My cold CEO wife

Chapter 710 is so powerful and domineering

Chapter 710 is so powerful and domineering

"Brother Lu Chen, when did you become so successful in the provincial capital? People really like you more and more. What do you want to do?"

When Lu Chen left Linglong Club with Ouyang Qing, Ouyang Qing's eyes lit up when she looked at Lu Chen. That kind of look gave the feeling of a wolf seeing a little white sheep.

Lu Chen is really outstanding. The more he looks at her, the better he becomes. Only such a man can be worthy of him.

Although her family had told her not to provoke Lu Chen, she really couldn't help herself.

"Then you like it, but the only one I like is my wife, Lin Qinghan."

Lu Chen said calmly and carried Lin Qinghan out.

Ouyang Qing gritted her teeth after hearing this, but she was helpless.

She asked herself that she was no worse than Lin Qinghan in all aspects, but Lu Chen just didn't like her, and he only fell in love with Lin Qinghan in his heart. She couldn't figure out why.


Today happened to be the blind date agreed between Ouyang Qing and Meng Wuque, and the blind date was set at noon.

"Brother Lu Chen, I heard that this man named Meng is quite powerful. If he dares to mess with me later, you have to protect him."

Ouyang Qing took Lu Chen to the blind date, which was set at the Xinhua Hotel, a five-star hotel in the provincial capital.

"Can you please stop being so arrogant when you speak? In fact, the way you spoke to Zhou Bang yesterday is more suitable for you." Lu Chen couldn't help but shudder when he heard Ouyang Qing's embarrassment to him.

"So you like this kind of tone, okay, Lu Chen, I'm telling you sincerely that this girl wants to sleep with you."

Ouyang Qing changed her gentleness just now and became rough and wild, like a lioness.

Lu Chen almost ran away, while Ouyang Qing laughed so hard that she fell forward and backward.


Inside the Xinhua Hotel.

Meng Wuque sat with a beautiful woman.

If Lu Chen and Ouyang Qing appeared here now, they would be shocked.

Because this woman is none other than Qi Yu.

The Qi family and the Meng family are considered aristocratic families, and the two families are on good terms. Qiyu and Meng Wuque can be said to be childhood sweethearts.

In fact, the two families were very optimistic about the two before, but because they were too familiar with each other, they had no feelings for each other, and the relationship between the two families was already very good, so there was no need to rely on marriage to maintain the relationship between the two families.
Therefore, if the two families marry with other families, it will be more helpful to the power of the two major families.

Due to various reasons, the two did not get together, but they had a small relationship. If anything happened, they would ask each other for help.

Although Qiyu was abandoned by Zhou Bang last night, she no longer cared about Zhou Bang after knowing that Zhou Bang had broken an arm and was marginalized by Zhong Dongyang.

Because the current Zhou Bang is no longer worthy of her. The previous Zhou Bang was only worthy of her because of his position. What she married was power and status, not a person.

Now Qiyu is like a human being.

"Yu'er, how are you and Zhou Bang doing? When are you going to get married?"

Meng Wuque is still a little afraid of Zhou Bang. Although he is rich and can do whatever he wants, this method will not work in front of people with underground forces like Zhou Bang.

Therefore, if Qiyu and Zhou Bang can become friends, he will still be able to use Zhou Bang when needed in the future. He still hopes that Qiyu and Zhou Bang can be combined.

"Hmph, Zhou Bang offended someone he shouldn't have offended last night. One of his arms has been disabled, and he is now marginalized by Zhong Dongyang. He will never be at the center of Zhong Dongyang's efforts in the future. I will marry him. It doesn’t make any sense anymore.”

Qi Yu showed a rare look of nymphomaniac and said, "On the other hand, the man named Lu Chen last night was really powerful and domineering. If I could marry him, my life would be perfect."

Thinking of Lu Chen's appearance last night, she felt her body go weak.

Lu Chen is very handsome. Even in the provincial capital, you can't see such a handsome man. Lu Chen is indeed famous for his handsomeness.

Of course, being handsome is just the icing on the cake. The most important thing is that the other party is strong enough. Even Zhong Dongyang behaves like a little brother in front of him. Such a person is simply her perfect marriage partner.

No, let alone marry him, she would be satisfied if she could be his woman.

It is impossible for a man like Lu Chen to ignore his own woman.

"Oh, who can make you so tempted?"

Meng Wuque knew Qi Yu very well. She was a vain woman with eyes higher than the sky. Most men would not look down on her at all.

"Hey, I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore, Wu Que, I just want to pee when I think about him. I'm going to go to the toilet first. I'll help you examine your blind date later to see if he can catch my eye. .”

Qi Yu said and quickly ran towards the toilet.


Hearing Qi Yu's words, Meng Wuque cursed lowly.

He didn't know that this woman Qiyu wanted a man.

As soon as Qi Yu left, Ouyang Qing took Lu Chen to the private room where they were.

This private room was arranged by the matchmaker between the two parties. The two parties agreed on the Qiuyue private room at twelve o'clock at noon. If you come here at this time, you will not go wrong.

"Boom boom boom!"

Meng Wuque had just stayed in the room when there was a knock on the door outside.

He opened his mouth and said, "Please come in."

Then, a stunning beauty from outside pushed in the door, and Meng Wuque's eyes widened.

One side of water and soil nourishes one side of people.

Although the provincial capital is a big city, the climate is really incomparable with that of Guiyuan City, so very beautiful women cannot be found in the provincial capital.

Women like Lin Qinghan and Ouyang Qing from Guiyuan City are among the top women in the country, let alone the province.

Not to mention women, even men have a man like Lu Chen who looks better than Pan An.

Therefore, there is a reason for Ouyang Qing's beauty. It is so breathtaking that Meng Wuque only took one look at her and couldn't take his eyes away.

"Excuse me, are you Ouyang Qing?"

Meng Wuque swallowed his saliva like Brother Zhu.

Originally, according to his status, he shouldn't show such an expression, but Ouyang Qing is really very beautiful, and he can't control his desires in certain aspects.

"I am Ouyang Qing, and you must be Meng Wuque, right?"

Ouyang was much more generous than Meng Wuque. She sat across from him casually and said, "To be honest, if my aunt hadn't introduced you to me, I wouldn't have wanted to attend this blind date interview at all. , you also saw my beauty,

I want to know, what about you can impress me?If not, our blind date will end here. "

Ouyang Qing didn't want to go on a blind date in the first place, but now she just wanted to cause trouble. Anyway, with Lu Chen here, she didn't worry that Meng Wuque would be detrimental to her.

Meng Wuque was obviously stunned by Ouyang Qing's words, but then the corners of his lips curved.

Playing with a hot girl like Ouyang Qing is fun enough.

(End of this chapter)

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