Chapter 743
After everyone had a preliminary emotional exchange and learned about each other's current situation, the waiter came out.

"Ms. Lin, the dishes have been served. You can take your seats."

Because Lin Qinghan is local in Guiyuan City, she is responsible for arranging the dinner, but everyone is on an AA basis.

This is what everyone has agreed on, so that students who don’t earn enough will not be embarrassed and can just pay their share.

A total of seven or eight classmates came, mostly female classmates, but quite a few of these female classmates were married or dating, and they brought their husbands or boyfriends.

"The rules are the same as in previous years, you guys sit at the same table, and we girls sit at the same table."

After arriving at the large private room, where two tables had just been set up, Lin Qinghan gave instructions to everyone.

There are some secrets between women, especially since they only meet once a year, so they have their own things to talk about.

Of course, men also have things to talk about between men.

"Brother Lu Chen, how about we sit together?"

Lu Chen originally wanted to find a seat to sit down, but was stopped by Zhong Shikun, who had a gentle smile on his face.

"Okay, Master Kun is a rich man. Since he thinks highly of me, I must keep him company today."

Lu Chen had heard the idea between Zhong Shikun and Wang Ling a long time ago, with a smile on his face, but a sneer in his heart.

Zhong Shikun wants to cause trouble for himself, so he might as well embarrass the other party in turn.

If the other party can drink, then he can keep drinking.

"Haha, brother Lu Chen, I like you more and more. We two brothers must drink well today."

Zhong Shikun heard Lu Chen compliment him and climbed up the pole.

With a half-smile in his eyes, Lu Chen nodded and said, "You must drink well."

The two hit it off almost immediately, that is, they want to have a good drink.

"Waiter, serve the wine."

The two reached an agreement, and Zhong Shikun snapped his fingers at the waiter coolly.

Soon, the waiter brought over the wine list.

Zhong Shikun has studied wine, so he knows what kind of wine will make you drunk easily, so he directly ordered high-alcohol liquor.

And, one point is one thing.

There were only six men, so he ordered one drink directly, which was two bottles per person, and other people might not drink two bottles.

Calculated this way, he and Lu Chen could drink three bottles each.

This was a bottle of liquor weighing one kilogram. He didn't believe that Lu Chen could drink three bottles.

The atmosphere of the entire class reunion was still very high, and Zhong Shikun would also have a lively atmosphere, and their table was quickly drunk.

However, Zhong Shikun's main attacker is Lu Chen.

"Brother Lu Chen, brother, I admire you as a master who can play with hundreds of women, and you can also treat a beautiful woman like Lin Qinghan properly. You are really a love saint. Come on, brother Here’s to you.”

Zhong Shikun said to Lu Chen while holding up the wine glass.


Lu Chen smiled and picked up the wine glass.

The two drank quickly.

In the blink of an eye, both of them drank three bottles of wine.

Zhong Shikun was dumbfounded.

He was originally planning to respect Lin Qinghan and knock Lin Qinghan down, but now he didn't even knock down Lu Chen.

This guy drank three bottles of wine and seemed to be okay.

My own alcohol capacity is only five kilograms, and now I have drunk three kilograms, which is already a bit high.

As a result, Lu Chen seemed to be still very conscious.

He was unusually timid.

"Master Kun, look, there's no wine left. I haven't finished drinking yet. How about I order more?" Lu Chen had to drink this guy up today.

"Yeah, but it doesn't make much sense for us to drink white beer all the time. Let me tell you, when I was abroad, I drank a white beer, which is called delicious. How about we have two white beers?"

The reason why it is called beer now is because many people cannot drink mixed wine. Once they drink mixed wine, they must get drunk.

He could drink mixed wine. If Lu Chen couldn't drink mixed wine and climbed down after drinking for a while, then he would have won.

"Okay, I'll follow you. Young Master Kun is here today, so I must make Young Master Kun happy." Lu Chen's eyes were clear, and he flattered Zhong Shikun again.

If Zhong Shikun wasn't still awake and thinking about sleeping with Lu Chen's wife, he would have really wanted to be brothers with Lu Chen. This guy was so good at flattering him that he just slapped him in the heart.

"Waiter, bring me the wine list."

Zhong Shikun snapped his fingers to the waiter again, and then ordered two white beers.

"Is this guy a barrel of wine? He's not even drunk yet?"

He and Lu Chen drank a lot of white beer, and he found that he was almost tired, but Lu Chen next to him was still in high spirits, which he couldn't imagine.

"Brother Lu Chen, why don't we switch to a red bar? It would be interesting to try the red wine after trying this beer." Zhong Shikun suggested again.

Lu Chen readily agreed, and then the two of them started to change the wine.

Zhong Shikun drank too much originally, but now he drank three kinds of wine together, and after all, he drank too much.

"Master Kun, you seem to have drunk too much."

After the two drank a bottle of red wine, Lu Chen said in a joking voice: "In my eyes, Young Master Kun should have more than this drinking capacity. Is Young Master Kun no longer good?"

"Who is so bad? Nonsense, I can still drink."

How could a man admit that he was not good? He directly took another bottle of beer next to him and drank it.

He just took a sip, and he couldn't sit still, and fell directly from the stool to the ground.

Wang Ling was startled, then came to Zhong Shikun, helped him up, and reminded: "Mr. Zhong, you have drunk too much, let me help you get a room."

"Haha, okay, Wang Ling, go and open a room for me, and bring Lin Qinghan in, and wait for Ben to pamper him." Zhong Shikun said as if no one else was there after drinking too much now.

Wang Ling's face changed slightly. She didn't expect Zhong Shikun to say such a thing. Several eyes around her looked at her. She couldn't help but remind her: "Young Master Kun, don't talk nonsense. You've drunk too much."

"I didn't drink too much."

Zhong Shikun said loudly: "You told me to get Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan drunk, and then put Lin Qinghan to sleep, and also held some evidence in my hand. When the time comes, the rice will be cooked..."

At this time, Wang Ling couldn't keep it on her face.

She didn't expect that Zhong Shikun would betray herself in such a state.

Zhong Shikun was obviously a good drinker in normal times and was known as someone who would never get drunk after a thousand cups. Now he was drunk by Lu Chen. What kind of drinker did Lu Chen have?
"Okay, Wang Ling, you so damn want to ask the young master of your company to put Qinghan to sleep? I'll tear your face into pieces."

Zuo Yan had a fiery personality and a straight mouth. In addition, she really regarded Lin Qinghan as a friend. Now that Wang Ling had come up with the idea to let Zhong Shikun sleep with Lin Qinghan, she immediately became angry and walked towards Wang Ling.


When she walked towards Wang Ling, Zhong Shikun vomited directly, and he actually vomited a lot of wine on Wang Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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