My cold CEO wife

Chapter 817 Please Emperor Sword

Chapter 817 Please Emperor Sword

However, she didn't ask much.

Lu Chen has too many secrets, including this one.

She lifted the cauldron, but found that it was extremely heavy. She felt like an ordinary person fighting with a twenty-pound hammer.

However, she knew that only in this way could she have enough fighting power.

"I will distract the six zombies headed by them and deal with them. The other zombies are up to you."

He knew that the only thing left to do now was to fight. If he didn't fight, he would be in trouble if he was approached by these zombies. "Remember, we have to fight quickly. There are other zombies here. If we attract other zombies, we will be in trouble." ”


Li Houqin nodded solemnly.

This battle is a battle of life and death.

Lu Chen's six silver needles flew out and headed straight for the six zombies.

I could only hear the six silver needles making a jingling sound on the zombie's body, and it felt like they were hitting iron.

Lu Chen's blow was not simple, but it did not cause any harm to them, which shows how strong their bodies are.

However, this was within Lu Chen's expectation.

After all, these zombies are cultivating their physical bodies, and their physical bodies are very strong and normal.

Just like Lu Chen is now taking the path of self-cultivation.

"I want to see who's body is stronger, yours or mine." Lu Chen's eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

Although the six zombies were not injured by Lu Chen, his actions angered the six zombies. They roared and then quickly ran towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen quickly led them away.

"It's a pity. I should have brought some strong sulfuric acid if I had known earlier."

The IQs of these zombies are not high enough, because they are not very high-level zombies yet. Zombies like Xu Fang are relatively high-level zombies.

From the fact that Xu Fang was able to escape from Lu Chen's hands, it is not difficult to find that Xu Fang's level is not low.


Lu Chen's attack was simple and crude, and he directly engaged in hand-to-hand combat with these zombies.

Of course, he has a huge advantage. His body is still a little stronger than these zombies, and his speed is much faster than these zombies.

These zombies often cannot touch the corners of his clothes, but he can frequently attack these zombies.

As for Li Houqin next to her, she carried the cauldron and fought with the other zombies.

She didn't realize the huge benefits of this cauldron until this moment.

Because this cauldron is heavy enough, after a cauldron hits it, the zombies on the opposite side will definitely be missing arms and legs. But even if the zombies are missing arms and legs, they seem to have no intelligence and still pursue Li Houqin regardless of their own safety. come over.

Li Houqin had Ji Ding as her help, so it was much easier to fight. However, because Ji Ding was too heavy, it was difficult for her to lift it up and fight, and her movements were slow, so the zombies still left a lot of wounds on her body.

Even the clothes on her upper body were torn, revealing the flawless white skin underneath, making her even more tempting. Lu Chen couldn't help but look over here, and then quickly turned his gaze to Received it back.

Deep in the Wuya Mountain Emperor's Tomb, a figure appeared here.

If Lu Chen were here, he would be very shocked.

Because this figure is none other than Xu Fang, who fought against him last time.

Xu Fang is still a little pale now.

Obviously, after the last fight with Lu Chen, he still suffered a certain loss and has not recovered yet.

In front of Xu Fang, there was an ancient golden coffin. Under the ancient coffin, there was a huge dragon chair. On top of the dragon chair, a lifelike dragon hovered there.

Xu Fang knelt down on one knee facing the person inside the ancient coffin, and then said, "My emperor, someone has invaded our palace, and I need your help."

"Oh, someone came in? Can't you handle it?"

The voice from inside came over and said at the same time: "I still need to sleep for one year. If someone disturbs me during this year, all my efforts will be wasted. Do you understand?"

"My emperor, I understand everything, but I have fought against this person. I am not his opponent. He is the one who comes in now." Xu Fang said a little depressed.

He originally thought that he could be almost invincible in the secular world, but he met someone like Lu Chen. What made him confused was that Lu Chen was so young, but he turned out to be so powerful.

"Oh? And the people you can't handle are really interesting."

The voice inside came out again, and then he sighed and said: "In that case, I will give you the Emperor Sword. I hope you will not disappoint me. The password to unlock the Emperor Sword is exactly what you use to unlock your spiritual wisdom. that day.”

"Yes, thank you my emperor."

Xu Fang couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard the voice inside the golden ancient coffin.

The Imperial Sword is a very powerful sword. Holding that sword will even enhance his ability to exert his own strength. With this sword, he believes that he will have no problem dealing with Lu Chen. of.

After he finished speaking, he bowed to the coffin and walked away. At the same time, he promised: "My emperor, don't worry, I won't let anyone in without your permission."

Soon, he came to a stone door. Behind the stone door, there were four combination locks. The combination locks were made of carved stone.

And the time when his intelligence is opened is the password of Shimen.

Xu Fang knew that he was no match for Lu Chen, and now he had to rely on external strength.

He opened the stone door according to the time when his intelligence opened.

Inside the stone gate, there is light flowing, so bright that it makes people unable to open their eyes.

Xu Fang excitedly stepped forward and held the imperial sword directly, and then he felt an invisible force entering his body, making his body lighter.

"What a powerful sword."

Xu Fang's eyes lit up.

With this imperial sword, he would definitely be able to kill Lu Chen with the sword.

"Boy, if you dare to ruin my good deeds, I will make you look good."

His emperor is practicing, so why isn't he practicing?
As long as he eats two more children, his strength will make another breakthrough. By then, he will be almost indistinguishable from a normal person. As a result, only these two people were missing. He was beaten back to Wuya Mountain by Lu Chen without thinking. internal.

It's not that he has never thought about going out and forcibly devouring children, but he understands that the state has a powerful weapon. If he does something blatantly and unscrupulously, he will most likely be targeted by the state.

By then, the imperial palace in Wuya Mountain may be destroyed. Naturally, this is not what he wants to see, so he still has to keep a low profile after going out.

Lu Chen didn't know that Xu Fang was trying to deal with him again. He was still working hard to deal with the six zombies.

The bodies of these six zombies were too hard, and these zombies were united together. Lu Chen did not dare to strike hard rashly, because it would take time to strike hard, and other zombies would come over and kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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