Chapter 837 If you take a step back, I lose.
"Of course I'm here to help Mr. Lu."

Li Yan didn't seem to know the Chen family at this time, he came to Lu Chen, gave a standard aristocratic salute to Lu Chen, and said at the same time: "Li Yan has met Mr. Lu."

His behavior shocked everyone around him.

You know, Li Yan is the richest man in SIPG City. SIPG City is a rich city in China. The richest man in this city can be ranked high in the world.

As a result, such a person actually took the initiative to salute Lu Chen. In this case, there is only one possibility. Lu Chen's identity may be more noble than Li Yan's.

When thinking of this, the entire Chen family felt a little bad.

They are not worried about Lu Chen's strength at all now, but they are worried that they will hurt Lu Chen. Lu Chen's status is noble, and then Lu Chen will use his status to cause trouble for himself and others.

Although the Chen family is a hidden wealthy family in Shanghai, with a very high social status, there are many more powerful families than the Chen family.

"Qiao Meili, you are committing a foul by doing this."

Chen Jianqiao looked at Qiao Meili, his face gloomy and bleeding.

He didn't expect Qiao Meili to find such a person. Now they didn't dare to hurt Lu Chen. Even if they injured Lu Chen, he was worried that Lu Chen would use the forces behind him to cause trouble for him.

How could someone so respected by Li Yan be so powerful?
Qiao Meili was also stunned, but after a moment, she figured out the key point.

But what about violations?
Now her mother has been arrested by the Chen family. If there is a stronger force to support her and directly let the Chen family release her, that would of course be the best choice.

"Patriarch Chen, please don't worry, you don't have to worry about my background. I am a person with no background. Li Yan respects me because I saved his life."

"I think you, the Chen family, don't have to go to so much trouble. You can go to all three classes at the same time. If anything goes wrong with me, I promise you that no one will cause any trouble for you."

Lu Chen raised his drooped eyelids and spoke calmly.

Hearing his words, Chen Jianqiao's heart moved.

If Lu Chen wouldn't cause trouble for them afterwards, this matter would still be feasible.

The worst they can do is to be a little gentler when the time comes, and then prepare a generous gift and apology for Lu Chen.

Compared to getting the Qiao family, the expense is negligible.

As for Lu Chen's statement that he was Li Yan's benefactor who saved Li Yan's life, he didn't believe it at all.

"Since Mr. Lu wants to compete, our Chen family will naturally accompany you. Chen Cai, you can have fun with Mr. Lu. Remember, don't kill yourself."

At this time, Chen Jianqiao ordered Chen Cai.

Chen Cai is a genius of the younger generation. He is already a strong master of martial arts at a young age. He should be just as strong as Lu Chen. Therefore, he was very afraid that Chen Cai would hurt Lu Chen, so he said hello to Chen Cai.

"Yes, Dad."

Chen Cai's eyes shone with a ruthless light.

He has always been a star-studded existence, but today there is someone who has overshadowed him. No matter who this person is, he has to pay a sufficient price.

Although Chen Jianqiao told him not to hit Lu Chen harshly, it was not common for him to miss in a fight?

Therefore, he wanted to deal with Lu Chen now.

Lu Chen saw that the older two generations of the Chen family didn't want to take action. He didn't even have the interest to take action. He said to Chen Cai next to him: "I only use one palm to deal with you. If you can hurt me even a hair , consider me losing."

Chen Cai was always arrogant, but now that Lu Chen said this, his face immediately turned cold. Then he walked towards Lu Chen and said in a cold voice: "Since you are seeking death, I will help you."

He jumped into the air and threw a powerful whip leg towards Lu Chen. He almost went all out with this leg.

"Chen Cai, no."

Seeing Chen Cai using all his strength against Lu Chen, Chen Jianqiao was startled and couldn't help but growl.

But because Chen Cai was already in the air, even if he wanted to take back his strength, he couldn't.

Chen Jianqiao's expression couldn't help but change.

Lu Chen stood there, his expression not changing at all. He just let Chen Jianqiao attack him like this. Then he raised his right hand, clenching his five fingers into a fist, and punched Chen Cai's foot like this.


Chen Cai sneered, and his legs became stronger.

Chen Cai's attack and Lu Chen's attack were concentrated together, and then they made a loud sound.

Then, Lu Chen stood there calmly and calmly, not moving at all, but when Chen Cai looked at him, he was directly punched by Lu Chen and flew out, holding his feet and wailing.

"Chen Cai."

Seeing that Chen Cai had suffered a loss and was defeated so easily, Chen Jianqiao's expression immediately changed.

Even he couldn't defeat his son with such ease, but Lu Chen actually defeated Chen Cai like this.

With that move just now, he was sure that Lu Chen didn't release the water.

In other words, Lu Chen's strength was much higher than that of his son.

At first, when Lu Chen said that the three of them should come together, he didn't take it seriously. He just thought that Lu Chen was arrogant, but he doesn't think so now.

Maybe Lu Chen has real abilities.

"How could I lose, how could I lose?"

Chen Cai hugged his legs and showed an incredible look.

Lu Chen actually defeated him so easily.

"Now, aren't you ready to come together?"

Lu Chen injured Chen Cai with a punch, and then his eyes fell on Chen Jianqiao.

If at first Chen Jianqiao felt that Lu Chen wanted to use his identity to embarrass them, now he felt that Lu Chen was using his true strength to embarrass them.

Even he may not be able to knock Chen Cai away with one punch so easily. Lu Chen is the one who can defeat him.

At first, Lu Chen said that only when the three parties took action together did they have a glimmer of hope of winning against each other, it seemed that this was not an exaggeration, but it might really be the case.

Although the probability of this is relatively small, it is still possible.

"Uncle, let's go out together."

Chen Jianqiao's eyes fell on Chen Chunan next to him.

If he fights Lu Chen alone, whether he can win is another matter. Simply put, the battle between the two of them cannot be a one-sided suppression, so when the time comes for a big battle, it is really possible for people to lose their lives.

Once someone loses his life, it's going to be troublesome.


Chen Chunan stood up.

He has gray hair and looks a little old-eyed and dizzy, but in fact his heart is very clear.

He understood that if he didn't take action today, it was very likely that Lu Chen would really be able to break through the three halls set up by his family.

"Mr. Lu, the sword has no eyes. If you get hurt later, don't blame us."

After Chen Chunan came out, he bowed his hand to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was disdainful and said, "I can deal with you with just one hand. If you can make me take a step back, I lose."

(End of this chapter)

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