Chapter 752 The last three numbers

Zhao Wenqiang's eyes lit up again.

The people in the slums are all poor people. Naturally, these people cannot have any big background. If he bullies them, he will bully them.

In his opinion, even if he sleeps with Wu Lan at that time, at most he will just give some compensation in private. He, Zhao Wenqiang, is not short of money.

"Haha, Hou San, you have made a great contribution this time. Tell me what you want, and I will grant you a request."

Zhao Wenqiang was overjoyed and said to Hou San.

Hou San laughed and said: "Brother Qiang, that woman is so beautiful. What will you do by then? Can you let me have a good time?"

"No problem, no problem at all."

Zhao Wenqiang agreed to come down.

The two parties hit it off immediately, and Hou Zai took Zhao Wenqiang to Wu Changhui's home.

"Here comes Zhao Wenqiang again. Who is he planning to bully again?"

Although it's dark now, many people in the slums haven't slept yet, and they don't stay at home, but chat outside by the moonlight, this is to save a little electricity bill.

However, they soon discovered that Zhao Wenqiang had appeared in the poor street with a group of people.

These people were very familiar with Zhao Wenqiang. Zhao Wenqiang was originally a big gangster in this area and often came to their slums to bully people. However, they were all people with no social background and they had no way to deal with Zhao Wenqiang.

When these people saw him appearing, they couldn't help but shrink their necks, and then returned to their homes.

But they were curious to see who Zhao Wenqiang was planning to trouble, and opened the windows of their own homes to see which house the other party was looking for.

After seeing Zhao Wenqiang leave their home, these people couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"Brother Qiang, this is it."

Hou San took Zhao Wenqiang to the unit building of Wu Lan's house and stopped.

"This Hou San is really nothing. He was the one who brought Zhao Wenqiang here."

"That's right, Hou San won't be allowed to stay on this street in the future."

"He actually asked outsiders to bully us people in the slums."


Seeing Hou San appearing with Zhao Wenqiang, these people all started to curse.

After they scolded each other, they began to guess who Zhao Wenqiang was trying to cause trouble for in Wu Changhui's unit building.

"This is the one on the first floor!"

At this time, Hou San pointed to the first floor again.

"You want to cause trouble for the old Wu family? The old Wu family has never offended anyone, right?"

"No, the old Wu family may be in trouble now."

"God damn Hou San, he even wants to bully a good old guy like the old Wu family."


Everyone started scolding Hou San for not being a thing again.

"Go knock on the door."

Zhao Wenqiang shouted to the younger brother next to him.

The younger brother understood, and quickly walked towards Wu Changhui's house, knocking on the door fiercely.

Wu Lan was leaning against the door at this time. After she opened the door, she asked: "You are looking for..."

Before she finished asking, she noticed a crowd of black people outside. Her expression changed slightly, especially when he saw Hou San over there, she probably guessed what happened.

"Dad, Mom, it's me and Lu Chen. We need to go out for something."

Wu Lan said to Wu Changhui and his wife, and then she gave Lu Chen a look.

Lu Chen understood and followed Wu Lan out of the first floor.

"Hey, that's Lao Wu's daughter. I know her. It's over. This girl is so beautiful. She must have been targeted by the beast Zhao Wenqiang."

When Lu Chen and Wu Lan walked out of the unit building, the bustling residents outside recognized her.

However, at this time, everyone chose to stand on the sidelines, because Zhao Wenqiang brought dozens of people over, and they couldn't afford to provoke such people.

By the moonlight, Wu Lan's body seemed to be shed with a layer of sacred light. In everyone's eyes, she was now like an unparalleled fairy, holy and unparalleled.

Zhao Wenqiang's eyes lit up when he saw it. He had never seen such a beautiful woman. She was more beautiful than any female star. He even suspected that he was dreaming and bit his tongue hard. When he felt After the pain, he realized that this was not a dream.

"Be a good boy, such a woman is no longer interesting to play with. She must be married to her as a wife."

After Zhao Wenqiang saw Wu Lan's figure, he was shocked by Wu Lan's figure.

This woman is so beautiful.

"Friends, I heard that you beat the third party?"

Zhao Wenqiang still knew that Chu Shi was famous and knew that he would move Hou San out before causing trouble for Wu Lan, otherwise he would not be able to stand.

Moreover, he didn't look for trouble with Wu Lan, but specifically with Lu Chen.

After all, Wu Lan is a beautiful woman, and he still wants to behave like a gentleman.

"We're going to fight, how are you going to prepare?"

Lu Chen looked at Zhao Wenqiang jokingly and asked.

Zhao Wenqiang smiled coldly and threatened: "Since you admit to beating him, it's okay. Since you beat him, then pay the due price."

"What, you didn't ask why he was beaten?"

Lu Chen asked calmly.

"A fight is a fight, no matter what the reason, this world will always listen to whoever has the biggest fist."

Zhao Wenqiang said: "You are so cruel to my brother. According to my habit, Zhao Wenqiang, I will beat you until you lie in the hospital. But Hou San told me that you are honest people, so today I will Make an exception, let your wife sleep with me for one night, and this matter will be over."

When Lu Chen heard this, he sneered.

This guy wanted to sleep with Wu Lan and he said it so grandly, as if he was taking advantage of it.

Lu Chen took Zhao Wenqiang's words and said with a joking smile: "Friend, I want to ask you, Hou San was bullied, why did you end up sleeping with my wife? This reason is untenable, right?"

Zhao Wenqiang was obviously stunned.

It seemed that Lu Chen was right. This matter had nothing to do with him at all. How could he be the final beneficiary?
"Boy, why are you so numb to all the nonsense? You just say you agree or disagree."

Finally, Zhao Wenqiang roared in anger.

"You're already sleeping with my wife, and you still ask me if I agree. Are you mentally ill? Besides, no one dares to touch my woman."

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "In this way, I will give you a chance. I will count down to three counts, kneel in front of me and kowtow to admit your mistake. If you miss this time, you will bear the consequences."

Lu Chen didn't give the other party a chance to speak at all. After he said this, he continued: "Three, two, one!"

"It seems that you are not willing to take this opportunity. Okay, then don't blame me."

"Fuck you, boy, who the hell do you think you are? Since you want to die, I will help you. Brothers, come on, beat this man to death, don't let the woman next to him bumped into."

Zhao Wenqiang was angry. No one had ever dared to speak to him like this. It was as if Lu Chen controlled his life and death, rather than him controlling Lu Chen's life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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