My cold CEO wife

Chapter 573 Guilty

Chapter 573 Guilty
"Senior, don't know how to call him?"

After a while, Qingtian became honest and asked respectfully.

He knew that Lu Chen must be a higher level existence than him, otherwise, Lu Chen would not be able to defeat him so easily.

"You are not worthy of knowing my name. Call your president."

Lu Chen spoke again: "Tell him, my surname is Lu."

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Qingtian no longer dared to underestimate Lu Chen. He responded quickly and quickly called Ishenmaru.

After Lu Chen killed Yamaguchi Ichiro last night, Ishenmaru quickly took measures to merge the Yamaguchi Club into his own Sakura Club.

It's just that Ji En and the others don't know that the Yamaguchi Club is gone, but Qingtian, as the senior leader of the Sakura Club, knows this.

Now he is under the control of Jingshen Maru.

"President, there is a senior named Lu who asked you to come and see him..."

Qingtian said.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ishenmaru, who asked, "Where are they?"

The only person he could think of with the surname Lu was Lu Chen.

If it wasn't for Lu Chen, he would be dead now, or Lu Chen could have killed him, but he spared his life.

He had a feeling that it was probably the people below him who had offended Lu Chen, otherwise, Lu Chen would not have allowed him to see him.

Lu Chen is not such a boring person.

"He's in the Sun Group." Kiyota suddenly had a bad feeling, because Jing Shenmaru's tone seemed a little serious.

After Ishenmaru learned the address, he immediately hung up the phone and rushed to the Sun Group at lightning speed.

After Mr. Qingtian made this call, everyone looked at Lu Chen like they were stupid.

What kind of person is the president of the Yamaguchi Association? Such a person is like a master to everyone.

Although Lu Chen was very powerful, the president of the Yamaguchi Association was not someone Lu Chen could just meet if he wanted to.

No, when Qingtian called, he was hung up immediately.

Soon, Ishenmaru appeared at the Sun Group. Kiyota and the president of the Yamaguchi Association immediately greeted him and said respectfully: "Send hello to the president."

Ji En and the others were a little dazed. When did the president of the Yamaguchi Club change?

They took a closer look and found that the person in front of them was the former president of the Sakura Club. Such an identity was also very scary.

And now that Kiyota and others are calling Chairman Ishenmaru, it is very likely that Ishenmaru has replaced Yamaguchi Ichiro.

This kind of high-level battle is not what they care about, they only care about the things in front of them.

Now that Jing Shenwan is here, he must be looking for trouble with Lu Chen. Lu Chen will definitely be in trouble.


They found that Ishenmaru didn't even pay attention to Qingtian and others' greetings, but walked straight towards Lu Chen, and they sneered more and more in their hearts.

Lu Chen actually asked to see Ishenmaru by name. Isn't this looking for death?

However, what Ishenmaru said and what he did next shocked everyone's hearts.

After Jing Shenwan arrived in front of Lu Chen, he bowed slightly to Lu Chen and asked, "Hello, Mr. Lu Chen, I was wondering if you asked me to come here. What are your orders?"

The use of "jun" already represents the honorific title for Lu Chen. Jingshenmaru also used the word "you", which is the word "you" used by an old man to a young man. At the same time, Jingshenmaru also bowed slightly to Lu Chen. .

This shows how much Jingshenmaru respects Lu Chen.

"I don't want to see them. Besides, I want to fully cooperate with the Sun Group. You can figure it out." Lu Chen said calmly and pointed at Ji En and others. Their attitude was the same as the one who just waited quietly here for Zuo Bei to summon him. Completely different, looking sharp.

Lu Chen is the kind of person that others respect me a foot, and I respect others.

At first he came to the Sun Building and politely made an appointment with Zuo Bei. Even if Zuo Bei didn't want to see him, it was the other party's right. But Zuo Bei actually wanted to plot something against Liu Qian, so naturally Lu Chen would no longer be polite to Zuo Bei. Bay took action.

Later, Ji En showed up and attacked Lu Chen without asking any questions. This made Lu Chen very dissatisfied.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention Qingtian later.

"Okay, everything is as Lu Chenjun said." Jing Shenwan didn't plead for anyone on Lu Chen's behalf. These people are not his direct descendants, and the people below have offended Lu Chen. Just kill him and replace him with someone else. He But he didn't want to make Lu Chen unhappy, and Lu Chen would eventually turn his anger on him.

After finishing speaking, he ordered to his subordinates: "Kill them and fill the sea!"

Killing people and filling the sea means filling these people into the sea.

Hearing Jing Shenmaru's words, Ji En and the others were shocked.

Although he is the CEO of Sun Group, he has no control over Sun Group and is just a part-time worker. Sun Group is really in the hands of Yamaguchi Kai.

And what if the Sun Group is in his hands? The people in the Yamaguchi Society are not ordinary people. They are very powerful and extremely powerful. These people can really control his life and death at will.

"Lord Ishenmaru, please let us go. We didn't know that Mr. Lu was your friend at first. We were too blind to recognize him. We deserve to die."

Ji En and the others all knelt down, including Qingtian next to him.

"You shouldn't come to me for requests." Ishenmaru said calmly.

Only then did a few people realize that Lu Chen was now in control of their life and death, and their demands were also made by Lu Chen.

"Mr. Lu, we know we were wrong. We hope you will give us a chance. Our Sun Group is willing to carry out comprehensive and high-intensity cooperation with your Lin Group." Ji En said to Lu Chen with beads of sweat oozing from his forehead. .

"To be honest, as far as I am concerned, I don't want to cooperate with your Sun Group, and you want to deal with me without asking anything. This kind of behavior makes me very unhappy. If it were me before, I wouldn't need others at all. Come and deal with you, I will slap you to death, your begging for mercy today is of no use, you are dead."

Lu Chen spoke calmly, Ji En's face was ashen.

As for Zuo En, who was behind Ji En, he was kneeling with his head lowered and his body was trembling. He never imagined that Lu Chen was such an awesome person, so awesome that even someone like Jing Shenmaru had to respect him. treat.

Qingtian also said beside him: "Mr. Lu, I was hasty this time. Please give me a chance to survive. When you come to the island country in the future, I am willing to be your personal bodyguard."

"I am stronger than your president. Do you think I need you as a bodyguard?" Lu Chen sneered.

Hearing this, everyone was disheartened and collapsed on the ground.

Dead, really dead.

"Brother Chen, forget it, let them go, I...I don't want to see blood."

At this time, Liu Qian gently pulled Lu Chen's sleeves and whispered.

She was kind-hearted, and she had never seen such a situation where a single word could determine someone's life or death. Seeing these people paralyzed with fear, she couldn't bear it, so she begged Lu Chen for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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