My cold CEO wife

Chapter 761 It's My Hand That Moves

Chapter 761 It's My Hand That Moves

at the same time.


"Second uncle, Wu Lan agrees?"

When Wu Yonghui returned to his family, Wu Zhan's face was filled with smiles.

He believed that neither Wu Changhui nor Wu Lan could refuse his proposal. After all, Wu Changhui's lifelong wish was to return to his master's family.


Wu Yonghui's face was gloomy and he said: "That stinky girl Wu Lan found a very powerful son-in-law, and I was injured by him."

"Oh, which company is Wu Lan looking for?"

Wu Zhan's question about which family he belongs to naturally refers to these ancient martial arts families in Kyoto.

If you can find a Guwu family that is more powerful than the Qi family, it's not impossible.

"Master, the person Wu Lan is looking for is not from Kyoto, but from Guiyuan City."

Wu Yonghui replied.

"Hmph, this Wu Lan is really getting better and better, and he actually found a man from Guiyuan City to be his husband. I'm afraid this man is about the same age as you, right?"

According to Wu Zhan's inference, if someone like Lu Chen could hurt Wu Yonghui, he must be stronger than Wu Yonghui.

In a small place like Guiyuan City, it is impossible for any genius to appear, so if the opponent is stronger than Wu Yonghui, then the opponent must be a bad old man.

Wu Yonghui's face turned red with shame, and he replied: "No, according to my estimation, that man is probably about 25 years old."

"Around 25 years old? Second uncle, are you kidding me? Even in our Kyoto, there are no 25-year-old young people who can beat you, right?" Wu Zhan said in surprise, feeling that Wu Yonghui was lying to himself.

"It's not as simple as defeating me. He...he only used two fingers and I was defeated. He...he should be a strong man who has just glimpsed the martial arts."

Although Lu Chen didn't personally admit that he was a strong man at the first glimpse of martial arts, Wu Yonghui could infer that the other party was such a powerful person.

"This is a bit interesting. If this person is really a descendant of our big family in Kyoto, he would be worthy of Wu Lan, and he would also be helpful to our Wu family, but if the other person is not..."

Wu Zhan shook his head.

Although Lu Chen is a genius, a genius who has not grown up is not called a genius. If there is no power behind this genius to support him, it will be difficult for him to truly reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Thinking of this, he stood up and said to Wu Yonghui: "Call your third uncle, he and I will go there in person."

The third uncle he talks about is Wu Yonghui's younger brother, Wu Yongsheng.

Wu Yongsheng's martial arts talent is stronger than Wu Yonghui's, and he is now a strong man who has just glimpsed the martial arts. As for Wu Zhan himself, he is also a strong man who has just glimpsed the martial arts.

Moreover, the two of them are not the kind of strong men who have just entered the martial arts. They have been in the realm of martial arts for a long time.

The two of them went to look for Lu Chen at the same time, and they already had a crush on Lu Chen.

"Yes, master."

Wu Yonghui responded quickly.

Soon, Wu Zhan took two brothers, Wu Yonghui and Wu Yongsheng, to Wu Changhui's home.

At this time, Wu Changhui also compromised.

He believed that his daughter would not trust Lu Chen randomly. Lu Chen was also an adult and should have certain judgments about his own fighting ability.

Of course, he was still somewhat worried.

After all, Lu Chen was still too young. If the entire Wu family took action, it would be fatal to Lu Chen.

Wu Changhui's home.

"Grandpa, you promised to take Yueyue to the amusement park today. How about you take me there now?"

Wu Yue still remembered what Wu Changhui promised her last night and acted coquettishly in front of her grandfather.

Wu Changhui and his wife naturally liked Wu Yue very much. Wu Changhui said, "Okay, grandpa will take you there now."

After agreeing, he told Wu Lan and others: "Wu Lan, Lu Chen, let's go to the amusement park with Yueyue."

He also had some considerations in asking Lu Chen and the others to go to the amusement park together.

After all, he guessed that people from the Wu family might come back to make trouble. Now that they are not at home collectively, it is a good thing that they can't find Lu Chen and Wu Lan when they come here.

It is a moment to be able to hide for a while.


Wu Lan agreed and looked at Lu Chen beside him.

The agreement between her and Lu Chen was actually very simple. Originally, Lu Chen came to the capital to treat Qin Ju and then left, but what happened later exceeded her expectations.

Unexpectedly, the Wu family arranged a blind date for her, and Lu Chen was somehow involved.

Therefore, now she doesn't know if Lu Chen is going to return to Yuan City.

"Dad, how about you go play with Yueyue for a day? You are not allowed to return to Yuan City. You have to help grandpa solve the trouble before leaving, otherwise Yueyue will disown you from now on." Wu Yue is a young adult and very sensible.

She understood that her grandfather's family was now in trouble, so she wanted Lu Chen to help solve the problem.

Because when Lu Chen rescued her, he had soul communication with her, so she unconditionally believed in Lu Chen that her father was omnipotent.

"Okay, I'll stay here for one more day."

Lu Chen thought for a while, now that his horse Wu Yonghui was crippled, the Wu family would most likely not give up. If he left Kyoto at this time, the Wu family would cause trouble for Wu Changhui and Wu Lan.

Since I helped Wu Lan, I had to finish the favor.

"Hehe, dad is so kind. Yueyue loves you to death. Come on, dad, I want a hug." Wu Yue was happy when she heard Lu Chen's words.

"Come, daddy will carry you to the amusement park."

Lu Chen was also infected by Wu Yue's breath, she said with a slight smile on her face.

This little girl, Wu Yue, has good talent in martial arts, and she is spiritual, very cute. He likes this daughter and apprentice very much.

"Haha, Wu Changhui, where are you going?"

However, just as the family walked out of the house, they were stopped.

When he saw this figure, Lu Chen found that Wu Changhui had obviously become a little reserved and even nervous.

He called out respectfully: "Master of the family."

"Do you still know that I am the head of the family? I asked my second uncle to come over and plan to arrange a good marriage for your daughter. You refused me and refused to tell me. You also asked your son-in-law to hurt your second uncle. You have not stayed in the clan these years. Instead, you have become more capable?" Wu Zhan shouted coldly, not being polite to Wu Changhui.

In the Wu family, he and Wu Changhui are of the same generation, but because he is from the relegated lineage and Wu Changhui is from the collateral lineage, he has had a sense of superiority over Wu Changhui since he was a child. He has criticized Wu Changhui since he was a child. Now that he is the head of the family, he is a little bit dissatisfied with Wu Changhui. If you are satisfied, you will be scolded.

Lu Chen and Wu Lan frowned slightly.

"Patriarch, I..."

Wu Changhui wanted to explain, but found that it was in vain, because it was an indisputable fact that Wu Yonghui was injured. It was impossible for him to push Lu Chen out now and say that Wu Yonghui was not injured by him under his instructions, so he must take responsibility for this. back.

"Master Wu, this matter has nothing to do with Uncle Wu. It was me who did it. If you want to arrange for someone to steal my girlfriend, then I will naturally not agree to it."

At this time, Lu Chen stood up and spoke calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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