Chapter 561
When Ishenmaru came to see Yamaguchi Ichiro, he had already thought about how to negotiate with Yamaguchi Ichiro.

He knew that Yamaguchi Ichiro would not trust him easily.

"To be honest, I did fight against him and suffered a small loss, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you. If you are willing to work with me to deal with him, I can promise you that when I get the Prajna Kung Fu, I will How do you feel about sharing it with you?" Ishenmaru asked.

Yamaguchi Ichiro shook his head and said: "Haha, I'm sorry, I'm not very interested in your Prajna Kung Fu. If you want me to help you, just show your sincerity."

He decided to take the Jingshen Pill because he did not have the same desire to obtain the Prajna Gong as the Jingshen Pill.

"What do you want to do before you are willing to take action?" Ishenmaru asked.

He knew it wasn't that easy.

"I want your Sakura Club to be merged into my Yamaguchi Club." Yamaguchi Ichiro replied.

"Isn't your request a little too much?" Ishenmaru glared.

In fact, he could directly agree to Yamaguchi Ichiro, because in the end Yamaguchi Ichiro would definitely die in the hands of him and Lu Chen.

But as he matures, he knows that agreeing too easily will definitely arouse Yamaguchi Ichiro's suspicion, and he will have to do all the tricks.

"Haha, you can choose to refuse." Yamaguchi looked at Ishenmaru with a smile.

Jingshenmaru pretended to think for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"Haha, okay, if you can't send the order, I will ask my people to take over your Sakura Club immediately. When the Sakura Club is successfully accepted, I will go with you."

Hearing that Ishenmaru had compromised, Yamaguchi Ichiro laughed and said: "Sir Ishenmaru, please rest assured that from now on you will have the same status as me. You are the honorary president of our Yamaguchi-kai. Apart from having no actual rights, you can enjoy the same status as me." Equal treatment.”


Ishenmaru pretended to be angry and snorted coldly, then took out his mobile phone, dialed the number of a person in charge of the Sakura Club, asked the person to put the phone away, and then informed him that the Sakura Club had been merged into the Yamaguchi Club. , and asked everyone in the Sakura Club to cooperate with the merger of the Yamaguchi Club.

After the explanation, Ishenmaru looked at Yamaguchi Ichiro and asked, "Is it okay now?"

"No hurry, let's have some tea!"

Yamaguchi Ichiro shook his head and motioned for Ishenmaru to sit down and drink tea.

Jingshenmaru had no choice but to sit down.

The two drank tea for two hours. Two hours later, news came from the Yamaguchi Club that the Sakura Club had been merged.

At this time, Yamaguchi Ichiro stood up and said: "Lord Ishenmaru, we can set off now."

Jingshenmaru snorted coldly, stood up and walked outside, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Soon, he appeared at Guya's location with Yamaguchi Ichiro.

Lu Chen was sitting next to the huge stone in Guya, and he seemed to be one with the world.

When the two of them saw Lu Chen, they actually felt like they were facing the vast world. Lu Chen seemed to be the only one in the world, and they were so small.

It was as if Lu Chen could control their life and death with just one word.

"You're not going to cause trouble for him, are you?" Yamaguchi Ichiro looked at Ishenmaru with some fear and asked.

Jingshenmaru also had shock in his eyes.

They felt that Lu Chen seemed to be enlightening.

If Lu Chen continues to achieve enlightenment like this, it is very likely that he will truly achieve the state of unity between heaven and earth.

When the heaven and the earth are truly united, Lu Chen will enter the innate realm.

"Just to trouble him!"

Jingshenmaru nodded, and at the same time he was glad that he didn't confront Lu Chen. This young man was too powerful.

"I may not be able to help you with this matter. Goodbye." Yamaguchi Ichiro laughed dryly, turned around and left.

Lu Chen has reached such a state. If he makes trouble for Lu Chen again, he will most likely be making trouble for himself.

He doesn't want to die here.

"Since you're here, why bother to leave?"

However, just as he was about to leave, a faint voice sounded.

The sound was not loud, but it made Yamaguchi Ichiro stop involuntarily, and everyone froze there.

Lu Chen was enlightening just now.

This is Xiaowu.

He felt an ancient aura here in Gu Ya's position, and this aura made him feel.

So, he felt something.

It's not that he has become as powerful as he is now, but that he carries that oppressive aura after he seems to have become one with heaven and earth just now.

It was that aura that gave Yamaguchi Ichiro a sense of oppression, not the aura exuded by Lu Chen that gave Yamaguchi Ichiro a sense of oppression.

"Hand over the storage bag and I'll let you leave." Lu Chen jumped down from the boulder and said to Yamaguchi Ichiro.

When he heard the word storage bag, Yamaguchi Ichiro's expression changed slightly.

The storage bag is a very precious thing. Very few people know about it, especially foreigners like Lu Chen.

But now that the other party knows, there is only one possibility, which is what Jing Shenwan told Lu Chen.

In this case, he was probably sold.

Thinking of this, Ichiro Yamaguchi turned his gaze to Ishinmaru, and asked, "Ishinmaru, did you lure me here on purpose?"

"Yamaguchi Ichiro, don't blame me. They say that ordinary people are not guilty and only blame themselves. Since you have a storage bag on your body, it is normal for someone to note you." Ishenmaru said calmly.

"Haha, okay, very good, Ishenmaru, if I can leave here safely today, I will find a way to kill you, this old guy."

Yamaguchi Ichiro knew that he had been betrayed by Jingshenmaru, so he focused his eyes on Lu Chen and said, "Fellow Taoist, I can give you the storage bag, but I have a condition, you help me kill Jingshenmaru. "

When he heard Yamaguchi Ichiro's words, Ishenmaru's expression changed slightly.

He looked at Lu Chen with some fear, very afraid that Lu Chen would really fight him.

After all, he had fought against Lu Chen. He was no match for Lu Chen. The other party really wanted to kill him. Plus, there was Ichiro Yamaguchi next to him, so he would not be spared.

Lu Chen's eyes immediately fell on Jing Shenwan. Jing Shenwan became even more frightened, and his heart was in his throat.

If Lu Chen really took action against him, today would be the day he died.

Lu Chen looked at Jing Shen Wan with a half-smiling look, which made Jing Shen Wan frightened. He continued: "I never fail to keep my word. Since I promised you, I will definitely keep it. I am the only one who can do it." It will be difficult for people to kill Ichiro Yamaguchi, so help me kill him today."

"it is good!"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Jing Shenwan felt as if he had been given a shot of blood.

"Friend, do you really want to do this? Please think carefully. If I escape today, you, your family and friends will face the full revenge of the Yamaguchi Association." Yamaguchi Ichiro said with a gloomy face.

"Originally I wasn't planning to kill you, but now that you dare to threaten me with my relatives and friends, don't blame me for being rude."

Lu Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent. What he hated most was when others threatened him with his relatives, especially Lin Qinghan, who was his opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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