My cold CEO wife

Chapter 800 A Respectable Old Man

Chapter 800 A Respectable Old Man
After the fortune teller left, Lu Chen went to find Li Houqin again.

"Master Moon Palace, have you found the three of them?"

Li Houqin shook her head, and then she said: "We still have to ask the oldest person here."


Lu Chen nodded.

The two walked to the village.

A child was playing in the mud on the roadside.

Li Houqin came to the child, squatted down, looked at him and said with a smile: "Little brother, sister is asking you something. If you answer the right question, sister will be rewarded, okay?"

The child is about four or five years old. His eyes are clear and transparent, full of innocence.

She nodded, and then said in a childlike voice: "Okay."

"Who is the most virtuous and respected person in your village?" Li Houqin asked in a low voice.

The child had a confused look on his face and his eyes were spinning.

Lu Chen next to him was speechless, and he said, "Let me ask."

After he finished speaking, he came to the child and asked: "Little brother, I want to ask you, who is the person in your village that everyone is most afraid of?"

"What everyone fears the most is Grandpa Zhu."

When the words "Grandpa Zhu" were mentioned, the little brother's voice became softer.

"Then can you take us to find Grandpa Zhu?"

Lu Chen asked again.

"No... I won't go, I... I'm afraid of Grandpa Zhu."

The little brother shook his head.

"Now, do you want to go?"

Lu Chen magically appeared in his hand as a bunch of candied haws, and said, "This thing is very sweet."

When the little brother saw Lu Chen bringing out a bunch of candied haws, he screamed.

"Yes, I want candied haws."

"Then can you take me to see Grandpa Zhu?" Lu Chen deliberately put the candied haws to his mouth and seduced again.

The little guy thought that Lu Chen was going to eat the candied haws, and he was so anxious that he cried. The tangled look in his eyes flashed, and then he nodded fiercely and said: "Okay, I will take you to find Grandpa Zhu."

Lu Chen smiled and handed the candied haws to the little guy.

The little guy took a bite and couldn't put it down.

However, he still abided by the agreement and took Lu Chen and the two to Grandpa Zhu's place.

"Mr. Lu, you...where did you get the candied haws of sugar?"

At this time, Li Houqin looked at Lu Chen like a monster.


Lu Chen made a haha.

His candied haws are placed in the mustard space.

It was originally bought for Wu Yue, but I forgot to give it to her, so the candied haws have been kept in the mustard space.

Seeing that Lu Chen was unwilling to speak, Li Houqin didn't ask too much.

However, she still started to ask more serious questions at this time and said, "Mr. Lu, why are we looking for the person that everyone here is most afraid of?"

"Because in a place like this, the villagers are very simple in character, and the person they fear most is the most virtuous and respected person here, who can basically be said to be the oldest person here. Therefore, the way you asked the question at the beginning was wrong. You Think about it, at such a young age, can he understand what the words "high moral character and high prestige" mean?"

"Mr. Lu, I've learned a lesson."

Only then did Li Houqin realize why when he asked the child, the child could answer it at all, but when Lu Chen asked, the child could answer it.

Soon after, the little guy took the two of them to the outside of a single-story peach wood house. The little guy stood here and did not dare to come forward. He pointed to the inside of the peach house and said: "Brother, Grandpa Zhu. It's inside, go find him yourself, I'll go first."

While talking, he was licking the candied haws and left.

Lu Chen couldn't help but laugh. Then he looked at Li Houqin next to him and said, "Let's go in."

Soon, the two people walked inside.


However, when they just walked to the door, an angry voice came from inside. Then, a person's rice bowl fell out of it, and a pile of rice fell to the ground. An old yellow dog ran over next to him and ate it excitedly. The food on the ground was served.

The middle-aged man looked outside the door at this time, and then spotted Lu Chen and the two of them, and couldn't help but said, "You are..."

"My lord, Lu Chen, I heard that your family has an old man who is highly respected in the village, so I wanted to come and visit him." Lu Chen said, cupping his hands towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Chen and Li Houqin for a moment, waved his hand, pointed to his head, and said, "You go, my grandfather has a problem here now, you don't need to visit him."

Hearing this, Li Houqin's heart sank next to him.

Looking at the age of this middle-aged man, he must be in his 40s. The old man inside is his grandfather, so he must be in his 80s.

For a person of this age, as long as the three people she finds have lived here, the old people inside must know about it.

But now the old man's head is broken.

"Brother, I came here to ask your dad something important. This matter may cost more than ten lives. Can you let me see him?"

At this time, Li Houqin reluctantly asked the middle-aged man next to him for help.

"Sister, it's not that I don't let you see my grandfather. Even if you see my grandfather, it won't be of any use. I said, his brain is not working right now. He doesn't even know who I am. You saw it too. Just now I brought him food, but it was immediately thrown over by him." The middle-aged man said in embarrassment.

Li Houqin's eyes dimmed again.

The middle-aged man said: "Or, you tell me what you have, if I can help you, I will help you the same."

A hint of hope appeared in Li Houqin's eyes again, and she said, "That's it, I'm looking for three people. These three people's surnames are Sun Qianli. If they are still alive, they should be around 50 years old. "

"Sun Qianli? Sorry, there are no such three people in our village." The middle-aged man shook his head.

Li Houqin was desperate now.

She has asked everyone here, but everyone here told her that there is no one named Sun Qianli in the village.

The clue was broken, and there was no way to avenge her great revenge.

"Brother, can you let me meet your grandfather? I am a Chinese medicine doctor, especially on brain diseases. I have special research. Maybe I can cure your father's disease."

At this moment, Lu Chen spoke.

Li Houqin couldn't help but open his mouth and looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

Lu Chen is actually a Chinese medicine doctor.

Then her beautiful eyes flashed with understanding.

Lu Chen definitely wanted to see the old man in this way. Maybe the old man was still a little clear-headed and they could ask something.

"Brother, don't worry about my grandfather's illness. I've asked the miracle doctors in the area to look at my grandfather's illness, but it's no use. Anyway, he's older, and it doesn't matter whether his head is clear or not. We can just raise him until he dies.”

The middle-aged man has obviously given up on treating his grandfather, and now he just wants his grandfather to die naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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