733 Threat
Ruan Cai is a down-and-out businessman who used to engage in real estate development, but because he was too mean, those who were willing to follow him in the first place left him.

The industrial land next to Lu Chen's pharmaceutical factory is his only asset now.

He also found a lot of channels and connections for this piece of industrial land, hoping to lend it out or sell it, and rely on this piece of land to make a comeback again.

But no one is interested in this piece of industrial land because it is neither big nor small, so it is useless.

Therefore, everyone looks down upon his piece of land.

Just when he was about to despair, he discovered that someone had found him and wanted to buy the land.

It is said that no woman can do business, and he is indeed a businessman. The first time Lu Yuanzhen found him, he first inquired about Lu Yuanzhen's purpose of buying this land, so that he could raise the price.

When he learned that Lu Yuan really wanted to expand the pharmaceutical factory, his mind immediately relaxed.

After all, he still has to pay attention to the factory next to his land. He knows that the drugs produced by this pharmaceutical factory are very magical. Now Lu's Pharmaceutical can be said to be a star enterprise in the entire Guiyuan City.

An industry related to everyone's health is definitely a profitable industry.

Therefore, his head turned quickly, and he was ready to raise the price, hoping to obtain more rights and interests for himself.

The houses he lives in now are all rented houses, but he believes that he will be able to become rich in the future.

"Boom boom boom!"

While he was fantasizing about how to fight for his rights, there was a knock on the door outside.


Ruan Cai cheered up, knowing that Lu Yuanzhen must have appeared again.

Because now he has no friends, and no one has come to the house he rented except Lu Yuanzhen. If someone knocks on the door now, it must be Lu Yuanzhen.

He came to the door, took a deep breath, suppressed the joy in his heart, and then slowly opened the door.

Outside the door, a young man and a middle-aged man were reflected into their own world.

The middle-aged man was exactly the person he had been waiting for to appear.

The visitors were none other than Lu Chen and Lu Yuanzhen.

Lu Yuanzhen was the first to speak. He introduced Lu Chen: "Xiaochen, this is the owner of that land, Mr. Ruan Cai."

"Hello, Mr. Ruan Cai, this is Lu Chen, the real boss of our Lu Group. I brought him here because I want to have a good chat with you about your piece of industrial land."

Then, Lu Yuanzhen introduced Ruan Cai to Lu Chen.

Ruan Cai had already guessed that Lu Yuanzhen would come to him again, because he had calculated that if Lu's Pharmaceuticals wanted to build a new factory in another place, it would cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars more, and the workers and technicians on both sides in the later period would be more expensive. Intermodulation work is still very troublesome, which is very detrimental to the development of Lu's Pharmaceuticals.

Therefore, he had decided on Lu Yuanzhen, and now it was time for him to raise the price.

"Oh, what are you going to tell me about this industrial land? This industrial land belongs to my ancestors, and I don't want to sell it." Ruan Cai lied.

Lu Chen smiled, quickly grasped the key words, and said, "Mr. Ruan, I can hear the meaning behind your words. Just because you don't want to sell, doesn't mean you can't. It just means that the price you're offered can't be sold to you." I'm just satisfied, please tell me your conditions."

"Haha, Mr. Lu is really young and promising. He knows what I want to say right away."

Ruan Cai smiled and said: "The conditions I want are actually very simple. I want to use my piece of industrial land to invest in your Lu's Pharmaceuticals, accounting for 5.00% of the shares. As long as you agree, we can go immediately Transfer of title from the Land Bureau.”

"Ha ha."

Hearing Ruan Cai's words, Lu Chen couldn't help but smile and said: "Mr. Ruan, you are so open-minded. Do you know what the current market value of Lu's Pharmaceuticals is? You also know that Lu's Pharmaceuticals has a monthly profit How much is your net profit?"

"how many?"

Ruan was a layman and really didn't know the current market value and monthly net profit of Lu's Pharmaceuticals, so he couldn't help but ask casually.

Lu Chen said calmly: "The value of your industrial land is only about 2000 million, and the value of my current Lu's Pharmaceuticals is already tens of billions. If you want 5.00% of the shares, that's [-] million. "

"In addition, our company's monthly net profit is more than 5.00 million. You want 1000% of the shares, but you have to share 2000 million every month. In one year, you can get [-] million."

"You have a good idea? Do you think we can negotiate this business?"

Every word Lu Chen said shocked Ruan Cai's heart.

He felt that Lu Chen's company was simply a cash cow. As long as he owned the shares, he would just sit back and collect money.

He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said: "In that case, I want [-]% of your company's shares. If it is less than [-]% of the shares, I would rather not sell this land."

One percent of the shares, that is, 2000 million, and the dividend is only over [-] million a year, which is not much for Lu Chen, and the other party will definitely agree.

"It seems that our business is out of business."

Lu Chen raised his lowered eyelids and said, "I will give you 5000 million now to buy out your land in one go. You can choose to take the 5000 million, or not."

"If you are unwilling to sell that piece of industrial land, I will build a factory elsewhere, and your piece of land will be wasted there. You won't be able to sell it for 2000 million by then."

"I said, I want one percent of the shares. If you don't give it to me, I won't sell that land."

Ruan Cai looked at Lu Chen's eyes, gritted his teeth and said the number.

Now it's a game between him and Lu Chen. Whoever wins the game will be the winner. He has nothing now, so he is not afraid of losing, he wants to gamble.

"In that case, goodbye."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left without any wavering in his eyes.

This time, Ruan Cai panicked.

Lu Chen was willing to pay him 5000 million yuan to buy the land. He had already paid 3000 million yuan after paying a premium on the land value, so he actually made a profit now.

However, now he is unwilling to close the deal. As Lu Chen said, he sold it to others, and the others were not even willing to accept the original price of 2000 million.

However, it was impossible for him to compromise like this. If he compromised, Lu Chen would definitely not give him 5000 million now.

Thinking of this, Ruan Cai shouted to Lu Chen: "President Lu, right? I remember that your pharmaceutical factory is in the middle of the mountain. These workers come in and out every day and have to pass through my land, right? Why don't you put it there?" The land was sold to me according to my requirements. From today on, your people should not pass by my land. If they do, it will be an infringement. Don't blame me for taking any measures against you."

The terrain of the factory built by Lu Chen is indeed special. Because they want to produce pills, they are built in the hinterland surrounded by mountains on three sides. The mountains on three sides are planted with medicinal materials.

When his workers come out of it, Ruan Cai's industrial land is indeed the place they must pass through.

(End of this chapter)

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