My cold CEO wife

Chapter 749 I’ll help your dad take a trip

Chapter 749 Let me help your dad go

"No, either you give me money or give me things, otherwise I won't leave."

This box of Durex costs more than 50 yuan, which is already a lot of money for Wu Changhui. Now that this man has defaulted on his bill, he has to go out for takeout for a long time.

Originally, he was working part-time as a takeaway after work, and could only earn more than 20 yuan every night, so his hard work for two days would be in vain.

"Fuck you, I told you to get lost, can't you understand?"

Seeing that Wu Changhui was unwilling to leave, the man kicked him hard. Wu Changhui immediately flew out of the villa door, and the man closed the door.

Wu Changhui curled up on the ground for a long time before standing up. He looked at the villa with some fear. In the end, he did not dare to ask for money, but staggered towards his home.

"Dad, you are finally back. You scared me."

When Wu Changhui arrived at home, it was time for Wu Lan to think of ways to contact him and even prepare to go out to find him.

"Lan Lan, you are back. Have you had dinner? Dad is going to make dinner for you."

Seeing Wu Lan at home, Wu Changhui squeezed out a smile on his face.

"Dad, don't bother. I'm not hungry. These are the sesame cakes I bought for you. Come on, you eat the sesame cakes, and my daughter will prepare something delicious for you tomorrow."

Wu Lan handed the sesame seed cakes he bought just now to Wu Changhui, "Come on, dad, sit over here."

"Oh, this is my favorite biscuit."

Wu Changhui took the sesame cake and, with Wu Lan's support, sat down on the stool next to him. However, when he sat down, he had some physical inconvenience and did not sit down for a while.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Lan also noticed Wu Changhui's physical discomfort, and then asked worriedly.

"It's nothing. I'm getting older and my body is less flexible." Wu Changhui smiled bitterly and did not tell Wu Lan about being kicked.

"Are your bones stiff? Dad, I don't feel right. Didn't you tell me that you were in good health two days ago?" Wu Lan asked doubtfully.

Wu Changhui sighed: "Well, as you get older, you will have some physical problems. Isn't this normal?"

"Dad, this is Lu Chen. He happens to be a miracle doctor. I'll ask him to take a look at your body. If you have any disease, he can treat you."

At this time, Wu Lan pushed Lu Chen out.

"No need for inspection, Lan Lan, don't go to such trouble. There is no need for inspection. This inspection will cost a lot of money." Wu Changhui shook his head.

"Dad, he doesn't charge." Wu Lan emphasized.

No matter what Wu Changhui said, he was still unwilling to let Lu Chen check.

"Uncle, you don't want me to check you, is it because you were beaten?"

However, at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly spoke.

As soon as he said this, a look of panic appeared on Wu Changhui's face, but the panic was quickly covered up. He said, "Little brother, I don't know what you are talking about."

He didn't want Wu Lan to worry about him, so when he was beaten, he naturally didn't want Wu Lan to know.

"Haha, do you dare to pick up your shirt?" Lu Chen smiled.

What a level he is, he has long seen the problems in Wu Changhui.

"It's cold, and you'll catch a cold if you lift your top."

Wu Changhui felt that he was about to be exposed, so he stood up and said to Wu Lan, "Lan Lan, Dad is going to go to the bathroom first, so I won't accompany you for now."

However, Wu Lan trusted Lu Chen's judgment. He quickly picked up Wu Changhui's shirt, and suddenly a bright red footprint appeared on his lower abdomen.

"Dad, who did this?"

Wu Lan asked immediately.

Wu Changhui stood there and did not answer Wu Lan's words.

Because he was a poor man, he couldn't afford to offend the rich people who lived in the villa who beat him up just now. He was afraid that Wu Lan would cause trouble to them, so he simply wasn't going to say anything.

"Dad, if you don't speak, then I will be angry and return to Yuan City." Seeing that Wu Changhui was unwilling to speak, Wu Lan said angrily.

"Then you agree, you have to know who it is, and you are not allowed to trouble the other party."

Wu Changhui was very afraid that Wu Lan would make things worse, and Wu Lan would also get into trouble at that time, so he chose to keep silent.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, I will return to Yuan City. Yueyue, let's go."

When Wu Lan saw that Wu Changhui was unwilling to confess, she pulled Wu Yue and walked outside.

Wu Changhui was immediately afraid.

After all, Wu Lan usually doesn't come back. Except for the Chinese New Year, he doesn't get to see her at all.

If Wu Lan really returns to Yuan City now, there will be no way he can survive this year.

He said, "Lan Lan, I can tell you what's going on, but you have to promise me that you won't make trouble with the other party."

"Okay, I promise you." Wu Lan agreed.

Wu Changhui knew that his daughter was a person who kept her word. Now that he said this, Wu Changhui immediately felt relieved, and then he told Wu Lan what happened in the villa when the man asked Durex to take care of her.

"It's too much, it's really too much. Come on, dad, I'll take you to seek justice."

Wu Lan was so angry that she said to Wu Changhui.

Wu Changhui didn't move, but said, "Lan Lan, have you forgotten what you promised me just now?"

Wu Lan suddenly became depressed.

It seems that Wu Changhui's matter cannot be solved. She is really unwilling to give in.

"Let me help your dad go."

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly made a suggestion, looked at Wu Changhui next to him, and then his eyes were locked on Wu Changhui, and said: "Uncle, please lead the way, I will go and get justice for you."


Wu Changhui couldn't help but look at Wu Lan next to him.

"Dad, ask Lu Chen to seek justice for you. If you don't agree, then I will return to Yuan City." Wu Lan began to use this trick to threaten Wu Changhui again. With Lu Chen here, she believed in any justice. Lu Chen could help her father get it.

Obviously, Wu Changhui fell for this trick.

Hearing Wu Lan's words, he agreed bravely: "Okay, you come with me."

As a last resort, he took Lu Chen outside.

"Lan Lan, is that your boyfriend?"

When Wu Changhui took Lu Chen away, Qin Ju suddenly looked at Wu Lan, her eyes becoming a little expectant.

Wu Lan is actually quite old, but she has never been in love. Now this young man looks very handsome and has good medical skills. She is very satisfied with such a son-in-law.

"Hehe, grandma, he is my mother's boyfriend and my godfather."

Wu Lan was about to explain when Wu Yue next to him suddenly spoke and laughed. Wu Lan was immediately stunned.

She didn't expect that she would be tricked by her own daughter.

"Haha, that's not a kiss, that's good. Lan Lan, where is he from? How about taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, your dad and I can go to his house to discuss your marriage?" Qin Ju looked at Wu Lan with a look of anticipation on her face.

"Mom, let's not talk about this matter for now. Wait until I make the company a Fortune [-] company."

Wu Lan interrupted Qin Ju forcefully, not wanting to raise the issue further because Lu Chen was not her real boyfriend at all.

(End of this chapter)

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