My cold CEO wife

Chapter 808 The thief shouts to catch the thief

Chapter 808 The thief shouts to catch the thief
"That's right, the village chief, it's them, it must be them. When they didn't show up, the whole village was safe and the children were fine. Now that they show up, something happened to Ergou."

At this time, Lai San, who had been dealt with by Lu Chen, suddenly stood up and pointed at Lu Chen and said.

He obviously wanted to take revenge on Lu Chen now.

"Who is this person? When did they appear? Yes, Ergou must have been stolen by them." When someone makes noise, others will follow suit and add insult to injury. This is human nature.

As for Zhang Caihua next to her, she pounced on Lu Chen and shouted at the same time: "Ah ah ah, you give me back my child, you give me back my child, I will fight with you."

Zhou Yuangong stopped Zhang Caihua and said at the same time: "Dazhuang, come here, take your mother-in-law back to me, let her calm down, everyone please calm down."

Zhou Yuangong is still very prestigious in the village. As soon as his words came out, everyone fell silent.

At this time, he said loudly: "One of these two is Mr. Lu and the other is Miss Li. They were sent to me by Lai San last night. They live in my house. Have they gone out? Should I Don’t you have any idea?”

"You blame them for the disappearance of the children. Don't you blame the wrong person? Didn't any children go missing in our village before they came?"

"I see that all of you don't use your head to think about problems. What is this head used for?"

Being accused by Zhou Yuangong, everyone fell silent in an instant, not daring to say another word.

Then Zhou Yuangong's eyes fell on Xu Fang and asked instead: "Xu Fang, I would like to know why you said that the child was abducted by Mr. Lu. Do you have any evidence?"

To be honest, he was more suspicious of Xu Fang than Lu Chen.

Because what a thief likes to do most is to call a thief a thief.

"Evidence? Of course there is evidence. Do you want me to take you to see the evidence?"

When Xu Fang heard this, he spoke.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Xu Fang.

"Brother Xu, please take us to find evidence. If this guy really abducted my second dog, I will fight for him." Da Zhuang and Zhang Caihua said almost at the same time.

Zhou Yuangong frowned slightly.

He had already given a guarantee to Lu Chen and Li Houqin just now, but now it was obvious that everyone did not believe his guarantee.

However, he also wanted to know what evidence Xu Fang had, so he said to Xu Fang: "Xu Fang, take us to see your so-called evidence."

"Everyone come with me."

Xu Fang led everyone towards the back mountain. At the same time, he said: "Last night, I had an urgent need to pee. I got up to pee, but I heard a slight noise outside. I thought that there would always be children in our village every once in a while. After the inexplicable disappearance, I thought there might be something unclean in the village. Out of curiosity, I opened the door and looked outside."

"As a result, I discovered the background of Mr. Lu. He was walking towards the mountain fortress in the back mountain, and in his hand, he was carrying something, like a child."

When Lu Chen heard Xu Fang's words, his heart skipped a beat.

He felt he was being set up.

This Xu Fang designed him.

Because he had not thought last night that Xu Fang would dare to come back and shout to catch the thief, he did not eliminate the footprints.

Although his footprints were shallow, they still left footprints.

"If you don't believe me, then you can look at the footprints on the ground, and then compare the size and shape of the shoe prints with Mr. Lu's shoes to see if they are not the same." At this time, Xu Fang spoke again.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lu Chen, and then some people even grabbed Lu Chen's legs directly, trying to take the shoes off his feet.

"What are you doing, do you still pay attention to me?"

Seeing everyone rushing towards Lu Chen, Zhou Yuangong was a little angry and yelled at them.

These villagers immediately behaved and backed away.

Zhou Yuangong then looked at Lu Chen and said, "Mr. Lu, please take off your shoes. We want to test whether these are your footprints. If they are not your footprints, I will personally apologize to you, but If it is really your shoe print, we all need you to give us an explanation."

"No need to take off your shoes, I admit, these footprints are mine."

How could Lu Chen take off his shoes to prove his innocence?

He could even just pat his butt and walk away now, but this is not his style and he doesn't like to be wronged.

“However, I want to tell you that the reason for this footprint is not what I did to the children in your village, but what I saw him doing to the children in your village, and I went to stop him. "Lu Chen explained calmly.

Xu Fang, who was next to him, sneered and said: "You said you saw what I was doing to the children in the village? Now you want to come and beat me up? I tell you, that is simply impossible. Take a look. Are there my footprints here?"


Hearing Xu Fang's words, Lu Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Because Lu Chen didn't expect Xu Fang to come back, he didn't go to tidy up the scene. However, when Xu Fang came back later, he rearranged the scene.

That is to say, there are only Lu Chen's footprints at the scene now.

"It's him, it must be him."

At this time, many people went to look at the footprints and were instantly convinced that it was Lu Chen's doing.

Then, they walked down the footprints, and finally came to a hill.

"Hey, look here. This is newly dug soil. Could it be that he buried Ergou in it?" The first person who walked up to the hill quickly found the location on the hill. New soil appears.

Then he shouted: "Quick, get the hoe."

Soon, the hoe was brought over, and they dug into the new soil.

"Hiss, my God!"

When they saw the scene in front of them, everyone gasped.

I saw countless bones lying in the pit, and beside them, there was a small hand and a head still there.

"It's Ergou, it's really Ergou. He died miserably."

Everyone gasped and felt cold from head to toe.

Ergou was actually eaten by someone, leaving only one hand and a head.

"Ah, my second dog, you died so miserably."

Da Zhuang and Zhang Caihua rushed to the pit. When they saw clearly that the wreckage inside was indeed Ergou's, they felt completely groggy.

Especially Zhang Caihua, she fell into madness.

As for Da Zhuang, he seemed calm, but the anger in his heart was accumulated to the extreme.

Then the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't think of it. He raised his hoe and rushed towards Lu Chen. At the same time, he roared: "You bastard, you are a heartless thing. I will fight with you if you come here."

(End of this chapter)

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