My cold CEO wife

Chapter 729: Insist on buying paintings

Chapter 729: Insist on buying paintings
"Let's go downstairs and watch."

Lu Chen smiled and spoke without continuing to expose Ning Yiquan.

This was Ning Yiquan's way of survival, and he would not expose it.

There are no good things on the third floor, so there is no need for Lu Chen to stay on the third floor.

"Okay, let's go to the second floor and have a look."

Ning Yiquan said to Lu Chen, but he felt a little disappointed.

These items on the third floor are the most valuable, to be precise, they are the ones that can be sold at the highest price, and he can make the most money.

The second floor is second.

Those on the first floor earn the least.

"The treasures on the second floor generally cost around 200 yuan, but there are a few treasures priced at [-] million yuan. I guarantee that these two treasures are authentic."

After arriving on the second floor, Ning Yiquan introduced Lu Chen again.

Lu Chen glanced at the treasures on the second floor and nodded.

Ning Yiquan was right, those two treasures were indeed genuine, and apart from these two treasures, there were two other treasures that were also valuable, and they only sold for 17 yuan, which was not high.

After buying these two treasures, he could make millions by reselling them.

But Lu Chen looked down upon such a small amount of money.

"Let's go to the first floor and have a look." Lu Chen said calmly.

Ning Yiquan looked at Lin Jiangong next to him with an ugly expression. He originally understood Lin Jiangong's hint and wanted to trick Lu Chen, but now it seemed that he didn't have much chance.

After all, the items on the first floor don't sell for much, and the general price is only about 5 yuan.

"Lu Chen, let me tell you, my vision is a bit high. I don't like ordinary antiques." Lin Jiangong said to Lu Chen calmly. In his words, Lu Chen went to the first floor to buy antiques. Already somewhat dissatisfied.

After all, even if the antiques bought on the first floor are genuine, their value will not be too high.

After waiting on the first floor, an old man suddenly brought a painting over to Ning Yiquan and asked, "Shopkeeper, how much does this painting cost?"

"This painting costs 5 yuan."

Ning Yiquan glanced at the painting next to him and lost interest in it.

"Shopkeeper, if you ask for 5 yuan for this painting, is it too expensive? You see, this painting is not worth 5 yuan."

The middle-aged man said to Ning Yiquan: "Otherwise, I'll buy this painting for 2 yuan."

"Twenty thousand yuan, why don't you grab it? I won't sell it for 2 yuan." Ning Yiquan shook his head.

"Boss, how about I pay [-] yuan?"

The half-old man said with a smile.

Ning Yiquan shook his head and said, "In that case, you pay twenty thousand and two yuan, and I'll sell it to you."

It was obvious that these two old men were fighting over each other. One offered [-] yuan, while the other offered [-] yuan. The difference was only one yuan.

"That won't work. It's twenty thousand and one dollar. I won't pay even one dollar more."

The half-old man spoke.

Ning Yiquan, who was next to him, refused to give up even if he lost a dollar. The two of them just froze here, and soon attracted a group of people.

This kind of thing often happens in Antique Street.

"I said, Lao Bi, why did you spend 2 yuan on such a crappy thing? When you look at it, it's a fake painting."

While the two were arguing, another half-old man appeared and pulled the first half-old man to speak.

The half-old man at the beginning was called Lao Bi.

"I know it's a lie, but I made a deal with this shopkeeper today. 2 yuan is not money to me." Lao Bi said confidently.

The friend next to him was speechless.

"Ning, let me ask you again, do you want to sell this [-] yuan? If not, I won't buy it. For such a broken painting, except for me, I am willing to pay [-] yuan. , no one will pay this money again.”

Lao Bi is still here arguing endlessly with Ning Yiquan.

"Hmph, twenty thousand and two yuan, not even one yuan less."

Ning Yiquan shook his head firmly. He was also a temperamental person, and what he said at the beginning was firm and unchanged.

"If you don't sell it, you won't sell it. Who cares?"

Lao Bi shook his head, changed his hands and hung the painting back to the original display place.

Everyone felt bored when they saw this and slowly dispersed.

However, just as everyone dispersed, Lu Chen suddenly walked up to the painting, picked up the painting, and said to Ning Yiquan: "Shopkeeper, I want this painting for twenty thousand and two yuan. "

"Young man, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this painting is fake, but you still buy it?"

When Lu Chen picked up the painting, Lao Bi looked at Lu Chen as if he were a fool. He had just said that the painting was a lie, and he was only willing to pay [-] taels for a gamble. piece.

There is no need for Lu Chen to pay this price now, or even to buy this painting at all.

"I want to buy."

Lu Chen nodded seriously.

The reason why he didn't make a bid at first was because there was a rule in the antiques industry. As long as other buyers had not put down the object and completely given up on the object, no one else could intervene.

Just now Lao Bi didn't say that he wanted to give up on this painting, so Lu Chen didn't get involved at first.

"Young man, don't be fooled. 5 yuan is not a small sum of money to everyone. Don't spend it randomly."

"Yes, you can't take advantage of this female businessman."

"Young man, wouldn't it be nice if he used the 2 yuan to travel?"


When Lu Chen insisted, the melon-eating people watching beside him all made suggestions.

Everyone saw that the painting was a fake, and he would definitely throw it away when he bought it. There was no need for Lu Chen to spend money on such an obvious fake.

"Haha, little friend Lu, let me tell you, I only wanted to sell this painting to Lao Bi for [-] yuan. If you were to buy it, I wouldn't sell it for less than [-] yuan."

After Lu Chen made the bid, Ning Yiquan, who was standing next to him, was very happy. He immediately changed the price and demanded [-] yuan to sell it, showing the essence of a capitalist to the extreme.

Of course, he was not planning to sell the things on the first floor to Lu Chen. After all, Lin Jiangong had just given him a wink, so he naturally wanted Lu Chen to buy things on the third floor.

"Young man, this old guy is nothing. He is crazy about money. Don't buy this painting."

"Yes, this painting is fake. Whoever buys it will lose. You don't have to put money into it."

"Young man, you have just joined this business, so I suggest you don't buy anything here. The things here are [-] out of [-] fake."


Everyone's impression of Ning Yiquan was obviously not very good, so now that the other party suddenly increased his price, everyone advised Lu Chen not to be fooled.

Lu Chen smiled, bowed his hands to everyone, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, I bought this painting."

When Lu Chen bought this painting, everyone was shocked.

"Young man, are you stupid, or do you have a lot of money and can't use it all?"

"No, everyone knows it's a fake painting, but you still buy it, you're stupid."


"Shopkeeper, what are you doing standing still? Just swipe your card."

Lu Chen ignored these people's comments and said to Ning Yiquan.

(End of this chapter)

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