My cold CEO wife

Chapter 598 I can't see

Chapter 598 I can't see

"Everyone, come on, I want to see how hard this old guy's bones can be and how hard he can withstand your impact."

Zhong Yuanliang ordered to his men below.

Their men quickly rushed towards Zhong Dongyang.


Seeing these people rushing into his villa, Zhong Dongyang shouted loudly, and then he struck out with several palms, and those people flew out directly.

These people are not Zhong Yuanliang himself, so Zhong Dongyang has no worries about dealing with these people. As long as Zhong Yuanliang is not hurt, it will affect his status above the Zhong family in Kyoto.

"Okay, you dare to deal with my people, very good. I want to see if you dare to deal with me when I break in."

When Zhong Yuanliang saw that his men had been dealt with, he boldly walked inside.

He was determined that Zhong Dongyang did not dare to stop him.

"Zhong Yuanliang, don't force me."

When Zhong Dongyang saw Zhong Yuanliang walking inside, he reminded him in a deep voice.

"How about I force you? Come on, you beat me. Do you dare?" Zhong Yuanliang approached Zhong Dongyang and stimulated.

Zhong Dongyang gritted his teeth. He wanted to beat Zhong Yuanliang, but in the end he endured it.

Zhong Yuanliang smiled fiercely and walked inside.

Zhong Dongyang had to step aside and let Zhong Yuanliang walk inside.

He believed that Zhong Yuanliang would not gain anything after going in, because his precious medicinal materials, ginseng and other things were placed in a secret location for Lu Chen's use.

It was impossible for him to give these things to Zhong Yuanliang.

Lu Chen sat in the tea room and took out a 300-year-old ginseng. This ginseng was barely able to refine elixirs, so he wanted to see what kind of elixirs this ginseng was suitable for.

Lu Chen took out the ginseng and looked at it carefully in the tea room. At the same time, he began to feel the moisture and saturation of the ginseng.

Zhong Yuanliang searched several rooms but could not find ginseng and other medicines, which made him a little angry.

This time he passed by the provincial capital and heard that Zhong Dongyang was doing well in the provincial capital, so he thought of coming over to extort some natural treasures, ginseng and other items.

As a result, Zhong Dongyang had no consciousness at all, and was not even willing to give him any talents or treasures. He had no choice but to do it himself, so that he could have enough food and clothing.

However, after searching for a long time, Zhong Yuanliang found nothing. This was a huge blow to him.

However, when he opened the door of the tea room, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Because this young man is holding a ginseng in his hand. Although this ginseng is not old enough, it is more or less 300 years old. This kind of ginseng is already a very good ginseng in modern times, because generally Ginseng, which has been around for 200 years, has been discovered long ago.

"Zhong Dongyang, why didn't you tell me that you don't have ginseng here? What's on that kid's hand?" Zhong Yuanliang roared at Zhong Dongyang.

Zhong Dongyang explained: "Zhong Yuanliang, you don't need to scribble here. If you want to rest here, I will arrange it for you; moreover, the ginseng in Master Lu's hand is not my ginseng, but his own ginseng. What’s the relevance?”

"I don't care about that. Since he is here with you, everything on him belongs to you. Bring me the ginseng plant in his hand. I want it." Zhong Yuanliang said very forcefully and unreasonably. .

"Zhong Yuanliang, your request is too much. If you say one more word, I will invite you out."

Zhong Dongyang is getting more and more angry. He has never met such an idiot young master. How could the head of the Zhong family in Kyoto educate such a troubled person? With such trouble, the head of the Zhong family will be destroyed sooner or later. Lose.

"Hmph, Zhong Dongyang, stop threatening me. I'm not afraid of your threats. Since you are unwilling to take action, let me do it."

Zhong Yuanliang sneered and walked towards Lu Chen.

Seeing him walking towards Lu Chen, Zhong Dongyang calmed down.

If this guy wants to die on his own, you can't blame him.

Now Lu Chen's overall strength is almost invincible in the provincial capital. Even in Kyoto, there are probably only a limited number of people who can cause harm to Lu Chen.

Therefore, when Zhong Yuanliang went to trouble Lu Chen, Zhong Dongyang didn't stop him at all.

"Boy, come over here, kneel on the ground, and offer me the ginseng in your hand."

Zhong Yuanliang came not far from Lu Chen and said coldly to Lu Chen in a commanding tone.

Lu Chen raised his lowered eyelids, ignored Zhong Yuanliang's words, and then continued to study the ginseng in his hand.

Seeing that his words were ignored, Zhong Yuanliang seemed very angry. He quickly walked up to Lu Chen and then slapped Lu Chen in the face.

"court death."

Lu Chen's eyes finally shot out a cold light, and then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhong Yuanliang's wrist directly. Before Zhong Yuanliang could react, Lu Chen exerted another force, and bones shattered from Zhong Yuanliang's wrist. cracking sound.

"Ah ah ah, my hand, my hand, you dare to destroy my hand, boy, you are in big trouble." Zhong Yuanliang did not expect that Lu Chen would do it, let alone that Lu Chen was so powerful, he had almost no resistance. force.

"The trouble is big, I can't see it."

Lu Chen stood up at this time and said coldly: "You want to slap me, okay, then I'll slap you twice first to let you know what it feels like to be slapped."

clap clap!

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he slapped Zhong Yuanliang's face with a forehand slap and a backhand slap. Zhong Yuanliang's sides swelled symmetrically, turning into a pig's head.


After beating Zhong Yuanliang, Lu Chen gave Zhong Wuliang a soft drink.

Zhong Yuanliang, however, had no intention of leaving, and shouted at Zhong Dongyang: "Zhong Dongyang, you are so damn hard to see me being dealt with, you are really embarrassing the Zhong family, I want to tell my dad, I want to Let him deal with you according to the clan rules."

"Deal with me? I have already left the Zhong family headquarters, why should you dispose of me?" When Zhong Dongyang heard Zhong Yuanliang calling him by name, a cold light shot out of his eyes.

"Okay, okay, you dare to work together to bully me, right? Just wait for me, I want you to look good."

When Zhong Yuanliang saw that Zhong Dongyang was not speaking for him, he knew that if he continued to stay here, he would definitely continue to be punished, so he put down his cruel words and ran away.

When he escaped to the location outside Zhong Dongyang's villa, he called his father Zhong Dongchen.

Zhong Dongchen and Zhong Dongyang are of the same generation, and they are both from the "East" generation. However, because Zhong Dongchen lived in the head of the family in Kyoto since he was a child, he successfully became the head of the Zhong family in Kyoto.

"Dad, I was taken care of by Zhong Dongyang, you want to avenge me."

"Zhong Dongyang? Your cousin?" Zhong Dongchen asked doubtfully.

"Well, it's him."

Lu Yuanliang nodded fiercely and continued: "I had a problem with my practice, and I just wanted to find some ginseng from him to make up for it. But he said there was no ginseng. I broke in to grab it myself and found someone in their house. I went to grab it. , but he came to beat me, so you have to make the decision for me."

(End of this chapter)

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