My cold CEO wife

Chapter 758 Are you threatening me?

Chapter 758 Are you threatening me?
"Niece Wu Lan, I haven't seen you for half a year, and you look even more beautiful."

When Wu Yonghui saw Wu Lan, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Even though he was old, he couldn't help but feel a little ordinary in his heart.

If she and Wu Lan weren't close relatives, they might have some ideas.

"Uncle Yonghui..."

Wu Lan originally wanted to call Wu Yonghui uncle, but when she was about to call her out, she caught a glimpse of her father being detained by Wu Yonghui's people. Her face suddenly turned cold and she asked: "You are arresting my father for doing this." What?"

"Haha, why are you arresting your dad? Of course you want him to do something."

Wu Yonghui smiled sinisterly and said: "Of course, if you do something voluntarily, we can also let your father go. Not only will we let him go, but we can also let your father and your mother return to the main house. What do you think? how?"

"What do you want me to do?"

Wu Lan asked in a deep voice.

She knew that the Wu family was an ancient Wu family, and it was basically impossible for such a family to compromise on its own system, so she felt that what the Wu family wanted to do on its own would be very difficult.

Wu Yonghui smiled and said: "Wu Lan, what do you think of the Qi family?"

"The Qi family? The Qi family is one of the largest families in Kyoto."

Wu Lan didn't know why Wu Yonghui asked this, but he went home honestly.

The Qi family is indeed extraordinary. Although it is not a family that belongs to a Fortune [-] company, the other party has many hidden industries. In fact, the real energy is very huge.

"So, I think you are willing to marry into the Qi family?" Wu Yonghui asked again.

Wu Lan instantly understood that the Wu family wanted her to marry into the Qi family.

However, if she could, she would naturally not want to marry into the Wu family. She asked slightly questioningly: "Uncle Yonghui, according to the agreement between the family and me, as long as I run a company that is one of the world's top [-], you will take my father's life away from me." Mom took them back to the clan and made their names appear on the family tree again, so why do you want to attack my dad now?"

"That was an agreement made in the past, but it doesn't count now. The head of the family said that if you don't want to marry into the Qi family, the people in the execution hall will torture your parents to make you compromise. Your parents are usually in good health. It's not good, they are older now, if they are tortured, you have to consider whether you and the others can bear it." Wu Yonghui reminded lightly.

Wu Lan secretly glanced at Lu Chen and his parents, then gritted his teeth and said: "Uncle Yonghui, let me think about it. You let my dad go first. We want to have a good New Year, and wait until the New Year is over , I will give you a clear reply."

Naturally, she didn't want to marry into the Qi family, but she knew the temperament of the Wu family. If she didn't agree, her parents would probably be taken away by the people from the execution hall.

Although Lu Chen was very powerful, she knew that there were unparalleled masters behind the Wu family, and there was more than one such master, so Lu Chen might not be able to deal with the Wu family.

If Lu Chen couldn't deal with the Wu family, her parents would definitely not be able to bear the anger of the Wu family.

"After the New Year? If you have finished the New Year, there is no need to reply to you. Your parents may have died in the process of being tortured by then."

Wu Yonghui reminded him calmly.

Wu Lan frowned slightly.

She knew that the possibility of her relationship with Lu Chen was unlikely, because there was Lin Qinghan in the middle, and it was impossible for Lu Chen to like her, but she still held on to a slight possibility.

She was willing to be with Lu Chen, even if she had no name or status, as long as Lu Chen had her in his heart, but she never knew what Lu Chen meant.

Moreover, the Wu family is now in a hurry. The Wu family is very powerful, and the energy behind the other party is not something Lu Chen can compete with, so she will most likely have to compromise.

"Boy, are you Wu Lan's boyfriend?"

While Wu Lan was thinking, Wu Yonghui's eyes fell on Lu Chen and he asked lightly.

Lu Chen glanced at Wu Lan, nodded slightly, then narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Wu Yonghui.

Wu Yonghui saw Lu Chen's actions and said, "Boy, from this moment on, leave Wu Lan. She is not someone you can reach."

"Haha, are you threatening me?"

Lu Chen was happy.

Originally he was just a fake boyfriend, but now Wu Yonghui's condescending attitude made her feel very unhappy.

"Threat? No, no, no, it's not a threat. I'm just telling a fact."

Wu Yonghui said: "If you are unwilling to leave her, I guarantee you that you may have to spend the rest of your life in a hospital bed."

He asked Lu Chen to give up Wu Lan voluntarily, so that Wu Lan would have no reason not to marry into the Qi family.

Moreover, Wu Lan's love history cannot be revealed, so if Lu Chen can be shut up, he is even thinking of ways to shut up Lu Chen.

"Really? I'm curious as to how you're going to let me spend time on the hospital bed."

When Lu Chen heard this, he felt happy again, with a playful look on his face.

If Wu Yonghui hadn't come to target him at first, Lu Chen wouldn't have been able to take action. After all, this was a family matter of the Wu family, and he didn't want to get involved too much. Now he had to return to Guiyuan City to celebrate the New Year with Lin Qinghan.

"Boy, it seems you don't know the true strength of my Wu family."

Wu Yonghui was angry. He waved his hand to the people in the execution hall and ordered: "Go and break one of his arms."

The people from the execution hall below walked towards Lu Chen.


When Wu Lan saw these people approaching Lu Chen, she shouted again.

The executioner stopped there.

Wu Yonghui asked hehely: "What, my good niece has figured it out?"

"If I marry into the Qi family, I want to know who of the Qi family I will marry."

When Wu Lan asked this question, he obviously relaxed.

Obviously, if she had no choice but to marry into the Qi family.

Of course, she is not willing to marry everyone in the Qi family. There are some fools or people with crooked looks. How can these people be worthy of her?
"Haha, I don't know the specifics of this. It will be up to the head of the family to negotiate with the Qi family." Wu Yonghui smiled, and Wu Lan compromised.

Wu Lan's eyebrows furrowed even more. If Wu Zhan arranges some fool or old man for her, then her life will be completely ruined.

Wu Yonghui said: "If you are sure, come back to the family with me now, and the head of the family will make arrangements for you today."

"You guys let my dad go first."

Wu Lan gritted his teeth and said.

"It's not impossible to let him go, but there's one thing I must say first. If you dare to violate the law then, don't blame me for being rude to your parents." Wu Yonghui threatened.

He was not worried about Wu Lan being disobedient after he left. After all, he was sure that Wu Lan was very filial and could not ignore his parents.

(End of this chapter)

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