My cold CEO wife

Chapter 839 Betrayal

Chapter 839 Betrayal
When Qiao Meili came to the scene, she was rejected.

Although she is also a celebrity in SIPG and has infinite wealth, Wan Jun is not bad, and now that Wan Jun has booked this place, the boss didn't want to offend anyone, so he tactfully rejected Qiao Meili.

Qiao Meili stood outside, frowning slightly, but did not leave immediately.

If she had just come here to eat by herself, she might have compromised and left here now, but today she brought two people, Li Yan and Lu Chen.

In her opinion, the identities of these two people were more precious than the other, so she naturally didn't want her first dinner to be so embarrassing.

"Waiter, please go in and tell Wan Jun that it's me, Qiao Meili, who is here to eat, and ask him to give me face." Finally, Qiao Meili decided to talk to Wan Jun.

In such a big restaurant, her eating will not affect Wan Jun, and her status is more noble than Wan Jun. No matter Wan Jun invites anyone to dinner here, she will not lose Wan Jun's face if she eats here too. .

What's more, there is also Li Yan here, which will save him even more face.

"Okay, Miss Qiao, please wait a moment. I'll go in and talk to Wan Shao."

The waiter was now the messenger. After all, Qiao Meili's identity was there, and she didn't dare not pass on this message.

Qiao Meili smiled slightly at the waiter and nodded at the same time.

Soon the waiter appeared next to Wan Jun, and then said to Wan Jun: "Master Wan, Miss Qiao is outside. She said she wants to borrow the venue here and will dine here today."

"Oh, Miss Qiao, which Miss Qiao?"

Wan Jun couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Of course it's Miss Qiao Meiliqiao, the richest woman in Shanghai," the waiter couldn't help but reply.

Qiao Meili is beautiful, young and rich. She is a standard Bai Fumei in the true sense. I am afraid that any normal man would want to marry such a woman as his wife, so the waiter knows Qiao Meili.

"Oh, it's her, haha, okay, I get it, I'll go out and meet her in person." Wan Jun's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard that it was Qiao Meili.

To be honest, he has always had some thoughts about Qiao Meili. When Qiao Meili's father was still alive, the two families wanted to marry him to Qiao Meili, surpassing Li Yan in one fell swoop, and the merged family was called Wanqiao. The family became the first family in Shanghai in one fell swoop.

Now Qiao Meili's father has passed away unexpectedly, but that does not stop him from pursuing Qiao Meili. After all, the wealth of the Qiao family is now in Qiao Meili's hands.

Soon, Wan Jun appeared outside. He looked at Qiao Meili and couldn't help but smile: "Miss Qiao, I heard that you also want to dine here?"

Qiao Meili's face looked a little unnatural, but she had made up her mind to dine in this tea restaurant today. She couldn't help but nodded slightly and said at the same time: "If Mr. Wan can make a private room available for me to use, I will definitely Would be grateful.”

"Haha, how are you going to be grateful?" Wan Jun asked again with a smile.

Qiao Meili asked: "What kind of gratitude do you want?"

Wan Jun looked at Qiao Meili for a while and said, "How about being my girlfriend?"

"You are dreaming."

Originally, Qiao Meili was full of hope that Wan Jun would give her a place to eat, but now that she heard Wan Jun's frivolous words, she turned around and left without even thinking about it.

Watching Qiao Meili leave, Wan Jun's eyes flashed with a sneer, and one person muttered: "Qiao Meili, you won't be proud for long. Soon, you will always be mine."

Qiao Meili didn't know what Wan Jun thought about her. She came in front of Lu Chen and others, her face was a little ugly, and said: "Mr. Lu, Uncle Li, I'm so sorry, Wan Jun won't give me face, let's change Let’s eat somewhere.”

"Do you want me to take action?"

Li Yan smiled at this time.

The reason why he didn't come forward just now was because he thought Qiao Meili could handle Wan Jun, but the current result made him a little surprised.

"Forget it, let's eat somewhere else."

Qiao Meili shook her head. She thought it was extremely disgusting to eat in the same restaurant as Wan Jun. It would make her lose her appetite.

at the same time.

Wan Jun was sitting in a tea restaurant in Shanghai. Opposite him, a young woman sat. After the woman came over, she sat directly on Wan Jun's lap. At the same time, she said coquettishly: "Dear, When things are done, don’t forget what you promised me.”

If Qiao Meili were here, she would definitely find that the woman sitting on Wan Jun's lap was her secretary Zhang Na.

Zhang Na is Qiao Meili's secretary, and she is also Qiao Meili's recognized sister.

Zhang Na lost her parents when she was very young and stayed in an orphanage. At that time, Qiao's father took Qiao Meili to the orphanage to do charity activities. Zhang Na was smart and soon played with Qiao Meili.

Qiao Meili wanted to take Zhang Na home, but Qiao's father agreed.

Zhang Na is the daughter adopted by Qiao's father, and she is regarded as Qiao Meili's recognized sister.

But now this sister is actually playing with Wan Jun.

If Qiao Meili were here, she would be very angry.

"Haha, don't worry, as long as I have control of the Qiao family, I will marry you." Wan Jun grabbed Zhang Na hard.

Zhang Na plunged her head into Wan Jun's chest.

Qiao Meili didn't know that Zhang Na was targeting her. After she took Lu Chen and the others to dinner, Li Yan took the initiative to invite Lu Chen to his home.

"Mr. Lu, I wonder if I, Li Yan, have the honor to invite you to my home?"

Li Yan looked at Lu Chen with some expectation. After all, he could learn a lot from Lu Chen, which he believed would be very helpful to him.

Obviously Lu Chen is just a young man, he is two generations older than Lu Chen, he should be an elder in front of Lu Chen, but now Lu Chen seems to be an elder in front of him By.

"I'm not going, I'm going to stay at Miss Qiao's house."

Lu Chen shook his head.

Li Yan was obviously stunned, then he looked deeply at Qiao Meili, then at Lu Chen, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I won't disturb your good deeds, Mr. Lu."

Lu Chen didn't take Li Yan's words to heart, but Qiao Meili next to him blushed slightly when he heard this.

She naturally knew what Li Yan was implying, it was nothing more than that Lu Chen wanted to have something with her, but she did not reject Lu Chen's behavior.

For example, Lu Chen is a figure that even Li Yan respects. If the outside world thinks that she has a close relationship with Lu Chen, then there will be a certain amount of protection for her later on.

Du Ziyue was very happy when she heard that Lu Chen was going to her daughter's home.

She knew how powerful the Chen family was, but for such a force, Lu Chen picked three of them apart and successfully rescued her. This meant that Lu Chen's strength alone was greater than that of the entire Chen family. Qiang, she naturally likes such a son-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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