My cold CEO wife

Chapter 542 If it’s not liquor, don’t brag about it with me.

Chapter 542 If it’s not liquor, don’t brag about it with me.

While the two were talking, Chen Hui brought Lu Chen and Liu Qian to them.

Zhu Hao greeted me with a smile and said, "Hello, aunt."

After saying that, he no longer cared about Chen Hui, but focused his attention on Liu Qian, then stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, beauty, nice to meet you, you should be Liu Qian, right? I am Zhu Hao , Xiaolin's fiancé."


When Liu Qian saw Zhu Hao reaching out his hand, he politely extended his hand and shook his hand.

"It's so soft and delicate."

When Zhu Hao held Liu Qian's hand, he showed a look of ecstasy and enjoyment. He felt that Liu Qian's hand was much more comfortable to touch than Chen Xiaolin's.

Liu Qian frowned slightly and pulled her hand back from Zhu Hao's, but found that Zhu Hao's grip was a little tight, which made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Mr. Zhu, your hand hurts when you hold it."

As a last resort, Liu Qian reminded him directly.

Only then did Liu Zhihao come to his senses, then he took his hand back and said, "I'm sorry, seeing Miss Liu Qian reminded me of my Xiaolin. You and her are really similar, so I was a little distracted."

He found a step for himself.

Liu Qian rolled her eyes. She looked nothing like Chen Xiaolin. This Zhu Hao probably did it on purpose, just to take advantage of her, but the other party had already found his way down the stairs, so she couldn't say much.

"Liu Meimei, hello, my name is Liu Zhihao, nice to meet you." Liu Zhihao also took the initiative to extend his hand, ready to shake hands with Liu Qian, but Liu Qian hesitated to extend his hand.

When Lu Chen saw this scene, he stretched out his hand, showed a faint smile, and said, "Hello, I am Liu Qian's boyfriend Lu Chen!"

He couldn't tell that Liu Zhihao wanted to take advantage of Liu Qian.

"Hello there!"

Liu Zhihao didn't succeed, and his eyes were a little hazy. He looked at Lu Chen and suddenly used his hands hard.

He is a master of Taekwondo, and his hands are surprisingly strong. He must show Lu Chen some strength.


Lu Chen didn't expect that Liu Zhihao would use force to deal with him. He still had a faint smile on his face, and then he exerted a slight force.

"Crack Kacha!"

Liu Zhihao's fingers immediately made the sound of joint dislocation, and he turned pale in pain.

"The persimmon is still soft and easy to pinch." Lu Chen smiled slightly and moved his hand away.

Next to him, Liu Zhiqiang clenched his teeth and his face became extremely gloomy.

"Aunt, please come in!"

Zhu Hao took advantage of Liu Qian and was in a good mood, so he said to Chen Hui.

Chen Hui nodded, and Zhu Hao led everyone inside.

Liu Qian walked in front with Chen Hui, and Lu Chen walked at the end. Liu Zhihao deliberately slowed down his steps and came to Lu Chen at the back. He smiled evilly and said: "Friend, give me your girlfriend. The price is whatever you want."

Obviously, he fell in love with Liu Qian.

"Is it really up to you to decide the price?" Lu Chen asked with a joking look.

"It's up to you!" Liu Zhihao replied proudly.

Lu Chen raised his index finger and did not speak.

Seeing Lu Chen's index finger raised, Liu Zhihao understood the meaning of Lu Chen's words, and said, "One million, yes, no problem, deal."

"One million, my girlfriend is so worthless?" Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and said dissatisfied.

"Then how much do you want?"

Liu Zhihao asked, "Don't push yourself too far."

"Don't worry, I won't make too much money. I will make money. Give me [-] billion, and I'll give you my girlfriend." Lu Chen laughed.

"Boy, you are looking for death. You came to Guiyang City, which is my territory. If you don't follow the rules, I can kill you." Liu Zhijun finally became angry and growled in a low voice.

Seeing his crazy look, the smile on Lu Chen's face became even stronger.

As everyone entered, Chen Xiaolin's mother appeared and left with Chen Hui.

A slightly chubby girl appeared in front of Lu Chen and others. She shouted in surprise: "Qianqian, you are finally back. I haven't seen you for a long time. You are really getting more and more beautiful."

"You too, you are so beautiful now."

The two flattered each other.

"Qianqian, it's getting dark soon, why don't we go have a barbecue tonight?" Chen Xiaolin said coquettishly and shook Liu Qian's clothes.

Liu Qian couldn't bear to refuse Chen Xiaolin's kindness, so she agreed.

Zhu Hao next to him was overjoyed when he heard this. He didn't expect that Chen Xiaolin would take the initiative to invite Liu Qian before he told Chen Xiaolin about the barbecue.

It's simply not cool.

Liu Qian glanced at Lu Chen reflexively, and asked, "Do you want to have barbecue tonight?"

"As long as you like it." Lu Chen's voice was very gentlemanly, and it made people feel like spring breeze.

Liu Qian's move of turning her gaze to Lu Chen beside her attracted Chen Xiaolin. When her eyes focused on Lu Chen, she found that Lu Chen was very handsome and her eyes lit up.

Chen Xiaolin couldn't help asking, "Qianqian, is this your boyfriend? He's so handsome."

"Well, his name is Lu Chen, my boyfriend."

Liu Qian and Lu Chen gave a wry smile. She really wanted a boyfriend like Lu Chen, but it was a pity that she was just pretending.

Lu Chen is handsome and powerful, why doesn't she look forward to it?
Unfortunately, Lu Chen is already his boss's husband.

"Nice to meet you."

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiaolin reached out her hand.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand politely, and shook Chen Xiaolin's hand immediately, which was in sharp contrast to Zhu Hao's hand holding Liu Qian's hand at first.

Everyone agreed to eat barbecue, and Zhu Hao took the initiative to lead the way.

Liu Zhihao made a call from behind, with a playful look in his eyes, he looked in the direction of Lu Chen, and his eyes were a little hazy.

Soon, Zhu Hao arranged a place to have barbecue.

Eating barbecue at a roadside stall is the most authentic taste.

"Miss Liu, we are a small place here. We only have some barbecue at the roadside stalls. Wouldn't you mind?" Zhu Hao was very attentive to Liu Qian, even more than he was to his girlfriend.

Chen Xiaolin looked a little jealous.


Liu Qian shook his head coldly and glanced at Lu Chen next to him, which made both Zhu Hao and Liu Zhihao look jealous.

Chen Xiaolin ordered, and soon the food and wine were served.

Zhu Hao gave Liu Zhihao a hint. Liu Zhihao understood and said to Liu Qian: "Come on, Miss Liu, I'll toast you."

Liu Qian is not drunk tonight, he has no chance tonight.

"I'm sorry, my girlfriend doesn't drink. I'll drink with you." Lu Chen looked at the two of them with a playful look in his eyes. He couldn't tell what these two guys were thinking.

While talking, Lu Chen picked up the wine glass.

"Hey, how can we men drink one cup after another? How about we drink one bottle after another?"

Seeing Lu Chen help Liu Qian hold back the wine, Liu Zhihao's expression became even gloomier.

"Bottle by bottle? Do you mean liquor? If it's not liquor, then don't blow with me." Lu Chen said lightly.

Liu Zhihao's face was condensed, and he was a little afraid to take the move.

"Why, don't you dare?"

Lu Chen asked provocatively, the teasing look in his eyes getting stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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