My cold CEO wife

Chapter 715 Picking up the father-in-law and mother-in-law

Chapter 715 Picking up the father-in-law and mother-in-law

After handling Ouyang Qing's matter, Lu Chen sent her back to the Ouyang family, and then returned home.

But as soon as he arrived home, he received a call from Lin Qinghan.

"My parents will be at the airport in two hours. You go pick them up."

"Aren't they coming back tomorrow?"

Hearing Lin Qinghan's words, Lu Chen was obviously surprised and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

"I said they would come back when they came back, so I asked you if you would pick them up?" Lin Qinghan said in a cold tone on the phone.

"Pick up!"

Lu Chen immediately said to Lin Qinghan.


As soon as he finished speaking, the blind tone of Lin Qinghan's call came from the phone, and Lu Chen was speechless for a while.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to drive to the airport.

Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan have been traveling for a long time, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so they are going to come back to celebrate the New Year with Lin Qinghan. By the way, they want to see how the couple is doing and whether they want to be a couple themselves. People do something.

"Ruyan, Qinghan has had a strong personality since she was a child. Do you think Lu Chen can defeat her?"

While the two were still on the plane, Lin Jiangong became a little worried.

He is Lin Qinghan's father, and he knows his daughter's character very well. With Lin Qinghan's character, ordinary men may not be able to control her.

"I think there should be no problem. You also know that Lu Chen is famous as a lover in our Guiyuan City. Is there any girl he can't get?" Li Ruyan said.

"You seem to have something to say."

Hearing what Li Ruyan said, Lin Jiangong felt it made sense.

While the two were talking, a young man suddenly came over and said to Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan: "Uncle and aunt, I seem to have heard about your son and daughter-in-law? Can I chat with you here for a while? "

"We are not talking about son and daughter-in-law, but daughter and son-in-law." Lin Jiangong explained.

The young man didn't care whether the two of them agreed or not. He sat directly in the empty seat next to him and said with a smile: "That's about the same anyway. Let me tell you, I am also someone else's son-in-law. As a son-in-law, I have the most say. You guys If you want this son-in-law to listen to you well, you have to know what he is thinking."

"Oh, come on, tell us, what is the average son-in-law thinking in his heart?"

When Li Ruyan heard the young man's words, she immediately became interested.

Now, both she and Lin Jiangong actually want their daughter to live a good life with Lu Chen, so now they really want to know what Lu Chen is thinking, so that they will listen to them carefully in the future.

"Well, aunt, I have an app here that I recommend to you. With this app, you can take a simulation test on your son-in-law's personality. You can play it when you are bored. It will definitely be helpful to you. Yes." The young man said to Li Ruyan with a flash of amusement in his eyes.

"Really? Come on, tell me how to use this app."

Li Ruyan didn't want Lu Chen to listen to what he and Lin Qinghan said, so after hearing what this young man said, his interest became even stronger.

The young man said to Li Ruyan: "In this way, after getting off the plane, I will help you download an app, and then I will use the app to set it up for you, so that you can play as you like."

"Okay, young man, you are so kind. There are really not many young people like you nowadays." Li Ruyan praised.

Afterwards, the young man stopped talking to Li Ruyan about the APP, and instead talked to her about women's skin care products. The level of professionalism made Li Ruyan wonder.

When the plane arrived at the airport, Li Ruyan felt that this young man was very kind and almost recognized him as his godson.

After getting off the plane, the young man never mentioned the APP to Li Ruyan.

"Auntie, we got off the plane. I live in the eastern suburbs. Where do you live? Are we going the same way?" the young man asked.

Li Ruyan frowned slightly and said, "I live in the western suburbs. It's a pity that we live on different roads."

"Okay, Auntie, that's it. We'll see you later. I wish you a Happy New Year in advance."

When the young man heard that the two sides were on different paths, he said to Li Ruyan calmly.

He was free and easy, but Li Ruyan couldn't be free and easy. He almost grabbed the young man and said to him: "Little brother, don't leave in a hurry. You haven't recommended the APP you mentioned to me yet."

"Auntie, I thought about it and decided not to recommend that APP to you because it's a membership system. You have to bind your bank card to get in and there's a fee." The young man said awkwardly.

Now Lin Qinghan is also one of the few successful entrepreneurs in Guiyuan City. He is worth a lot of money. He pays hundreds of thousands of living expenses to his parents every month. How does Li Ruyan care how much a small APP member charges?

She said: "Little brother, if you recommend the APP to you, the money is not a problem. Your aunt and I are not short of money."

"Okay, since Auntie said so, I will help Auntie operate it. Come on, give me the phone."

The young man said to Li Ruyan.

Li Ruyan now has great trust in the young man and thinks that he is a good young man, so she gave the young man her mobile phone without hesitation and asked him to download the APP for her.

"Auntie, this APP requires a bank card. Please provide your bank card and the mobile phone number reserved by the bank. The APP requires a registration verification code." The young man said to Li Ruyan again.

Li Ruyan provided everything she wanted to the young man without hesitation, and the young man was fussing around in the app.

When the fussing was over, he said: "Auntie, I've finished the APP for you. You can study it yourself. I feel a little urgent to urinate now and need to go to the toilet."

"Okay, okay, you go quickly."

Li Ruyan said to the young man.

The young man left quickly.

At this time, Li Ruyan was next to Lin Jiangong and praised the young man again.

"Jiangong, there are really not many young people with such enthusiasm nowadays."

"There aren't many left." Lin Jiangong nodded.

While the two were talking, Lin Jiangong's cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at it, and said happily: "Hey, it's the son-in-law calling. It should be the son-in-law and Qinghan coming to pick us up."

"Hurry up, answer the phone quickly, I'll study the APP here."

Li Ruyan ordered Lin Jiangong.

Lin Jiangong responded, answered Lu Chen's call, and asked, "Good son-in-law, are you and Qinghan coming to pick us up?"

"Dad, things at Qinghan Group are very busy and she doesn't have time. She asked me to pick you up."

Lu Chen replied on the phone.

Lin Jiangong was immediately disappointed.

Compared to Lu Chen, he liked his daughter more.

Lin Ruyan was just the opposite. She was now focused on her son-in-law's affairs.

"Okay, let's go find you wherever you are." Lin Jiangong finally replied.

Soon, Lu Chen's phone rang again, asking, "Dad, tell me where you are, I'll pick you up."

"We'll wait for you at the Daikin Supermarket next door."

Lin Jiangong looked up and found a Daikin supermarket not far from them, so he said to Lu Chen.

"Okay, just stand there and don't move, I'll go find you."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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