My cold CEO wife

Chapter 778 Meeting Ya Concubine Again

Chapter 778 Meeting Ya Concubine Again
"Okay, boss, you go."

The three of them said almost at the same time.

Lu Chen smiled, stood up and walked towards the beautiful woman.

"Come, let the three of us make a bet."

Li Zhao said to Zhao Heng and the other two: "I bet the boss will come back in disgrace within one minute. That woman is too cold. I dare not approach her."

"Yeah, I also felt that the woman was a little cold, so I didn't have the courage just now. I bet the boss couldn't last 15 seconds in front of him."

"I bet if the boss goes to strike up a conversation, he won't be able to finish a sentence, and he will be bombarded."

The three of them started directly, and none of them were optimistic about Lu Chen.

If it were an ordinary woman, they would still dare to strike up a conversation, but with this woman, they really felt a little cold and didn't dare to make a move.

"Hi, beauty, would you like me to have a drink with you?"

While the three of them were discussing, Lu Chen came not far from the beautiful woman and said warmly.

"It's an honor for me to be invited by a handsome man."

At this time, the beautiful woman suddenly turned around, the chill on her face dissipated, and her face was filled with smiles. The whole room was filled with spring.

"Wo Cao, is it that simple?"

Li Zhao and the others widened their eyes in disbelief.

Just like that, you got a beautiful woman?
"Tell me, why does that woman want to deal with the boss?" Li Zhao was the first to ask Zhao Heng and Zhou Chong about soul torture.

"Is it because the boss is handsome?" Zhou Chong asked.

"Bah, Zhou Chong, you have a fucking pig head. Don't even think about it. The boss was clearly behind her just now. She turned her head without even seeing what the boss looked like." Zhao Heng was beside her. Cursed.

Zhou Chong was immediately stopped by the question and did not dare to speak.

At this time, he suddenly patted his head again and said, "Do you think this is the effect of the law of adverse selection?"

The so-called law of adverse selection means that the pairings between men and women are generally ugly women paired with handsome men, and beautiful women paired with beasts. The reason lies in the word brave.

Generally, very beautiful women and handsome men do not have the courage to confess, but those ugly men do so with a mentality of indifference.

In fact, those beautiful women are just women after all. They just want to find a man who understands them. They just want a partner.

And if these ugly men are brave enough to express their feelings, they will be accepted.

Although the three of them are usually uneducated in society, they worked hard when they were studying, so they still know what the law of adverse selection is.

Li Zhao and Zhao Heng looked at each other. They both felt that Zhou Chong's analysis was correct. The three of them did not dare to talk to the woman at first, but Lu Chen bravely went over. The woman didn't want much, so , she agreed when Lu Chen opened his mouth.

The three of them agreed that this was the reason.

Lu Chen didn't know that this was the reason that Li Zhao and others analyzed for his success in striking up a conversation with a beautiful woman.

The reason why this beauty smiled at him was because she was an acquaintance, and she was not an ordinary person. She had just heard Lu Chen's conversation.

That's why she cooperated with Lu Chen.

She is Ya Fei.

"Why are you here?"

Lu Chen sat next to Ya Fei and asked curiously.

Yafei said: "I was originally born in Wujiang City, and I happened to be performing a mission here, so I appeared here."

"It's you, I'm quite surprised that you actually appeared in Wujiang City."

"Qinghan's uncle and aunt are here. It's just the Chinese New Year, so I came here to have a look. Well, that's my aunt's son. He brought me here."

Lu Chen pointed at Li Zhao not far away.

"What mission did you take? Do you need help?" Lu Chen asked at this time.

"To be honest, this task is indeed a bit tricky, but if you are willing to help, it will be very simple."

Yafei pointed to the middle-aged man not far away and explained: "Did you see that middle-aged man? He is Chen Jun, the head of Xinghao Group. The two bodyguards sitting next to him are both Tian The bodyguards of the bodyguard company, the strength of these two bodyguards has reached the level of entry-level martial arts."

"It is not difficult to deal with these two people, but it is difficult to deal with these two people silently. This is a public place. Once we do something, there will be movement. At that time, Chen Jun will take the opportunity to escape. I was dragged by them, and if someone else If you watch the excitement, Chen Jun will definitely not be able to catch up. "

Chen Jun is very careful. If he follows him this time, it will not be easy to find him again. "

While the two were talking, Chen Jun had already stood up and walked out.

"Come on, let's follow."

Seeing the two people walking outside, Lu Chen said to Ya Fei next to him.

Ya Fei responded, stood up and took the initiative to hold Lu Chen's hand, and then followed Lu Chen outside.

"Nima, you've got it now. Are you going to book a room?"

Seeing the two of them holding hands and walking outside, Li Zhao and the other three exploded.

Seol-ah's beauty cannot be explained.

In the end, Lu Chen only spent a few minutes to deal with this woman.

They feel more and more that when chasing a woman, the most important thing is to have courage.

"Li Zhao, there is a beautiful woman over there. How about you try it this time and see if you can succeed?"

At this time, Zhao Heng touched Li Zhao and pointed in another direction.

"Okay, just give it a try. If I get her, I'll treat you to dinner. No, I'll treat the boss to dinner. You're just here."

Li Zhao agreed without hesitation.

Lu Chen didn't know that he and Li Zhao were joking and pretending to pick up Yafei, which left a deep impression on Li Zhao and the other three. Now he has begun to take the initiative to pick up girls.

"Haha, no problem."

Li Zhao laughed and walked towards the beautiful woman.

He recalled Lu Chen's past situations, then raised the corners of his mouth, ordered a glass of red roses at the bar, and walked towards the woman.

"Hi, beauty, I was wondering if I could have a drink with you tonight?"

Li Zhao tried his best to keep his voice gentle.

However, the woman didn't dump him at all.

He turned around and looked at Zhao Heng and the two of them, shrugged and spread his hands.

Zhou Chong waved his hand, trying to persuade Li Zhao to go over and continue.

Li Zhao summoned up enough courage and then came to the beauty's seat, "Beauty, hello, my name is Li Zhao. I am the heir to our Zhou family enterprise in Wujiang City. I wonder if I would be lucky enough to buy you a drink. ?”

When the woman heard Li Zhao's words, she raised her head, glanced at Li Zhao, and said coldly: "Get out."

"sorry for disturbance."

Li Zhao did not expect that he would get off to a bad start, so he went to do marketing, only to be told to get lost. After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Stop, don't you understand what I'm saying?"

Just when Li Zhao was about to leave, the woman's condensed voice suddenly sounded again, "Don't you understand human language? I'm telling you to get lost, get lost, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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