My cold CEO wife

Chapter 706 I’m not interested in this club

Chapter 706 I’m not interested in this club

"Did you see that? That's our Mr. Zhong. You definitely don't know him."

When Zhong Dongyang came out of Linglong Club, the security guard saw him immediately, pointed to Lu Chen and said.

Because Lu Chen called Zhong Dongyang just now and did not give his name, the security guard did not know that Lu Chen called Zhong Dongyang to come out, which made the security guard think that Zhong Dongyang was just passing by.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Chen smiled, but didn't speak.

After a moment, Zhong Dongyang sped up to Lu Chen and asked respectfully: "Master Lu, why are you in the provincial capital? You didn't tell me in advance when you came to the provincial capital, so I could pick you up here. "

The security guard next to him immediately widened his eyes and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhong Dongyang looked more like a subordinate in front of Lu Chen, especially when he called Master Lu respectfully.

The security guard was frightened by Zhong Dongyang's respect, and even more frightened by Lu Chen's identity.

Because Zhong Dongyang was calling Lu Chen Master Lu.

"I just came here with my friends for a walk. I just heard from your little security guard that in order to enter your Linglong Club, you need a membership card?" Lu Chennuo asked.

"Ha ha."

Zhong Dongyang laughed twice and said: "Master Lu, this Linglong Club does require a membership card to enter, but this is only for other people. Who are you? Are you willing to come to my Linglong Club? That is my blessing. In this case, I will immediately ask someone to get you a supreme membership card of the highest level here. From now on, when you come here, just treat this place as your own home. If you are really interested in it, I I can just send you this Linglong Club."

Ouyang Qing next to her was also a little numb. Even she realized the value of this exquisite club, but Zhong Dongyang actually gave it to Lu Chen just like that.

When did Lu Chen become so proud in front of the big bosses in the provincial capital?

The security guard next to him was even frightened to death by Zhong Dongyang's words.

He didn't expect that his boss would take the initiative to give away Linglong Club. This club was a real cash cow, and he just gave it away without blinking an eye.

He remembered Lu Chen's appearance in his mind and swore that when Lu Chen came in the future, he would treat him like an uncle and would not even let him show his membership card.

"I'm not interested in this club. As for the Supreme Membership Card, I am somewhat interested. You can apply for one for me and it will be in her name."

Lu Chen pointed to Ouyang Yang next to him and said to Zhong Dongyang.

Zhong Dongyang looked at Ouyang Qing, with a strange look on his face, and then he chuckled and said, "I understand, I understand."

He didn't care about Lu Chen's personal life. For a powerful person like Lu Chen, the more women he had, the more capable he was. His granddaughter might also have a chance.

Lu Chen didn't talk to Zhong Dongyang much. When Zhong Dongyang handed the card to Ouyang Qing, he ordered Zhong Dongyang to retreat.

"Brother Lu Chen, thank you, you are so kind to me."

Ouyang Qing knew that the wealth this card could generate in the future would be astonishing, because through this card, he could make friends with many big bosses in provincial cities.

Not to mention the future, just say that this card can grow a face in front of Qiyu today.

"Okay, just call your friend and tell her we've arrived and ask her which private room she is in." Lu Chen ordered Ouyang Qing.

Ouyang Qing responded, and then started to dial Qiyu's number.

Qi Yu is currently sitting in the private room of the Linglong Club, because with Zhou Bang's membership level, he can only sit in the private room of the herringbone size.

In the most exclusive Tianzihao private room, only the leaders of the major forces in the provincial capital are qualified to sit here.

Although he is a fierce general under Zhong Dongyang, and this place has become Zhong Dongyang's property, he does not dare to exceed this rule, because once he exceeds the rule and reaches Zhong Dongyang's ears, he will definitely be severely punished .

He understood the truth that it was not he who made Zhong Dongyang's power, but Zhong Dongyang's power that made him. Only by following the other party could he have meat to eat. Without Zhong Dongyang, he would be nothing.

"Brother Bang, you said that my friend won't be able to come in later and it will be embarrassing to be stuck outside. You asked me to pick him up. Wouldn't it be very honorable for me to show off in front of him with your membership card?"

Qi Yu half leaned on Zhou Bang's arms and spoke.

She doesn't really like Zhou Bang very much, but because he is a fierce general under Zhong Dongyang's subordinates, she is willing to commit herself to him.

Although she is the daughter of the Qi family, one of the top ten families, she is nothing compared to the major forces in the provincial capital.

The authority of these forces in the provincial capital is higher than that of the ten major families.

Even behind some families, there are faint shadows of manipulation by these major forces, but ordinary people don't know it.

"That's necessary. I, Zhou Bang's woman, must be the most honorable woman in the entire provincial capital from now on." Zhou Bang replied.

Qi Yu kissed Zhou Bang on the face and said with a smile: "I just like domineering men like Brother Bang. His body is getting weak now."

"Haha, wait until night, your brother Bang will make your body softer." Zhou Bang laughed and couldn't help but touch Qiyu's thigh hard, feeling full of touch.


Qi Yu gave Zhou Bang an angry look and muttered: "It's strange. I secretly said that my friend should have arrived a long time ago. Why hasn't he come over yet?"

beep beep.

As she was speaking, her cell phone rang.


Qi Yu opened her phone and looked at it, and immediately became excited.

Because she discovered that the caller ID belonged to no one else but her former best friend Ouyang Qing.

"Sister Qing, are you here?"

When Qi Yu answered the phone, she asked excitedly. She was about to start her show-off mode.

"Well, I'm here. Which private room are you in?" Ouyang Qing asked calmly.

Qi Yu was obviously stunned and asked uncertainly: "Have you come in yet?"

"Yes, I came in, but I didn't know which private room you were in." Ouyang Qing replied matter-of-factly.

Qi Yu was immediately disappointed and felt that she had missed an opportunity to show off in front of Ouyang Qing. She said angrily, "Sister Qing, you are serious. Why didn't you let me go out to pick you up?"

"I can come in by myself, what do you want me to do?" Ouyang Qing asked back.

"Okay, okay, I'm in the ground floor private room. Come here quickly, I'm in this private room."

Qi Yu became even more unhappy. At the same time, she speculated that Ouyang Qing might have found a way to sneak in with others.

For example, let someone come in by the way.

"it is good."

Ouyang Qing agreed and led Lu Chen towards the private room.

When they arrived at the private room, Qi Yu immediately complained with some dissatisfaction, "Sister Qing, when you were outside just now, did the security guard stop you from coming in?"

"Well, security did stop me."

Ouyang Qing knew that Qiyu was about to show off, so she nodded in cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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