My cold CEO wife

Chapter 544 I’ll do it in one minute

Chapter 544 I’ll do it in one minute
Lu Chen exerted slight force.


There was a sound of bones breaking from the young man's knee.

At this time, Lu Chen's foot moved to the young man's other knee.

"Brother, I beg you to let me go. It wasn't me who wanted to attack you. It was him, Liu Zhihao, who asked me to come."

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to crush the knee of his second leg, the young man was afraid.

If he was stepped on and broke the knee of his second leg, he would have to lie on the bed for the rest of his life. As a last resort, he had to confess to Liu Zhihao.

"Boy, why don't you spout blood here."

When Liu Zhihao saw that the young man had confessed himself, he stood up and roared.

Lu Chen looked at the scene in front of him jokingly.

The young man was now afraid that Lu Chen would crush his knees, so he didn't care who Liu Zhixiang was. He said to Lu Chen:

"Brother, I was really called by Liu Zhixiang. If you don't believe it, look at my call records. This last call was made by him. Now if you use his phone to make this call again, my phone will be It will definitely ring.”

"He told me that he fell in love with a beautiful woman tonight and wanted me to help him act in a play..."

Before the young man finished speaking, Liu Zhihao walked up to him and slapped him again.

"Zheng Hu, if you dare to betray me, I will make sure that you have no place in Guiyang County."

They both called out the word Zheng Hu, which means that the two of them know each other, and it definitely indicates that this matter happened.

After he finished dealing with Zheng Hu, he said to Lu Chen: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to fight. Since we broke up with each other today, I won't be polite to you anymore."

"I've fallen in love with your girlfriend and I'm going to sleep with her tonight. You can refuse, but you can't afford the price of refusal."

"The bosses in this county are all my brothers."

Lu Chen chuckled and said, "Well, I'll give you half an hour. You call the boss of this county over. I want to see what kind of person makes you so depressed."

"This is what you said, then you wait for me."

Liu Zhihao just watched Lu Chen take action. Lu Chen's skills were not weak. He had no choice but to say harsh words to Lu Chen now.

However, he didn't expect that Lu Chen would let him call someone, which was really unpleasant.

"This is what you said, then just wait, I want you to die today."

While Liu Zhihao was speaking, he took out his mobile phone and started dialing Gao Yang's number.

Gao Yang is the boss of Guiyang County and has more than 100 brothers under him.

"Brother Gao Yang, you can call people as much as you want to come to Chang's Barbecue. I'm being bullied."

Gao Yang was Liu Zhihao's cousin. When he heard that Liu Zhihao was being bullied here, he immediately replied: "Okay, come right over."

After finishing the call, he sat in the seat next to him and chuckled sinisterly, "Boy, you are going to be in trouble."

However, Lu Chen ignored Liu Zhihao, picked up the barbecue, handed it to Liu Qian's hand, and then picked up the barbecue himself and started eating.

Seeing that he was still eating barbecue and didn't take himself seriously, Liu Zhihao's face became even more gloomy.

Chen Xiaolin gritted her teeth and wanted to save Lu Chen, but in the end she endured it.

Although Liu Zhihao was wrong about what happened tonight, but Liu Zhihao's status is unusual, and she dared not offend him.

If she is really offended, it is very likely that Zhu Hao will not marry her.

Liu Qian knew Lu Chen's strength, so she didn't take the incoming crowd to heart. Lu Chen took the initiative to help her get the barbecue, which made her very happy. She smiled as brightly as a flower.

When Liu Zhihao and Zhu Hao saw this scene, their faces became even more gloomy.

"Who dares to bully my cousin?"

Not long after, a loud voice rang out, followed by hundreds of brothers, all of whom were densely packed together.

Then, this figure came to the barbecue restaurant.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant was so frightened that he hid in the back kitchen. As for the other diners here, they were so frightened that they ran away.

"Cousin, it's him, this kid bullied me."

After seeing Gao Yang appearing, Liu Zhihao became excited.

Now his cousin has brought more than 100 people. With so many people taking action together, one person can kill Lu Chen with just a spit of spit.

Even if Lu Chen can fight, so what?

Gao Yang is two meters tall, standing there like a small iron tower.

He looked down at Lu Chen and said, "You were the one who beat my cousin?"

Lu Chen sat on the seat, eating barbecue, and said lightly: "He should fight."

"Okay, very good. You dare to be so confident in facing me and sit there motionless. This is the first time in these years. I will make you regret coming into this world today."

After Gao Yang finished throwing harsh words at Lu Chen, he looked at Liu Zhihao and asked, "How do you want to deal with him today?"

"Break his legs, and then I will play with his woman in front of him."

When Gao Yang heard this, he glanced at the scene. His eyes immediately focused on Liu Qian, and then there was a hint of surprise and greed in his eyes.

He smiled and said, "OK, break his legs."

As for who this woman is waiting to play with, it remains to be determined.

"Come here, break his legs." Gao Yang ordered the people below.

A younger brother came out from below him, with a stick in his hand.
Then he swung the stick towards Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen saw the swinging stick being thrown towards him, he smiled coldly, then he gently grabbed it, and the swinging stick was caught in his hand. Then he backhanded the stick and threw it on the young man's leg. The young man He screamed and flew out.

Being thrown away by the swinging stick shows how powerful this move is.

"No wonder my cousin is being bullied by you, he has some strength."

Gao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, then he winked at the younger brothers next to him, who quickly joined him.

Bang bang bang!
However, just as these boys rushed forward, Lu Chen took care of them.


Gao Yang was even more surprised, "Boy, it seems you have practiced before? You can fight one, you can fight five, but now I have hundreds of brothers playing together, can you still fight?"

"A hundred brothers? I'll do it in one minute!"

There was a hint of disdain in Lu Chen's eyes.

At this time, the more than 100 people had already rushed towards Lu Chen under Gao Yang's command.

Everyone laughed when they heard Lu Chen's words.

You can kill more than 1 people in one minute. Do you think this is a legendary battle? You can kill them all with one knife?
Just when everyone was laughing, Lu Chen grabbed the chopstick bucket next to him and folded it in half with both hands. He folded the chopsticks into two pieces. He folded them in half again and broke the chopsticks into four pieces.

When Gao Yang and others saw this scene, they had a bad feeling.

How much force does it take to break these chopsticks?
Moreover, what on earth did Lu Chen want to do by breaking these chopsticks?
Just when everyone was confused, Lu Chen threw all the chopsticks out in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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