My cold CEO wife

Chapter 537: Entering the Grand Canyon Together

Chapter 537: Entering the Grand Canyon Together

"Mr. Lu, it's time for us to set off."

In the afternoon, Liu Qian appeared in Lu Chen's office and said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded, stood up, and followed Liu Qian outside.

The two of them are going to Lane Community.

When going to deal with the property affairs of Lane Community, Lin Qinghan arranged for Liu Qian and Lu Chen.

She is more considerate, because sometimes Lu Chen's way of dealing with problems is more extreme, while Liu Qian, as a girl, is more delicate.

It is easier for two people to work together to get things done.

Lane Community is on the west side of Guiyuan City, and the Lin Group is on the east side of Guiyuan City. If they want to go to Lane City, they must either take a detour or go directly around the Grand Canyon.

The weather was terribly dark. Liu Qian looked at the weather outside and took a big umbrella.

"Mr. Lu, why don't we take a detour."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Liu Qian inadvertently saw that Lu Chen's navigation was from the Grand Canyon through the center of Guiyuan City to the Lane Community.

There had been earthquakes in the Grand Canyon before, and she was afraid that there would be heavy rain later, which would cause the terrain in the Grand Canyon to be unstable, and eventually the two of them would have an accident there.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm here, no problem."

His words seemed to have strange magic power, making Liu Qian become quiet inexplicably.

Every time she spent alone with Lu Chen, she was always very happy. Deep down in her heart, Liu Qian liked Lu Chen a little.

She began to understand why Lu Chen could become the most famous playboy.

Because Lu Chen does have his unique charm.

He is very handsome and sunny, he is like a modern Pan An. He is also talented and has excellent martial arts skills. It seems that there is nothing he cannot do.

How could such a man not attract any woman to him?
Others don't know Lin Qinghan well, but she has worked with Lin Qinghan for several years and knows Lin Qinghan's character very well. She actually knows in her heart that Lin Qinghan does not reject Lu Chen.

When a woman does not reject a man, it means that a story will begin between these two people.

Even Lin Qinghan, a goddess who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, really likes Lu Chen. It's reasonable for her to like Lu Chen.

Sometimes Liu Qian even wonders where the former playboy Lu Chen has gone. If Lu Chen is really flirtatious, she is actually willing to have a story with Lu Chen.

But since Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan got together, she found that Lu Chen "kept as close as a jade" and seemed to have lost any interest in other women.

Thinking that she was actually willing to have a story with Lu Chen, Liu Qian secretly glanced at Lu Chen and instantly felt her cheeks getting hot.

She is also a traditional woman, how could she have such unfeminine thoughts?

When the car drove into the Grand Canyon, Liu Qian remained silent and quiet. She turned her head to look out the window, and all kinds of bold ideas that she would not have dared to think of kept floating in her mind.

Lu Chen was driving in the Grand Canyon, but he was not as complicated as Liu Qian, he hummed a little song happily.

Lin Qinghan kissed him last night, which meant that the relationship between the two was getting closer.

Of course, this was what he remembered as being kissed. In fact, he didn't know that Lin Qinghan just dipped his finger in water and touched his face.

"It's interesting!"

However, after he walked for a while, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

He found that there were several auras following him, and these auras were all very strong.

"When did such a person appear in Guiyuan City? Who sent these people to kill me?" Lu Chen muttered there alone.

He could already feel some aura locking him in the dark.

However, he didn't take these people to heart, and the car continued to move forward at a constant speed.

However, when the car was approaching the center of the Grand Canyon, Lu Chen suddenly stopped.

Because there was an extra row of wooden piles in front of him, and this row of wooden piles blocked his way.

"Mr. Lu, what happened?"

The weather was getting darker. Liu Qian looked away from the window and asked in surprise.

"There are wooden stakes blocking our way ahead, you sit in the car for a while, I'll go down and deal with it." Lu Chen said to Liu Qian, and then got out of the car.

But after he got off the car, he didn't go to the stake, but said in a joking voice: "Everyone, since you're here, why hide in the dark, you all show up."


Zuo Le and others secretly looked very shocked.

Because they were hiding in the dark and using special escape techniques, and the weather was now terrifyingly dark, this escape technique made it impossible for almost anyone to spot them.

They thought about it and felt that Zhi Jingang's people had been exposed, so they did not take action immediately.

They thought the same thing as Zhi Kingang. Zhi Kingang wanted to use them to kill Lu Chen, so why didn't they want to use Zhi Kingang to catch Lu Chen?

Both sides have almost the same purpose.

"What, do you want me to catch you personally? If I do it myself, the result may not be very good." Lu Chen's faint voice sounded, and his eyes fell on a dark place.

Zuo Le felt locked and his scalp was numb.

He had only experienced this feeling with their president, President Sakura. How could he feel this way with this young man now?

Zuo Le shook his head vigorously, feeling that he was hallucinating, and dismissed such thoughts in an instant.

When Lu Chen saw that no one appeared, he suddenly walked to a nearby tree, picked a leaf, and shot it towards the leader where Zuole was.

"Flying flowers and picking leaves!"

Seeing Lu Chen actually displaying such a sharp move, Zuo Le was shocked, and at the same time, a hint of joy emerged in his heart.

There is a move in the Prajna Kung Fu, which is to fly flowers and pick leaves. It seems that this Prajna Kung Fu really belongs to this boy. Once he brings the Prajna Kung Fu back to the island country, he will be the nominal president of the Sakura Club. All kinds of rights and resources are at your fingertips.

However, this excitement was suppressed by Zuo Le only for a moment.

After all, Zoler can become a strong player on one side. He understands that what he gains is directly proportional to the risks he takes, and he may capsize in the gutter.

Now that Lu Chen discovered him, there was no need for him to hide. Zuo Le walked out of the darkness and clapped his hands together.

Then, from the other five directions in the darkness, five people came out.

Including Zuo Le, the six people were all dressed in special ways. They wore black clothes with waistbands, and their eyes were very restrained.

Zuo Le thought very clearly, since he was discovered, it is impossible for Lu Chen not to have discovered the existence of other people.

"Who are you?"

Seeing these six people appear, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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