My cold CEO wife

Chapter 701 No way

Chapter 701 No way
"Really, if no construction company wants to work with them, then what is my company?"

Just after Ren Jie's words came out, a figure suddenly walked in from the outside. This figure's waist was straightened, and he had an air of calm and self-respect on his body.

The visitor is none other than Li Yan, the richest man in Shanghai.

He originally made an appointment to come to Lu Chen's office this morning, and later came to Lin Qinghan to discuss cooperation.

As a result, as soon as he came over, he heard Ren Jie's presumptuous voice.

Now that Lu Chen was regarded by him as the most noble person, how could he want to see Lu Chen being threatened here?
Therefore, Li Yan couldn't help but speak out.


After hearing Li Yan's words, Ren Jie turned around.

What he found was an old man in ordinary clothes. The old man's head was still wrapped in gauze. He immediately looked down on Li Yanlai.

Ren Jie shouted: "You are an old guy, you are worthy of speaking in front of me. Get out of here, otherwise I will be rude to you."

"Haha, call me old thing? In my lifetime, no one dared to call me old thing. Now you actually call me old thing. Then I tell you, you will be like this for the rest of your life." Li Yan heard Ren Jie actually scolded him as an old man, and he immediately became angry.

"Hey, you actually dare to threaten me, rarely, which construction company do you belong to? I will destroy you, and I will destroy your company as well." Ren Jie asked.

"Then just listen to me. My construction company is called Li Yan Construction Company."

Li Yan used to directly use his own name to build a construction company, and this construction company is now very famous, and its reputation is very high across the country.

Anyone in the construction industry must have heard of this construction company.

Ren Jie had just returned from abroad, so naturally he didn't know what the large construction companies in the country were.

But when he heard the word Li Yan, he was a little familiar.

Then he came to his senses and said with a smile: "Damn old man, you actually said that your company is called Li Yan Construction Company. Are you taking advantage of the popularity of Li Yan, the richest man in Hong Kong?"

"I'm Li Yan. What kind of enthusiasm do I need to rub off on him? It's your Tiandi Group. I will completely destroy your Tiandi Group next. This is the consequence of your threatening my land division." Li Yan Said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, you alone can bring about the demise of our Tiandi Group. What do you think of yourself? Do you really think of yourself as the richest man in SIPG?"

Ren Jie said.

Li Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with Ren Jie any more. The other party had already determined that his name was fake, so it was useless for him to explain to the other party.

The best thing now is to use direct means to let Ren Jie know how powerful he is.

"Then just wait, your dad will definitely call you in 10 minutes."

While speaking, Li Yan took out his cell phone, made a call, and said, "I want Tiandi Group to be destroyed."

He just said this and hung up the phone. Then he sat on the stool next to him and said, "Let's wait for 10 minutes and see."

Time passed quickly, and 9 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Ren Jie smiled proudly and said, "Smelly old man, it's almost 10 minutes now. Why hasn't my dad called me yet? I'm afraid you're just pretending."

"Beep beep!"

However, just when Ren Jie was about to mock Li Yan, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Ren Jie took out his cell phone and took a look and found that the caller ID turned out to be a call from his father.

"It's not really my dad who's calling me to criticize me, right?"

Ren Jie had a bad premonition, but he immediately denied this premonition because he felt that Li Yan, an old man in ordinary clothes, could not have such great energy.

Now that my father is calling me, it's just a coincidence.

However, the call was always from his father. Ren Jie answered the phone and asked: "Dad, why are you calling me now? Are you asking me for anything..."

"Ren Jie, where are you? Are you going to kill our Tiandi Group? What kind of perverted existence have you provoked?"

Ren Dong, who was on the opposite side, shouted to Ren Jie in a low voice.

"Dad, I didn't provoke anyone. I'm in Guiyuan City. With our strength, who do we have to fear in Guiyuan City?" Ren Jie couldn't help but reply.

Hearing what he said, Ren Dong was startled and shouted: "You bitch, what the hell, I know who you promised, have you provoked Li Yan?"

He got the news that Li Yan was coming to the mainland to make investments, and the other party was either going to Guiyuan City or Xingye City to make investments.

Now that Ren Jie has provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, and the other party also claims that the boss's surname is Li, he immediately thought of Li Yan.

"Dad, there is Li Yan in front of me, but there is a big gap between him and the richest man in SIPG in my impression." Ren Jie explained.

"The gap is so big that you are paralyzed. Let me tell you, if you can't calm Mr. Li Yan's anger today, you won't have to come back to the provincial capital or work in our Tiandi Group. You are paralyzed." Kill us." Dong Ren roared at Ren Jie.

After he finished ranting, he hung up the phone instantly.

At this time, Ren Jie looked at Li Yan with a completely different look. He was very sure that the current Li Yan was the person who could cover the sky with one hand in SIPG.

"Mr. Li, it's a pleasure to meet you again. Come on, you smoke." Ren Jie handed out his cigar and said politely to Li Yan.

"No need to give me a cigarette, this trick is of no use to me. Also, if you want to ask for forgiveness today, don't come to me, go to Master Lu. If he can forgive you, I will forgive you as soon as possible. ." Li Yan replied to Ren Jie.

Only then did Ren Jie realize who could really make the decision. He quickly walked over to Lu Chen and said with a smile:
"Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry just now. It was a misunderstanding. Our Tiandi Group is planning to abandon the buildings in your city's economic development zone, which has caused you a lot of inconvenience. I am willing to give you an extra [-] million yuan to compensate. You see OK?"


Lu Chen rejected Ren Jie simply and decisively, and said at the same time: "Since you want my Lin Group to be destroyed, how can I let your Tiandi Group go?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "Go back and tell your dad that in three days, I will go to the provincial capital to find an explanation from your dad."

"No, Mr. Lu, I beg you, can it end here?" Ren Jie was extremely scared, because once this matter got to his father, he would be beaten to death or maimed. , this is naturally not what he wants to see.

"Oh, how do you want to finish this matter?"

Lu Chen looked at Ren Jie with a playful expression and asked.

"I...I am willing to slap myself until you are satisfied."

Ren Jie humiliated himself and asked Lu Chen, and at the same time began to slap himself.

(End of this chapter)

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