My cold CEO wife

Chapter 563 Liu Qian was teased

Chapter 563 Liu Qian was teased

It was slowly getting dark.

Liu Qian looked out the window, her eyes looking a little confused.

Lu Chen's figure appeared in her mind again. She really wanted to stay with Lu Chen, but it was a pity that Lu Chen already had a wife.

She sighed, and then slowly left the room.

She wanted to drink coffee, but the bitter taste made her a little obsessed.

Liu Qian walked to the coffee shop next to her and drank a cup of coffee before reluctantly leaving the coffee shop.

It was raining in the sky, and Liu Qian's thin body was soaked by the rain. Her delicate skin and the looming parts under the skin could be faintly seen through the skirt.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and she had to find shelter on the eaves.

She looked a little pitiful under the eaves, and her clothes were wet, and her beauty was looming, which made her full of temptation.

"Look, that woman is so beautiful."

One of the two wretched, fat, greasy, and wretched middle-aged men next to him touched the other middle-aged man and pointed at Liu Qian.

When the other person saw Liu Qian, his eyes lit up.

"Come on, let's go flirt!"

The two said almost in unison, and then they walked towards Liu Qian with a smile.

"Hey, beauty, are you hiding from the rain alone?" The tall man came to Liu Qian and asked frivolously.

Liu Qian glanced at the tall man, frowned slightly, and said nothing.

The short man next to him approached Liu Qian from another direction, sandwiched her in the middle, and said teasingly: "Beauty, you are all wet and cold now, aren't you? Do you want to come into my arms to warm me up?"

As he spoke, the tall man next to him laughed.

Liu Qian knew that she had met a gangster. She frowned slightly and ran out of the rain regardless of the heavy rain.

The short man pulled her under the eaves and said with a smile: "Beauty, don't leave in such a hurry. The two brothers are quite lonely. Why don't you play with them?"

"Let go of me, let me go!" Liu Qian's pretty face turned pale.

She never thought that she would encounter such a gangster in the island country. The key is that she is not familiar with the place and Lu Chen is not around. She is very likely to be ruined by these two beasts tonight.

She was originally very happy when she and Lu Chen came to the island country, but the current situation made her very unhappy, and she even regretted coming to the island country.

If she had not come to the island country, at least she would not have been insulted by these two strangers.

"Hey, let's go, brother, let's get her into an alley." The short man smiled obscenely and said to the tall man.

The tall man smiled wretchedly and said, "Fuck it!"

The two grabbed Liu Qian's hand and walked towards the alley next to him.

Liu Qian knew the consequences of being dragged into an alley, and her eyes showed despair.

"If you dare to touch her hand again, I will break both of your hands."

At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded, and then a figure walked towards this side without haste.

He held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, and the rain between heaven and earth seemed to disperse automatically when it reached in front of him.

"Brother Chen!"

Seeing Lu Chen appear, Liu Qian's eyes were filled with unprecedented joy.

As long as Lu Chen is here, nothing will matter.

"Boy, who the hell are you? I advise you to mind your own business." The short man said to Lu Chen.

"Advise me not to meddle in my own business? Then I will take care of today's nosy business."

Lu Chen said calmly: "It seems that you are unwilling to let go of my friend. That's fine. Let me educate you today."

As he spoke, he moved.

The two gangsters didn't react at all. Lu Chen appeared in front of them. Then Lu Chen pulled a person's shoulder and exerted force with his fingers. Then there was a clicking sound from the short man's shoulder.

Lu Chen kicked the short man out immediately.

At the same time, he appeared in front of the tall man again, and broke the tall man's arm in the same way, without the slightest courtesy.

"Boy, how dare you break our hand?" The tall man growled at Lu Chen with a fierce look in his eyes after his hand was broken.

"It seems that you don't have a long memory after losing one of your hands."

Lu Chen smiled coldly, walked towards the tall man and said, "In this case, I will break one of your legs again to let you know that girls are not something you can flirt with casually."

While Lu Chen was speaking, he appeared next to the tall man again.

The tall man was startled by Lu Chen. He got up and wanted to run away, but when he got up, Lu Chen kicked him in the knee, and there was a sound of bones breaking in his knee.

He was kicked until he lay on the ground again, with one of his legs disabled.

The tall man screamed on the ground, and at the same time he shouted: "Boy, you are dead, I tell you, I am a member of the Yamaguchi Society, and now our Yamaguchi Society has annexed the Sakura Society, and we are now an island country Super organization, how dare you destroy me, I will not only destroy you tonight, but I will also make you watch the woman next to you being raped."

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of a hall master in the Yamaguchi Club.

"Will Yamaguchi meet?"

Lu Chen smiled, a smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and then he crossed his arms and said, "You guys from the Yamaguchi Club are all idiots. If you ask your Yamaguchi Club people to deal with me, everyone else will be dealt with." If you can't help me, call your president."

Lu Chen didn't know if he could deceive Yamaguchi Ichiro out. If he could deceive him, that would be the best situation. If he couldn't deceive him, he would give Yamaguchi a harsh lesson tonight.

Liu Qian, it's not something anyone can flirt with if they want to.

"Call our president, you are not qualified."

The tall man is just a minion of the Yamaguchi Society. How can he get in touch with Yamaguchi Ichiro?
He guessed that Lu Chen was also pretending, and it was impossible to know Yamaguchi Ichiro, so he could ask the leader to fix Lu Chen when he came to Yamaguchi to meet the leader later.

Just 10 minutes after the tall man made the call, a church leader from the Yamaguchi Village Upper Hall showed up with 20 people.

This hall leader is called Yoshida Shoichi, and he has more than 20 people under his supervision. He is quite famous in this area, and he usually collects protection fees in this area. If anyone around him has any trouble, he will come to him.

Because he is a hall leader of the Yamaguchi Association, this area is under his control, and no one dares to lose face in this area.

"Hideo, where is the person you are talking about?"

After Yoshida Shoichi appeared, he came to the tall man and asked.

The tall man was lame in his legs and arms. He pointed at Lu Chen and said, "It's him. It's this kid who crippled my hands and feet. Mr. Zheng, you have to pay me."

"Don't worry, we in the Yamaguchi Society are not bullies who can bully anyone who wants to."

Yoshida said comfortingly, after he finished speaking, he came not far from Lu Chen, when his eyes fell on Liu Qian again, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Boy, take yours by yourself. Break off your hands and feet, and sacrifice your woman, and I will spare you."

(End of this chapter)

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