My cold CEO wife

Chapter 842 Summation

Chapter 842 Summation
Obviously, what Lu Chen did made the Chen family angry.

They have been planning for the Qiao family for a long time, and now they are almost ready to take possession of the Qiao family. However, Lu Chen shows up halfway. Naturally, they are unwilling to accept this fact.

Even if Qiao Meili rescued her mother, Du Ziyue, with the strength of the Chen family in Shanghai, it is not impossible to touch Qiao Meili again.

After all, Qiao's father is dead, Qiao Mei's foundation is too shallow, and no one is willing to stand up for her.

However, the key is that Qiao Meili has already contacted Lu Chen, and Lu Chen's identity and background are something they cannot afford to offend.

But if Lu Chen dies unexpectedly, then Qiao Meili will lose contact with Lu Chen and the forces behind him. Then they can attack Qiao Meili again and annex the Qiao family's wealth.

Therefore, most people agreed to secretly kill Lu Chen.

However, it was Chen Chunan who made the final decision in this family. Everyone couldn't help but focus on Chen Chunan, but there was urgency in their eyes.

"Since you all agree to kill him, let's kill him. But when everyone is planning, I hope the plan will be more thorough and not leave any evidence or clues to kill him. If it is found that he died in the hands of our Chen family, That would be a disaster for our Chen family."

In the end, Chen Chunan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he couldn't help but speak, making the final decision.

"Jianqiao, I will leave this matter to you. Remember, I have to handle this matter properly. If the Chen family perishes because of you, I will destroy you first before the Chen family perishes. .”

Chen Chunan ordered Chen Jianqiao.

"Dad, don't worry, with me here, the Chen family will be safe and sound." Chen Jianqiao assured Chen Chunan.

"Clap clap clap!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of applause from the side, and then a figure walked towards this side unhurriedly.

"It's you."

When this person appeared, Chen Cai couldn't help but exclaimed.

He himself thought he was a genius, but he found that he was like a firefly in front of the sun in front of Lu Chen.

He was so proud that he even caught Lu Chen's punch.

Yes, it was Lu Chen who came.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you would dare to come to our Chen family. I'm afraid you won't know how you died now."

Chen Jianqiao also stood up, and at the same time he ordered the Chen family: "Everyone, surround him for me."

Swish swish!
Soon, countless people moved and surrounded Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at these people with a touch of disdain in his eyes, and at the same time he said: "Not only did I come, but I also came alone. Not only did I come alone, but no one knew that I came to you. , so now is your chance to kill me, but can you kill me?"

His words were crazy, but no one dared to refute them.

Because during the day, even Chen Chunan, the most powerful ancestor of their Chen family, was defeated by Lu Chen, so they had no say.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant. If you are too arrogant, you may not even know how you died. We know you are very strong, but if all of us Chen Chun fights hard, you will have no chance." At this time, Chen Chunan stood Woke up.

In the entire Chen family, he was the only one who now had the courage and qualifications to talk to Lu Chen.

"Even if everyone in your Chen family is dead, you can't do anything to me. I'm not here tonight to deal with your Chen family. I just want to confirm something with you."

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to everyone at all. He said, "Let me ask you, was Qiao Meili's father killed by your Chen family?"

Chen Chunan's expression moved slightly, and then he said: "Mr. Lu, if you just ask us questions, our Chen family will be at a huge loss. How about this, how about our Chen family also asks you a few questions?"

"Oh, let's ask."

Lu Chen had nothing to do anyway, so he simply walked to the middle position, moved a stool by himself and sat down like this, then glanced at everyone.

Those who were swept by him all lowered their heads one after another, not even daring to breathe out.

After all, Lu Chen's reputation was kept there during the day.

Only Chen Chunan remained calm and asked: "Mr. Lu, our Chen family has a beauty who is not weaker than Qiao Meili. I wonder if we want her to serve you well. Can you cooperate with our Chen family and give up Qiao Meili?"

For people like Lu Chen, in their opinion, the only thing about the Qiao family that can attract him is Qiao's beautiful appearance. Therefore, what he thinks about is if he can gain friendship from Lu Chen, it will help the Chen family in the future. Must be very large.

In addition, when Lu Chen came just now, he was calm and composed in front of so many people, so he was sure that Lu Chen must have a backup plan. Now that Lu Chen has taken the initiative, they are very passive and do not dare to take action at all.

Although Lu Chen said that he came alone, he wouldn't believe it anyway.

Therefore, now he really wants to cooperate with Lu Chen. If he can directly kick Qiao Meili out, wouldn't it be a good thing for Lu Chen to establish contact with the Chen family?

He guessed that the possibility of Lu Chen rejecting this proposal was slim, because in his opinion, Qiao Meili was probably already slept with. Now that Lu Chen could sleep with another beautiful woman, how could he refuse?
After all, they also investigated Lu Chen's information, because the other party was a playboy in Guiyuan City.

"Do you think I helped Qiao because of his beauty?" Lu Chen looked at Chen Chunan and others jokingly.

"Is not it?"

Chen Chunan laughed back and said: "We have all investigated your information. Before you married Lin Qinghan, you were the most famous playboy in Guiyuan City. After marrying Lin Qinghan, it seemed that you had restrained yourself, but in fact You got tired of playing with women, so you took the high-end route and took the emotional route."

"Wu Lan, the billionaire goddess of Guiyuan City, Ouyang Qin, the daughter of the Ouyang family, are all devoted to you now..."

Chen Chunan counted them in detail, "Now we have added Qiao Meili. The one I recommend to you now is my Chen's granddaughter, Chen Peipei. I'm afraid you haven't seen her yet. After you see her beauty, I’m afraid I’ll think about it again.”

"Someone, tell Pepe to come in."

Following his order, someone quickly called Chen Peipei in.

After Chen Peipei came in, she was a little surprised to see so many core members of the family here, but the surprise lasted only for a moment.

Then she saluted Chen Chunan and Chen Jianqiao, and then asked: "Grandpa, I wonder what you want to see me for?"

"I'm going to introduce you to a good man. Look at the man in front of you. He is the man who defeated your grandfather during the day. Do you like it?"

Chen Chunan didn't ask Lu Chen's opinion at all, because in his opinion, it was impossible for Lu Chen to refuse such a beautiful granddaughter.

(End of this chapter)

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