My cold CEO wife

Chapter 832 Please Witnesses

Chapter 832 Please Witnesses
Now Lu Chen was going to help Qiao Meili solve her problem, so Qiao Meili didn't hide it from Lu Chen anymore, but told Lu Chen about her relevant situation.

In SIPG City, the Li family appears to be first and the Qiao family is second, but behind these families, there are some hidden families.

It is these people who truly control SIPG's resources.

And Qiao Meili's father, Qiao Zheng, is one of the people controlled by these families.

Qiao Zheng is the second richest man in Shanghai, but at the beginning Qiao Zheng was just a poor boy. Later, the Chen family, a reclusive family, discovered that he had a talent for business, and then made an angel investment in Qiao Zheng.

Qiao Zheng lived up to the high expectations of the Chen family, and developed the Qiao family into the second largest family in Shanghai, with assets of hundreds of billions.

At this time, Qiao Zheng realized that he had actually been controlled and became a puppet. He asked the Chen family to let him go. He was willing to hand over the business empire he had built to the Chen family.

However, no one in the Chen family could manage the business empire built by Qiao Zheng, so the Chen family forced Qiao Zheng to continue managing the business empire, and also used some abnormal means to make Qiao Zheng submit.

For example, using Qiao Meimei's mother Zhu Xi to achieve the goal.

Qiao is a person who repays kindness. He returned the kindness of the Chen family to the Chen family. However, the Chen family continued to push further, so he naturally resisted.

So, in the end, the Chen family felt that they could no longer control Qiao Zheng, so they took action to get rid of Qiao Zheng.

And Qiao Meili once again became the object of control of the Chen family.

Qiao Meili also had a high IQ. She knew that under normal circumstances, the Chen family would definitely want her to marry into the Qiao family, so that the Chen family could legitimately control her.

Therefore, she deliberately made her private life look bad. The Chen family is a hermit family, so naturally she couldn't bear to find a woman like her who was "good enough to be a husband" to be her Chen family's daughter-in-law.

However, Zhu Xi has always been in Chen's house.

Qiao Meili always wanted to rescue her mother. The head of the Chen family, Chen Daozhi, said something.

That is, the Chen family is a family of martial arts. Whenever Qiao Meili can find someone to break through the Chen family's Sanguantang, the Chen family will release the person and promise not to cause trouble to Qiao Meili again in the future.

Qiao Meili has always shown that her private life is very chaotic, but in fact she has been accumulating and looking for such a person.

She felt that now that she found Lu Chen, she could rescue her mother Zhu Xi.

"What is your strength?"

After arriving in SIPG, Qiao Meili felt somewhat uneasy.

Because the Chen family also told her that she only had one chance. Once the person she was looking for could not break through the Chen family's Sanguantang, Zhu Xi would be executed at that time.

Therefore, Qiao Meili was under a lot of pressure. She almost put her mother's life on Lu Chen.

"Innately invincible."

Lu Chen said calmly.

"Innately invincible, that means if someone else is an innate master, you are no longer their opponent?" Hearing this, Qiao Meili seemed a little disappointed.

"Dr. Qiao, you must not be familiar with the realm of our warrior cultivation, right? Let me tell you the truth. Mr. Lu's so-called innate invincibility basically means that he is invincible, because it is very difficult or even almost impossible now. I have found a strong person above the innate."

Seeing Qiao Meili frowning, the boss of the five bodyguards next to him couldn't help but explain.

He has been sitting next to Qiao Meili. The boss obviously still doesn't trust Lu Chen and is very afraid that Lu Chen will suddenly attack Qiao Meili.

"That's it."

Qiao Meili patted her chest and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

She could say that she was gambling on her life.

"Mr. Lu, if you can successfully rescue my mother from the Chen family, I can not only give you the provincial branch of Universe New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd., but I can also agree to you a condition. As long as I can I will fulfill all the conditions for you."

While speaking, Qiao Meili couldn't help stroking her hair, and then looked at Lu Chen.

The implication couldn't be more obvious.

Obviously, she was very afraid that Lu Chen would not do anything to save her mother, so she used herself as a bargaining chip.

However, Lu Chen directly ignored her hint and said, "Don't worry, since I promised you, I will definitely break through the Sanguantang and rescue your mother."

"Okay, thank you."

Qiao Meili was a little confused. Normally, Lu Chen was a scumbag who couldn't take his eyes away when he saw a beautiful woman. Now he is immune to himself. This is unscientific.

Now that Qiao Meili wanted to cooperate with Lu Chen, she naturally investigated Lu Chen's relevant information in private, and she had a certain understanding of Lu Chen before she dared to cooperate with him.

Otherwise, if you seek skin from a tiger, you will be trapped in the end.

"Let's stay in Shanggang City for one night first. I'll take you to meet someone who will serve as a witness. Otherwise, I'm afraid the Chen family will say nothing."

When they arrived at the villa, Qiao Meili said to Lu Chen.

"Okay, you can look at the arrangements." Lu Chen agreed.

Immediately, Qiao Meili arranged accommodation for Lu Chen and asked him to rest first, while she herself began to get busy.

Qiao Meili rushed to Li's house overnight.

Now the notary she is looking for is Li Yan.

Li Yan is a very capable man, even she has always regarded Li Yan as her idol.

Although she is now the richest woman in Shanghai and Li Yan is the richest man in Shanghai, Li Yan's wealth is much greater than hers.

Moreover, Li Yan's wealth was built by her own hard work, while her wealth was based on inheriting her father's wealth, and her father also had the support of the Chen family in the early stage.

But Li Yan was different. Li Yan was born out of nowhere. Someone wanted to control Li Yan behind his back, but Li Yan got rid of him in the end.

Therefore, Li Yan is free, and Li Yan now has a very high status in SIPG. Even those reclusive figures have to give him some face.

Now Qiao Meili just wants Li Yan to be the witness.

Li Yan's whole person has changed since he came back from Guiyuan City.

He became less competitive than before and became calm and contented. This was due to Lu Chen's influence.

His knot has been resolved, and now there is no bloody disaster, so now he is living a very nourishing and healthy life, just wanting to live longer.

"Master, Miss Qiao, please see me."

When Li Yan was sitting on the wooden chair under the peach tree, the housekeeper came over and bent slightly, speaking softly to Li Yan.

"Miss Qiao, which Miss Qiao?" Li Yan asked doubtfully.

"Master, you are so noble and forgetful. How many Miss Qiaos are qualified to see you?" the housekeeper joked.

Li Yan reacted immediately, and then he said: "Okay, you bring her over, and I'll see what she wants from me."

"Yes, sir."

The housekeeper went out, and soon she led Qiao Meili to Li Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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