My cold CEO wife

Chapter 539: Only 5% of the strength was used

Chapter 539 Only used [-]% of the strength
"Okay, deal!"

Zoler agreed without hesitation.

He didn't care if Zhi Jinjin wanted the Prajna Kung Fu, he just waited for the Prajna Kung Fu to be in his hands, then the Prajna Kung Fu would have nothing to do with Zhi King Kong.

Agreements are meant to be broken.

After receiving Zuo Le's affirmative answer, Zhi Jingang called his people out.

Together with him, five masters from the entire Donghua Association also came, and these five masters are all entry-level figures in martial arts. They are all digital King Kong in the Donghua Association.

Zhi Jingang is famous for his wisdom in the Donghua Society. He can coordinate other King Kongs together very well. This is his ability.

In an instant, except for the ninja who was knocked down by Lu Chen, there were nine strong martial arts beginners and a first-time martial arts master in the entire scene.

"Lu Chen, I will give you a chance to surrender your Prajna Kung Fu and be loyal to me. I am willing to let you live."

After Zhi Jingang came out, he spoke quickly.

It can be said that he now fully controls Lu Chen's power of life and death. Even Zuo Le cannot control him. This is China after all. As long as Zuo Le doesn't kill him instantly, he can control Zuo Le in China. Things get passed on.

When the time comes, Zuo Le will not be able to leave China. This is his confidence.

So he didn't worry that Zuole would stop him if he wanted to conquer Lu Chen.

Sure enough, Zuo Le frowned slightly, but he didn't stop Zhi Jingang from speaking.

Lu Chen was not surprised at all when he saw Zhi Jingang and others coming out.

He had long noticed that these people were in the dark.

"Who do you think you are, worthy of my allegiance?" Lu Chen looked at Zhi Jingang with a touch of disdain in his eyes. No one in this world could win his allegiance, and no one was worthy of it.

"Do you know who I am?"

When Zhi Jingang heard Lu Chen's words, he was not angry, but asked back: "I tell you, I am Zhi Jingang from the Donghua Society, and I will soon become one of the two major protectors of the Donghua Society. As long as you are willing to follow me, from now on Hua Guo, you must go sideways."

When he heard the words Donghuahui, Liu Qian in the car took a breath again.

Sakura Club, Donghua Club.

The two conferences came together to deal with Lu Chen. Can Lu Chen escape today's disaster?

She was a little worried about Lu Chen. After all, she was familiar with both conferences. It could be said that they were very famous organizations around the world. Now that the two conferences were dealing with Lu Chen at the same time, Lu Chen would probably not be able to resist.

Liu Qian already had the phone in her hand. If she found something was wrong, she would call the police.

However, the moment she took out her phone, her expression changed drastically because she found that her phone's signal was completely blocked.

These people came prepared.

"Don't worry, if you appear upright, I'll let you walk away later." Lu Chen sneered and replied.

"It seems that you are unwilling to surrender. In this case, then prepare to die here today."

Zhi Jingang didn't talk to Lu Chen much, because he knew that it would be useless to say harsh words now, so he set his eyes on Zuo Le who was beside him.

"Mr. Zoler, it's your turn to perform."

"Everyone come with me."

Zoler knew that the next step would be a tough battle.

After he finished speaking, he rushed to the front.

As he took action, others followed him and attacked Lu Chen.

When they almost arrived at Lu Chen's side, their figures quickly faded, and finally even disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Zhi Jingang and the others felt their scalps go numb.

They didn't even know where Zuo Le and others were. If the other party was hiding in the dark and wanted to deal with them, their people probably wouldn't be able to block a single blow.

Liu Qian sat in the car and opened her mouth in surprise.

These people were in front of me just now, how could they just disappear?
She suddenly thought of a profession, that is, ninja. Originally, that only appeared on TV, but does it really exist now?

Zuole and the five men were hiding in the dark. They quickly appeared beside Lu Chen and surrounded him in five directions.

Although others couldn't see them, Zuo Le and the others used a special escape technique, so they could see each other. The five of them surrounded Lu Chen, not giving Lu Chen any space.

Then, a shuriken appeared in their hands, and they stabbed Lu Chen's hands and feet.

They did not stab Lu Chen's heart because they were not prepared to kill Lu Chen with one blow. They also wanted to obtain the Prajna Kung Fu from Lu Chen's body.

Everyone's shurikens were only an inch away from Lu Chen, and their faces were full of joy, this time they finally succeeded.

At first they thought Lu Chen was so powerful, but now it seems that they thought Lu Chen was more powerful than him.

However, just when they thought they were going to take down Lu Chen, their expressions suddenly changed because Lu Chen moved.

Lu Chen's figure actually disappeared in front of them in an instant. When he reappeared, the opponent had already appeared in their encirclement. Then Lu Chen attacked from four directions. The four ninja masters were immediately attacked by Lu Chen. Morning shot fell to the ground.

The four people didn't even react before they were knocked to the ground.

Zuo Le's overall strength was much stronger than those of the four ninja masters. He was a high-level ninja master, so when Lu Chen's palm attacked him, he had time to react.

He backhanded and slapped Lu Chen's palm together.


Zuo Le appeared and roared.

He is a high-level ninja master. Although he does not specialize in strength training, his strength is definitely not something that ordinary people can handle.

At least none of these ninja masters could catch it.

Zuo Le was still very confident in his palm. Lu Chen would never be able to receive his palm.

However, when he slapped Lu Chen's hands together, he completely changed his stupid thoughts.

Zuo Le only felt an overwhelming force attacking him, and he couldn't take this palm.

Zuo Le was slapped to death by Lu Chen. He took a few steps backward on the ground in embarrassment before regaining his balance. After he stabilized his body, he lost his voice and said, "Why are you so strong?"

"You are the only one who can hit me next, but I only used [-]% of my strength to deal with you." Lu Chen said lightly.

"Lu Chen, I remember you. We meet again in the mountains and rivers. We will meet again in the future."

Although he only fought one move with Lu Chen, Zuo Le already knew how powerful Lu Chen was. He had a feeling that if he stayed and continued to fight Lu Chen, he would die here.

Now he can't die here. He must pass the information about Lu Chen's true strength back to the headquarters, because Lu Chen's strength exceeds their imagination.

If you want to get your Prajna Gong back, you have to memorize it for a long time.

While Zuole was escaping, his hands quickly kneaded together, and his figure quickly disappeared from the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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