My cold CEO wife

Chapter 739 Of course I’m laughing at a fool

Chapter 739 Of course I’m laughing at a fool
"I said Ruyan, why did you blindly marry your daughter to such a person? I don't think it's better to do this. You let your daughter divorce him. I'm satisfied with your daughter. My son won't mind if your daughter is divorced. .”

Wang Xiuhua was talking to himself. After he finished speaking, he touched Zhang Qiaojun and asked, "Qiaojun, do you think so?"

Zhang Qiaojun had been in a daze just now. He was shocked by Lin Qinghan's beauty and had been in a daze. Now he came back to his senses, almost bursting with laughter, and kept nodding his head: "Yes, Auntie, I won't mind your daughter's second marriage. Yes, I will treat him well."

"Ruyan, did you hear me? My son doesn't mind."

Wang Xiuhua continued: "Let me tell you, my son is now a technical shareholder in a newly established construction company, accounting for 20.00% of the shares. He is considered a major shareholder in it."

"Of course, although this construction company has just been established, its potential is infinite."

"Their company has taken on a very large project. Do you know what it is?"

Li Ruyan shook her head. She wanted to tell Wang Xiuhua that her daughter was now the president of the Lin Group, but when Wang Xiuhua spoke so enthusiastically, she couldn't bear to interrupt him. Instead, she asked in the opposite direction: "Yes. What project?"

"Do you know Lu's Pharmaceutical? Nowadays, among the star enterprises in Guiyuan City, it is the most promising enterprise. Now Lu's Pharmaceutical is expanding its scale and wants to build a large factory. Now my son's company has taken this The project is coming, so I asked if it was great." Wang Xiuhua became more and more excited as she spoke, so excited that she flew into the air.

After she finished speaking, she glanced proudly at Lu Chen next to her, and continued, "You say that they all have the same surname Lu, why is there such a big gap?"

Hearing Wang Xiuhua's words, Lu Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing? Could it be that you are a fool giggling?"

Hearing Lu Chen's chuckle, Wang Xiuhua said next to him.

"Of course I'm laughing at a fool."

Lu Chen said calmly: "The Lu's Pharmaceutical you are talking about happens to be mine. I am the boss of Lu's Pharmaceutical. As for the company your son joined, the boss is called Cheng Li, and I gave him money to establish it. company."

When Wang Xiuyun heard this, he immediately said with disdain: "Ruyan, your son-in-law is not only a scumbag, but also a braggart. He dares to brag like this. If he owns Lu's Pharmaceuticals, he doesn't need to be married. I have become a son-in-law in your family."

Hearing this, Li Ruyan frowned slightly and looked at Lu Chen beside her.

To be honest, she was just satisfied with Lu Chen being her son-in-law. If Lu Chen had any career development, he really didn't know.

Therefore, what Lu Chen said just now might be a lie.

She also recently heard that Lu's Pharmaceuticals is very popular and is a star company in Guiyuan City. Because medicines related to health are very popular, such a company must be popular and must be a star company.

If such a popular company belonged to Lu Chen, why would Lu Chen be willing to marry into his family in the first place?
"Haha, Mom, there are some people who have no ability and just like to brag to show their presence. Why do you have to worry about such people? You'd better stop talking. It's a waste of your own saliva." Zhang Qiaojun Interjecting from the side, he also glanced at Lu Chen intentionally or unintentionally.

Lu Chen touched his nostrils but said nothing.

Seeing his actions, Zhang Qiaojun thought he had hit the mark on Lu Chen. He continued: "Miss Lin, what I hate most is this kind of frivolous man. Unlike me, he has always been down-to-earth in his studies. Now that he has returned to China, he will be It’s appreciated.”

"By the way, you just mentioned Cheng Li, Mr. Cheng? Do you know him? He is the one who appreciates me. Do you think it was the money you gave him to start his company? Can you please give me a little face? There are many people in this world. Who is the idiot who gives money to others to start a company for no reason? In this selfish age, who would do such a stupid thing?"

After Zhang Qiaojun finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Chen provocatively, and then glanced at Lin Qinghan proudly, obviously showing off himself.

"Haha, only a selfish person like you would be unwilling to help others. We are not the same kind of people. We have helped others and we feel that we can get happiness. If you think I am lying, you can give it to me on the spot. Mr. Cheng called and verified with him whether the 2000 million was given to him by me." Lu Chen countered.

"Huh, this is what you said. You will be embarrassed later."

Zhang Qiaojun smiled and took out his mobile phone. He was about to call Cheng Li, but he looked not far away, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "It seems that there is no need to make this call. Our Mr. Cheng is also here to make a call." You have to pray to Buddha.”

The religious people in Guiyuan City are actually very particular. When the New Year is approaching, they all want to pray for peace, good weather, and a good harvest in the coming year.

Although Cheng Li was not rich before, he lived a very practical life, and his family were Buddhists. Every year during the Chinese New Year, they would come to Guiyuan Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha.

He also came here specifically to burn incense today.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Qiaojun quickly walked towards a tanned middle-aged man and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Cheng."

Lu Chen also looked in the direction where Zhang Qiaojun was moving. When he realized that the person coming was really Cheng Li, he grinned.

"Xiao Zhang, why are you here?"

Seeing Zhang Qiaojun, Cheng Li asked in surprise.

"Mr. Cheng, I don't believe in Buddhism. I come to Guiyuan Temple to worship Buddha every month. I didn't expect to meet you here by such a coincidence. Why, is Mr. Cheng also a Buddhist believer?"

Zhang Qiao glanced at Cheng Li and found that Cheng Li was holding incense. He immediately packaged his identity and became a Buddhist. This would definitely bring people closer to each other when they came to worship Buddha.

"Haha, it seems that we have the same hobbies. It is indeed fate that we can work together." Cheng Li's hearty laughter rang out.

Zhang Qiaojun felt that he had shortened the distance between him and Cheng Li, and he smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, what you said touched my heart. I think people like this flock together, and birds of a feather flock together. We They are the same kind of people, and some people are destined to never be the same kind of people as us, such as playboys and prodigal sons."

His words were obviously meant for Lu Chen.

After he finished speaking, he continued: "There are some people who want to pretend to be awesome and say that the 2000 million you invested in starting the company was invested by him. Shameless people like this are definitely not the same as us. Same kind of people.”

"Oh, who are you talking about?"

When Cheng Li heard this, his heart moved, and he began to look around for the whereabouts of this person.

This person, his benefactor, if the other party hadn't given him 2000 million, he wouldn't be able to start his company now, and it would be impossible for him to receive the development of large-scale factory projects from Lu's Pharmaceuticals.

(End of this chapter)

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