My cold CEO wife

Chapter 727: Fighting with your mother is too young

Chapter 727: Fighting with your mother is too young
"Promise me, what can you use to guarantee me? Are you going to use your words that have deceived hundreds of women to deceive a woman like me?"

Li Ruyan looked at Lu Chen questioningly.

Her words were obviously implying that Lu Chen was a playboy before.

When one person sees that another person is smooth, everything is smooth. Before Lu Chen took care of Lin Qinghan, she thought that a son-in-law like Lu Chen was very good.

When a person sees that another person is not going well, everything is going wrong. Because of Lu Chen, all her money was defrauded, so now her understanding of Lu Chen is negative.

"Mom, I know you are biased against me, but please believe me. Before twelve o'clock today, the person who defrauded you of your money will really take the initiative to admit his mistake to you. If he doesn't come..."

Lu Chen and Li Ruyan promised, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Li Ruyan.

"If he doesn't come, you and Qinghan will divorce. I don't think Li Ruyan likes smooth-talking men."

"Okay, Mom, if the man who defrauded you of your money doesn't appear in front of you before twelve o'clock, Qinghan and I will divorce. But if he appears in front of you, then you can't object to the marriage between me and Qinghan in the future. , between me and Qinghan, you still have to bet on me, do you dare to bet?"

When Lu Chen heard what Li Ruyan said, he smiled and said.

Originally, he had not thought about dealing with Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan, but Lin Qinghan gave him a hint. He believed that as long as he dealt with Lin Qinghan's parents, it would be much easier to deal with Lin Qinghan.

"Haha, okay, you dare to make a bet with me, I'll make a bet with you."

Hearing this, Li Ruyan smiled and said, "I won't let you stay at my Lin's house today. It's already 5 o'clock in 5 minutes. I don't believe it. Within [-] minutes, this young man will appear in my house." in front of me.”

She said this out of anger, because she couldn't decide who Lin Qinghan would choose to be her husband, but now Lu Chen dared to make a bet with her, which made her very angry.

"Jingle Bell!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the doorbell rang outside.

When Lu Chen heard the knock on the door, a smile appeared in his eyes. He grinned and said, "Mom, you lost, this person showed up."

"I don't know who gave you the confidence. I want to see if this person really shows up."

Li Ruyan sneered, walked to the door, and then walked to the video doorbell nearby, looked over there, and then opened her mouth in shock.

Because, the young man standing outside the gate is the same young man who cheated her of money.

She had now forgotten her bet with Lu Chen, and rushed out of the door quickly, screaming: "You damn liar, how dare you come to defraud me of my money, I will strangle you to death."

The person who came was Lai Yong who came to Jiangting Villa to admit Li Ruyan's mistake.

She rushed to Lai Yong and strangled Lai Yong's neck, but Lai Yong did not dare to resist and could only let Li Ruyan strangle herself.

When Lin Jiangong saw Li Ruyan holding Lai Yong, he was afraid that Li Ruyan might kill him, so he quickly grabbed Li Ruyan and said, "Ruyan, please don't kill anyone."

Li Ruyan came to her senses, and then let go of Lai Yong's neck.

Lai Yong coughed a few times in pain. He suddenly knelt down in front of Lin Ruyan and begged: "Aunt Li, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have defrauded you of your money. This bank card It contains the money I defrauded you of, and the password is your birthday. I hope you can forgive me."

He knew that whether he could survive today might depend on Li Ruyan's attitude.

Therefore, last night he sold the villa and luxury car he bought, and because he lost some money, he borrowed money from all his relatives and friends, and finally got the money he had defrauded Li Ruyan.

"Damn liar, tell me, if Auntie believes in you so much, why did you deceive Auntie out of her money?"

Li Ruyan slapped Lai Yong on the face.

Lai Yong explained with a grimace: "Aunt Li, I'm sorry, I was confused and I was wrong."

"I won't listen to your explanation, you liar, just call yourself and turn yourself in."

Li Ruyan didn't mean to forgive Lai Yong. She looked back and thought that it couldn't really be the first time that this young man deceived someone. After all, the way he deceived her was so skillful. How could it be the first time that he deceived someone?
"Aunt Li..."

Lai Yong did not expect that Li Ruyan would surrender. If he surrendered, his life would be over. He couldn't help but look at Li Ruyan with a look of begging in his eyes.

However, just when he was about to beg Li Ruyan again, he caught a glimpse of Lu Chen walking towards him. He took out his cell phone without hesitation and said, "Aunt Li, I am willing to surrender."

He had already found out Lu Chen's identity through private channels. He couldn't afford to offend someone with an identity like Lu Chen's.

Therefore, he would rather surrender now.

Li Ruyan saw Lai Yong's big change before and after, and looked at Lu Chen next to her with some surprise.

She felt that Lai Yong's change in attitude was probably because of Lu Chen, but she couldn't figure out how Lu Chen found Lai Yong, a person who even the police had not found.

"how did you do it?"

Li Ruyan looked at Lu Chen and asked.

"Mom, don't worry about how I did it. Do you remember the bet you made with me just now?" Lu Chen asked with a smile.

Hearing this, the smile on Li Ruyan's face froze. She gritted her teeth and said, "Have you already planned on me?"

"Hey, mom can't say that. As an elder, you can't keep your word."

Lu Chen said with a smile.

Li Ruyan replied: "Humph, I am an elder, but I am also a woman. Women don't keep their words. Isn't that normal?"

The smile on Lu Chen's face also solidified.

"Huh, you're a little too young to fight with your mother."

Seeing Lu Chen frustrated, Li Ruyan burst into laughter.

Lai Yong surrendered and was quickly taken away by the patrol.

Li Ruyan was in a good mood because she got her money back from being defrauded. She ate a lot at noon and went to take a nap after eating.

"Lu Chen, do you have time in the afternoon?"

Lin Jiangong was somewhat interested and his eyes fell on Lu Chen.

"Dad, I have time in the afternoon, what do you want me to do for you?" Lu Chen was also interested. He was willing to help Lin Jiangong do something. If he could deal with Lin Jiangong, it would be helpful to deal with Lin Qinghan. of.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Dad wants to buy an old object to put in his study. How about you accompany Dad to the antique market?"

Lin Jiangong said with a smile on his face.

He had already thought about making Lu Chen lose money today, and the loss would not be a penny. When the time comes, he must let Lin Qinghan know about this matter, so that Lin Qinghan will not have a good impression of him.

He didn't particularly like Lu Chen in the first place, it was just because Lin Qinghan was stronger and he couldn't object.

But now, he was going to make some small moves in the middle to make Lin Qinghan divorce Lu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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