Chapter 830

"Guiyuan City is too far."

Qiao Meili shook her head, finding a reason to reject Lu Chen, and said, "The transportation cost over there is too high."

"The transportation costs are covered by us." Lu Chen said again.

In the provincial capital, the average salary of employees is higher, while in Guiyuan City, the average salary of employees is lower, so in comparison, the transportation costs can actually be equalized.

"I forgot that I am not talking about cooperation with you, but giving you a choice. You can only choose to take 1000 million and keep today's matter a secret, or you have to die."

Qiao Meili was a little angry that she almost fell into Lu Chen's trap. Lu Chen and she were not in the same class at all, and she didn't need to negotiate with Lu Chen at all.

"Mr. Qiao, are you sure you don't want to give me a third chance?"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said at the same time: "I can probably guess the pressure on you. On the surface, your private life seems to be extremely chaotic, but in fact, you are a very serious woman."

"The reason why you did this is to relax the vigilance of some people. Some people are eyeing your wealth, body or status. Am I right?"

Of course, Lu Chen was making a bold guess.

To take the initiative during the conversation with Qiao Meili today, he could only continue to speculate and test.


Qiao Meili was shocked. She had always had a strong feeling that the longer she stayed with Lu Chen, the more transparent she seemed to be.

"Lu Chen, let me remind you again, smart people often don't live long." Qiao Meili's face immediately darkened.

Lu Chen said calmly: "As long as I don't want to die, no one in this world can kill me. Why don't we make a bet? I will be in this bar tonight without asking for any help. You can ask someone to deal with me." , as long as I can hurt even a hair of my hair tonight, I will be considered a loser, and my life belongs to you."

"If you can't hurt me even a hair, then how about you agree to my request and cooperate with our Lin Group?"

Lu Chen felt that it was time for him to show his true skills.

Now Qiao Meili looked at him with a condescending attitude and did not treat him as an equal, so Lu Chen had to show himself.

"Okay, deal."

Qiao's beautiful eyes flickered for a while, and then she spoke.

To be honest, she has many powerful people under her, and these powerful people either protect her safety or perform some dangerous tasks.

In her position, she is always in danger, so she usually has to recruit some strong people by her side.

Now among her personal bodyguards, there are four strong men who are beginners in martial arts, and one who has just glimpsed martial arts.

She didn't believe that such a powerful lineup she had recruited over the years could not do anything to Lu Chen. If such a lineup was really unable to do anything to Lu Chen, maybe Lu Chen was qualified enough to help her.

Therefore, Qiao Meili agreed.

"Okay, remember what you said, I will make sure you die tonight."

After Qiao Meili finished speaking, she walked not far away and ordered the leading bodyguard: "Ask all four of your senior brothers to come over."

The five strong men under her are at least beginners in martial arts. They are five brothers. The most powerful one is the boss, who has a first glimpse of martial arts, and the other four are beginners in martial arts.

"Yes, Director Qiao."

The bodyguard agreed to come down and quickly called the boss.

Soon, five bodyguards appeared here.

The clothes of these five bodyguards are different from ordinary bodyguards.

Ordinary bodyguards wear suits, but these five bodyguards dress more casually.

"Director Qiao, I wonder what you want from us?" The boss came to Qiao Meili and asked her.

Qiao Meili smiled, pointed at Lu Chen next to her and said, "This friend looks down on the five of you and says that you are vulnerable in front of him. You can do whatever you want."


In an instant, five eyes fell on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked very indifferent, and said seriously: "You, Mr. Qiao, are right. You are really rubbish in front of me. Five people can attack at the same time, and it is impossible to hurt me even a hair."

"Boy, you are too arrogant. I can take care of you by myself. I won't tear your mouth apart today." The fourth child among the bodyguards stood up and walked towards Lu Chen.

"Fourth, come back."

The boss was a relatively calm person, and he yelled at the fourth child next to him.

"Fourth brother, let me do it. It's your turn to take action for this kid." The third child said disdainfully.

The second child even wanted to attack Lu Chen directly.

The boss stopped them all, and he looked at Lu Chen seriously.

Lu Chen was not a fool at first glance. Since the other party said this, he must be relying on him. He looked at Lu Chen for a while and asked: "Friend, I wonder who you study under?"

If Lu Chen dared to speak like this, it meant that Lu Chen must not be an ordinary person. He might be the apprentice of some hidden master. By then, they would no longer recognize each other as a family.

"I don't have a master. All my martial arts are cultivated by myself."

Lu Chen spoke calmly, then with disdain in his eyes, he hooked his hands with several people and said, "You all can go together, but even if we go together, there is no chance."

Qiao Meili watched this scene with interest.

Lu Chen's strength is not very good, but this pretense is good.

She knew how powerful the five bodyguards under her were together, but Lu Chen didn't take these five people seriously at all.

"court death."

Lao Wu finally couldn't help it, broke through the boss, and rushed towards Lu Chen.

He put all his effort into his feet, so when he was about to reach Lu Chen, he stepped on the ground, and a large tile on the ground cracked.

Then the fifth child soared into the air, and just like this whip kicked towards Lu Chen.

"An attack of this level? It's too weak."

Lu Chen sneered, stretched out his palm, and then grabbed Lao Wu with one palm.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't take Lao Wu seriously, everyone said almost at the same time: "Lao Wu, kill him."

When Lao Wu heard this, the strength under his feet seemed to be a little bit stronger, and there was a sound of breaking through the air.


Before his leg was thrown on Lu Chen's shoulder, Lu Chen grabbed his foot with five fingers, and the fifth child seemed to be fixed in the air at this moment.


The remaining four bodyguards were stunned and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Lao Wu, don't let it go."

The boss said to Lao Wu at this time.

Lao Wu is about to cry. Where is he letting go?

He now feels that his legs are now bound by a force. This force makes it impossible for him to move his legs away, and the force on his legs is getting stronger and stronger. He feels that his legs The bones seemed to be crushed by this hand.

(End of this chapter)

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