My cold CEO wife

Chapter 558 History is about to be rewritten

Chapter 558 History is about to be rewritten
Jingshenmaru knew that no one combined could be Lu Chen's opponent.

Lu Chen's strength was too strong.

If these people go up there, they will only be like moths rushing to the flame, and they will only die.

When everyone saw Ishenmaru appear, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then there was deep shame in their eyes.

There were so many of them, but they couldn't defeat Lu Chen alone. In the end, Jingshenmaru had to take action.

If Lu Chen was an old man like Ishenmaru and had accumulated a lot of strength, they would still be able to accept it.

However, Lu Chen was really too young.

So, they find it a bit ridiculous.

"Young man, you are very good. How about you stay in my island country and I can marry my most beautiful granddaughter to you?"

Jing Shenwan looked at Lu Chen and said very seriously.

After hearing what Ishenmaru said, everyone looked envious.

The granddaughter of Ishenmaru is a famous beauty. She is ranked among the top three in the entire island country. The dream lover of many of them is the granddaughter of Ishenmaru.

Now Lu Chen can get Jingshenmaru's granddaughter just by nodding his head. How could everyone not be envious of her?

Moreover, they understand that if Lu Chen agrees to Jing Shenmaru's proposal, it means that Jing Shenmaru is cultivating Lu Chen as his successor. If this is the case, the entire Sakura Club will immediately become Lu Chen's.

Becoming the president of the Sakura Club is also their dream.

And Lu Chen had all this at his fingertips.

The reason why Ishenmaru had the idea of ​​making Lu Chen his grandson-in-law was because Lu Chen's strength exceeded his expectations. He was sure to win over Lu Chen, but Lu Chen was so young but had such strong strength. , which shows that Lu Chen's potential is endless.

Such a person is worthy of his support, cultivation, and becoming his successor.

Even if Lu Chen is a foreigner, he doesn't care.

"Marry your most beautiful granddaughter to me? That's really embarrassing. I'm already married." Lu Chen pursed his lips and said, secretly thinking that Lu Chen was really handsome before, but this old man actually fell in love with him.

"That doesn't matter, just divorce your current wife and marry my granddaughter again."

Jingshenmaru said: "Do you know that marrying my granddaughter is the dream of everyone on the island. You should be lucky that such a thing has happened to you."

"Why, should I regard this as your reward for me?" Lu Chen said with a joking smile.

Ishenmaru replied matter-of-factly: "That's for sure. I'm afraid you don't know how beautiful my granddaughter is. She is one of the three most beautiful women in our entire island country. Shouldn't you be happy to get her?" ?Does this count as my gift to you?"

"Sorry, I don't need this gift."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said: "Besides, to be honest, I have no ill intentions towards your Sakura Club, and I don't want to have any conflicts with you, but you have targeted me three times and four times, which makes me very angry. You kneel down in front of me in person and apologize to me, and promise not to harass me in the future, and I will let you go, what do you think?"

"How dare you talk to our president like this? Do you really want to die?"

"That's right, Mr. President, such a person is not worthy to be your son-in-law, just kill him here."

"We are willing to fully cooperate with you to kill this China pig."


The people below couldn't help but roar when they heard Lu Chen's words.

They don't want a Chinese to rule them and others, and they don't want their dream girl to be married by a Chinese.

"Young man, do you know what you are talking about?" Jingshen Maruya narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's words were too crazy.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about. There's only one chance for you. Either kneel down and apologize to me, or I'll kill you. There's no third option." Lu Chen pursed his lips.

Jing Shenwan was so angry at Lu Chen's words that his hair flew white, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, okay, I haven't seen such an arrogant young man for many years. There were people who were so arrogant in front of me before, but those People who are so crazy in front of me are already dead."

"Then maybe today's history will be rewritten." Lu Chen looked disdainfully.

"Very good, you go ahead and take action. I'll give you three moves. After three moves, I won't be merciful." Ishenmaru said with his hands behind his back.

Lu Chen smiled, "You want me to make three moves, but you don't even have a chance to make a move. I think I'll let you make three moves."

"Arrogant, I want you to look good."

Jingshenmaru was so angry that he finally couldn't help but attack Lu Chen.

He was extremely fast and soon appeared next to Lu Chen, and then covered Lu Chen with a palm.

There seemed to be rolling thunder in his palm, as if there was a roar roaring out.

"The president is invincible."

"The president will win."

"The president killed that Chinese pig."


Everyone saw Ishenmaru taking action with fanaticism in their eyes.

Although Lu Chen's strength was not weak, in their opinion, Jingshen Maru's strength would only become stronger.

"Wind Thunder Palm!"

Lu Chen saw the palm pushing towards him and instantly called out its name.

"You do have some knowledge. This set of wind and thunder palms comes from your country, China. I just don't know if you can take over my set of wind and thunder palms?" Jing Shenwan's words were provocative.

Use Hua's martial arts to deal with Lu Chen. If Lu Chen can't take over, it will be Lu Chen's shame.

"Really? Then I'll use your island country's Rasengan to deal with you, and I'll see how you take it."

Lu Chen smiled. A ball of red light appeared in his hand, and then he controlled the ball of light to condense quickly. The ball of red light quickly gathered into a red light group. The light group was like thunder. There was also flashing electric light.

Then Lu Chen punched Ishenmaru lightly.

"not good!"

Jing Shenwan felt bad after Lu Chen used this set of spiral pills.

He felt the strong light and energy fluctuations contained in Lu Chen's spiral pill, which represented huge destructive power.

He was not prepared for this blow. He had to really take it hard and catch it, but his hand would definitely be injured.

He never thought that Lu Chen, at such a young age, would have such a powerful energy in his body, and that this energy would have huge destructive power.

He backed away quickly.

"Back off now, it might be too late."

Seeing Jing Shenwan retreating, Lu Chen took advantage of the victory to pursue, and then accelerated forward, appearing on Jing Shenwan's inevitable road to retreat.

"This kid's movement is so fast."

Ishenmaru was shocked.

Now he had to have a head-on confrontation with Lu Chen. If he didn't, he would be forced to a dead end.

"Wind Thunder Palm!"

Jing Shenwan roared, and then slapped Lu Chen with the same palm.

The attacks of the two men intertwined in the air, causing a huge roar and huge energy fluctuations in the air.

After the blow, Lu Chen stood indifferently on the spot, but Jing Shenwan couldn't bear the huge impact, and was knocked back three steps, and his hands were still trembling slightly.

With just one blow, the difference between the two was decided.

(End of this chapter)

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