My cold CEO wife

Chapter 708 I am Lu Chen from Guiyuan City

Chapter 708 I am Lu Chen from Guiyuan City

As Zhou Bang's words rang out, several security guards walked in from outside.

"Brother Bang, who do you want to arrest?"

After several security guards came in, the leading security guard asked Zhou Bang.

Zhou Bang pointed at Ouyang Qing and Lu Chen and gave instructions.

Lu Chen sat there without moving. Ouyang Qing was unhappy for a moment. She slapped the table, stood up and said:
"Mr. Zhou, instead of verifying your backend or calling your boss to verify the authenticity of my card, you are going to touch me immediately. If I lose a hair later, you Can’t afford it.”

Originally, Ouyang Qing had a fiery temper since she was a child. No one in the Ouyang family dared to offend this eldest lady, and she would restrain herself only in front of Lu Chen.

Now Zhou Bang set her on fire directly.

Zhou Bang hesitated a little when he heard Ouyang Qing's words.

After all, it takes a lot of courage to slap the table in front of him in a place like this, let alone a woman.

He even had some doubts that Ouyang Qing's card was real. Otherwise, where would the other party have the confidence to slap the table on him?

However, just as he was thinking this, Qi Yu next to him suddenly said:

"Brother Bang, don't listen to her nonsense here. She has had a fiery personality since she was a child, and she will be ignited at the slightest moment. Now she is just here to compete with you in terms of momentum. I know the Ouyang family very well. They are in a small place. The richest man is far worse than our Qi family, how could she possibly get such a membership card?"

When Qi Yu said this, Zhou Bang's somewhat wavering heart became firm again. He also determined that Ouyang Qing's Supreme Membership Card was fake, so he ordered the security guards below: "Get started and arrest them."

Several security guards quickly walked towards Lu Chen and Ouyang Qing.

"Go away, call your boss over to this girl."

Several security guards stepped forward to deal with Ouyang Qing, but Ouyang Qing kicked them away with a few kicks.

Ouyang Qing originally knew some martial arts, but now that these security guards are here, who is her opponent?

So she stepped out and kicked these security guards away.

"Hey, it's interesting."

Zhou Bang didn't expect Ouyang Qing to have such a hot personality. He licked his red lips and even had other thoughts about Ouyang Qing deep in his heart.

He felt that this woman was more interesting than Qi Yu.

"Beauty, I like your character very much. From today on, you will be my girlfriend Zhou Bang. I will not blame the past for what happened here, how?"

When Zhou Bang said this, he didn't care about Qi Yu's feelings at all, because he and Qi Yu always used each other.

He also understood the Ouyang family, the number one family in Guiyuan City. Although the other party did not have the connections of the Qi family in the provincial capital, at his position, he did not need any connections, he only needed money.

And when it comes to money, the money of the Ouyang family may not be much less than that of the Qi family.

Therefore, being able to combine with the Ouyang family will help him in the future no less than the Qi family. He likes to conquer fierce women like Ouyang Qing.

"Zhou Bang, actually want to be my friend, what do you think I am?"

After hearing Zhou Bang's words, Qi Yu looked at him in disbelief.

"What do I think of you? Of course I treat you as a spare tire. Do you think you and your friend can compare with her in terms of appearance and temperament? If I had a choice, I would not choose you." Zhou Bang said coldly. .

He is determined to get Ouyang Qing today.

"You heartless person, that's not what you said when you slept with me two days ago. This girl will fight with you."

Upon hearing this, Qi Yu stood up and rushed towards Zhou Bang, grabbing his face with her fingernails.

"Go away!"

Zhou Bang kicked Qi Yu directly to the sofa next to him without any politeness. Qi Yu lay on the sofa and convulsed.

"Brother Lu Chen, if someone wants to steal your woman, don't you care?"

Ouyang Qing did not care about Qi Yu's life and death. She already disliked Qi Yu. If she hadn't seen Qi Yu for many years and the other party insisted on making an appointment, she wouldn't particularly want to meet him.

After meeting today, she found that Qiyu's vanity was even worse and he didn't want to be friends with him anymore. Instead, she gave Lu Chen a somewhat resentful look.

She has been doing things here for so long, and Lu Chen has never come to help her. Doesn't she know how to show mercy to her?

"Zhou Bang, call Zhong Dongyang and ask him to come over."

If Lu Chen didn't take action at this time, it would still be unjustifiable.

Firstly, he appeared today as Ouyang Qing's boyfriend, and now he wants to help Ouyang Qing earn face in front of Qiyu. Secondly, as a man, he wants Ouyang Qing to fight with a grown man here, which is indeed a bit ungentlemanly. .

"who are you?"

At this time, Zhou Bang's eyes focused on Lu Chen.

To be honest, he didn't notice Lu Chen at first. Because Lu Chen was handsome, he just treated him as a pretty boy.

Now that Lu Chen spoke, he began to pay attention.

"If you are really a core member of Zhong Dongyang, then you must have heard my name. I am Lu Chen of Guiyuan City." Lu Chen said lightly.

It's a pity that Zhou Bang has never heard of Lu Chen's name.

Some time ago, he was sent out of town by Zhong Dongyang to discuss an important business, so he did not stay in the city. He was not aware of several major events that Lu Chen had done in the city, and he had not had much contact with Zhong Dongyang, so he did not I don’t know Lu Chen.

However, seeing Lu Chen speaking so firmly, he was a little unsure now.

"Wait, I'll make a call."

Lu Chen was different from Ouyang Qing. Ouyang Qing only screamed fiercely, but his aura was not enough to scare people. But Lu Chen was different. Lu Chen was an immortal emperor. What kind of aura he didn't have? Just this aura. Zhou Bang was shocked.

Zhou Bang took out his mobile phone, walked out of the door, quickly called Zhong Dongyang, and asked with some anxiety: "Master Zhong, a person claiming to be Lu Chen appeared in our Linglong Tea House, do you know this person?" ?”

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Lu Chen is the Mr. Lu I talked about. We can only look up to his abilities. He just happened to come to our Linglong Club today. I also said that if I had the opportunity to ask him I would like to introduce you, you have been stuck as a first-class martial artist for a long time now, and with his guidance, you will definitely be able to break through to the entry level of martial arts." Zhong Dongyang said to Zhou Bang.

Zhou Bang's brain roared, and he felt that his whole body was not well.

He knew that Zhong Dongyang's strength had broken through to the realm of martial arts, and the other party's breakthrough was because of the help of the man named Mr. Lu whom Zhong Dongyang mentioned.

A person who can help a beginner in martial arts break through to the realm of martial arts. Such a person has the ability to penetrate the world. Therefore, such a master Lu must be an old man with immortal style.

He had never connected the names of Mr. Lu and Lu Chen at all, but now that these words came out of Zhong Dongyang's mouth, it was absolutely unmistakable.

(End of this chapter)

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