My cold CEO wife

Chapter 721 3 Months

Chapter 721 Three Months

"Mr. Lu, that's not what I meant. Listen to me..."

Song Ji was speechless, but Lu Chen was telling the truth. With the current service attitude of the bank, I don't know whether it can continue to make profits. Now it still wants Lu Chen to be a shareholder. Unless he is a fool, he will not agree.

"Okay, that's it. I won't apply for my parents' card with you anymore. In addition, I will give you one week for my deposit in your bank. After one week, I will transfer it away. This week, you You can figure it out yourself." Lu Chen said calmly to Song Ji.

He didn't do things perfectly and gave Song Ji a week to think of a solution. If the other party didn't think about what he would do if Guiyuan Bank lost money this week after he transferred the money, then it would be the other party's incompetence.

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen looked at Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan beside him and said, "Dad, Mom, aren't you in a hurry to apply for the card? Let's go."

"oh oh."

Only then did the two of them react, and then followed Lu Chen into the distance, feeling deeply shocked at the same time.

When did Lu Chen become so awesome?

"Do you think it's possible that this kid asked Qinghan to deposit money in Guiyuan Bank? And he deposited a lot of money?"

Li Ruyan whispered to Lin Jiangong next to her.


Lin Jiangong agreed with Li Ruyan's words.

Later, Lu Chen changed a bank. The couple got the card ready before get off work at six o'clock, and Lu Chen immediately transferred 1000 million to the card.

Because the two of them felt that this was money given by Lin Qinghan to Lu Chen, they were not polite to Lu Chen at all, nor did they say thank you to him.

Not long after, Lu Chen took the old couple to Jiangting Villa, and he reappeared outside the villa.

Zhao Qing had been waiting outside for a long time.

"Lord Lu."

he said respectfully.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "My mother-in-law was defrauded of her money. The specific story is this..."

Then Lu Chen told Zhao Qing what Lin Jiangong told him again, and then he said: "I will give you three days. No matter what method you use, you must find this kid and give it to me." , if you can't find this person within three days, then you can decide what to do."

"Master Lu, it doesn't take three days. If I have Ya Fei's help, I believe this matter can be solved in one day tomorrow." Zhao Qing replied to Lu Chen.

He had cooperated with Yafei to help Lu Chen handle things, so he admired Yafei's method of finding clues.

He had a feeling that as long as Yafei was willing to take action, he could find the other party in minutes.

"Okay, I'll let Ya Fei contact you."

Lu Chen nodded and ordered: "You should go back to Sihehui first."

Zhao Qing immediately returned to Sihehui.

In the evening, when Yafei followed Lin Qinghan back from the Lin Group, Li Ruyan immediately pulled Lin Qinghan to whisper.

Lu Chen arranged for Ya Fei to go find Zhao Qing.

"Qinghan, how have you been getting along with Lu Chen during this time?" Li Ruyan asked curiously.

"pretty good."

Lin Qinghan spoke calmly.

"So you have children?"

Li Ruyan looked at Lin Qinghan's belly expectantly, wanting to hear a positive answer.

Lin Qinghan shook his head and said, "Mom, I've been very busy recently. Where can I have time to take care of this matter?"

"I remember you said that after you were busy some time ago, you would think about having a baby, right? It's been some time now, haven't you started thinking about it yet?"

Li Ruyan said in an experienced tone: "Let me tell you, this woman, the younger she is, the more dangerous it is to have children. If you are over 30 years old and have children, the risk will be greater for you and the risk for the child. She is an advanced age. Maternity."

"Mom and your dad only have one daughter. If we don't have children, our Lin family will definitely not be able to do it after death. If we have children, they will be born late. You have three children and two children. How do you think mom and dad will live?"

Lin Qinghan's head went dizzy for a while, but Li Ruyan was her mother, so she didn't dare to say any rebuttals.

Seeing that Lin Qinghan was silent, Li Ruyan secretly glanced at Lu Chen who was not far away, lowered her voice and said, "Isn't it because he is not good at that aspect, or is he infertile?"

Even if infertility occurs, Li Ruyan will not think that there is a problem with her daughter, but will blame the problem on Lu Chen.

"Seeing that you don't talk, it seems that the problem is really on him. That's right. This guy used to be a prostitute all day long, and he probably broke his body a long time ago. No, mom must take him to the hospital tomorrow. Go to the infertility department for a checkup."

Seeing that Lin Qinghan was still silent, Li Ruyan strengthened her mind and said.

"Mom, don't worry about it. I promise you that we will have a child within half a year, okay?"

Lin Qinghan felt dizzy after hearing this.

She vaguely knew that Lu Chen was very strong. For someone with such good martial arts skills, he should have good abilities in that area. When the time came, she would take Lu Chen to inspect the goods. There was no problem with Lu Chen, but her mother might have to suspect that the problem was with her. When the time comes, I might as well drag her for a checkup.

Therefore, she simply blocked her mother's mouth from the beginning and prevented her from thinking in this direction.

"Half a year, that won't work, let me tell you, your dad and I are getting older, and we won't be able to take care of the child in the future. You will have a child in the past six months, and the child will be born in a year and a half. At that time Neither of us can probably move."

Li Ruyan shook her head resolutely and said: "I will only give you three months. Don't use your group's affairs to pressure me. Your fake grandma has long since disappeared. The Lin Group belongs to you. Now everyone below will have to Listen to you, why are you so busy with so many things?"

"Okay, three months is three months."

Seeing that Li Ruyan was resolute, Lin Qinghan estimated that even if she continued to fight over this matter, Li Ruyan would not compromise, so she might as well compromise directly.

"Okay, this is settled. Mom will live in your house during these three months. Before you get pregnant, you must keep up with your nutrition. Only then will the child be healthy."

Li Ruyan took the words and continued.

Lin Qinghan wanted to say something, but after meeting Li Ruyan's firm gaze, she compromised.

After all, it was his parents who were here to celebrate the New Year, so Lu Chen was well prepared. The dinner was very rich.

In addition to Lin Qinghan's family, there were also Zhong Xue and Ya Fei at dinner.

However, because Zhong Xue and Ya Fei's identities were a bit special, Lin Qinghan didn't want his parents to know, so he just said that Zhong Xue was the nanny he hired, and Ya Fei was the bodyguard he hired.

Lin Jiangong and his wife looked suspicious after hearing what Lin Qinghan said.

When did the nanny become so beautiful?She is not much inferior to her own daughter, and the bodyguards are on the same level as her own daughter.

Doesn’t this beauty spend any money?

Moreover, can a woman as beautiful as Yafei be beaten?
The eyes of the two people unconsciously stopped on Lu Chen. They suspected that these two women were related to Lu Chen. After all, this guy was called Love Saint in nice words, but in bad words, he was a playboy.

(End of this chapter)

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