the courage to ask.

"He is someone you can never offend. Keep your eyes open from now on. If you offend him again, no one in this world can protect you." Zhong Dongyang said coldly.

After saying that, he quickly chased after Lu Chen.


Night falls.

Donghuahui was not at all calm.

the reason is simple.

Tiger King Kong was killed, and the news spread back to Donghuahui.

The Donghua Society was equivalent to launching two attacks on Lu Chen. As a result, the people sent out twice were killed by Lu Chen.

Instead of being driven back to the Donghua Club by Lu Chen, he was directly destroyed.

This is very embarrassing for Donghua Club.

Donghua Association is one of the two major conferences in China, but it does not mean that they are the only two major conferences in China. There are many other social organizations under them.

These people are all small forces, but they are clearly paying attention to every move of the Donghua Association.

The Donghua Club has been slapped in the face twice now. This incident has made the Donghua Club almost a secret joke among the major forces. How could the Donghua Club tolerate such a tone.

So they had another emergency meeting.

The purpose of this meeting was very clear, to enter Guiyuan City in a large scale and to kill Lu Chen in Guiyuan City, otherwise the Donghua Society would not be able to regain its face.

Only Lu Chen's death can wash away their shame.

"Let's discuss, who are going to Guiyuan City this time? How to deal with Lu Chen?"

Dragon King Kong sat at the top, his eyes terrifyingly gloomy.

Tiger King Kong is his brother, and he has the best relationship with him in the Donghua Society. Originally, he thought that Tiger King Kong would make great achievements this time when he went to Guiyuan City. When the president promoted the Dharma Protector, he and Tiger King Kong Able to hold two positions of protector in hand.

But now Tiger King Kong is dead.

This is equivalent to breaking his right and left arm, how can he not be angry.

"Dragon King Kong, let me say something."

At this time, Zhi Jingang spoke.

Zhi Jingang has certain strength, but the most terrifying thing about him is not his strength, but his mind. Throughout the Donghua Society, he is famous for his resourcefulness.

His words carry a lot of weight.

When Zhi Jingang spoke, everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

Zhi Jingang said unhurriedly: "Now we have lost two generals in the process of fighting Lu Chen, and the strength of these two generals is not weak, but they don't even have a chance to escape. "

"Then, according to my personal speculation, it is very likely that even if we send three King Kongs at once, these three King Kongs will all return without success. I don't know if you agree with my point of view?"

Having said that, Zhi Jingang stopped, and everyone nodded unconsciously.

He continued: "But if we send more than five King Kongs out, it won't sound good if we win. If we lose, then everyone should consider Xihuahui."

"The Xihua Club has never given up the idea of ​​swallowing up our Donghua Club. If they take advantage of the situation, will our Donghua Club be able to protect ourselves?"

"So, I suggest using external forces to deal with Lu Chen."

After hearing his words, everyone fell into thinking. Only then did everyone realize that the situation was not as friendly to them as they had imagined.

"Zhi Jingang, now even we can't deal with Lu Chen, how can external forces deal with him? Are there any external forces in our country that can deal with him?"

Everyone thinks that Zhi Jingang’s words are reasonable, but Dragon King Kong’s words are also reasonable.

If Donghua Club couldn't deal with Lu Chen, only Xihua Club could.

The West China Association is as famous as the Donghua Association, and the two associations are also in a competitive relationship. The West China Association will definitely not help them and the Donghua Association. Can other forces have an impact on Lu Chen?
"Long Jingang, you also said that there is no force in the country that can deal with Lu Chen, so why don't we look further and set our sights abroad?" Zhi Jingang said with a smile.

"But with Lu Chen's level of strength, even if a foreign killer is hired, this killer can't deal with Lu Chen, right?" Long Jingang was still a little worried, and the other King Kongs nodded at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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