My cold CEO wife

Chapter 844 Terrible Recommendation

Chapter 844 Terrible Recommendation
It was only when she appeared outside that she remembered that Lu Chen was in the next room, and then she knocked on Lu Chen's door in the opposite direction, and called, "Mr. Lu, are you up yet?"

Lu Chen stood up and opened the door to the room, and then a stream of nosebleed spurted out along his nostrils.

"Mr. Lu, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me. Did you suffer internal injuries from the fight with the Chen family yesterday?"

Qiao Meili came to Lu Chen and asked with concern.

Then, a faint fragrance came into Lu Chen's nostrils, and Lu Chen almost couldn't hold it back.

"Ahem, what's that? I'm going to the bathroom."

Lu Chen quickly slipped into the bathroom and said at the same time: "Miss Qiao, you are wearing too cool clothes."

Qiao Meili didn't realize the meaning of Lu Chen's words at first. At this moment, she looked at herself and realized it in an instant.

Then a blush spread across her face.

Usually it was just her and her sister at home, so she didn't pay much attention to what she was wearing.

Her pajamas can be said to be completely see-through silk fabrics.

The reason why Lu Chen had a nosebleed just now was because his front was so plump that Lu Chen couldn't hold it back.

"Hmph, it seems that this girl is still attractive to you." Then, another smile appeared on the corners of Qiao's beautiful lips.

Not long after, Lu Chen walked out of the bathroom. He had regained his composure, as if nothing had happened.

"Sister, who is he?"

At this time, Zhang Na also discovered Lu Chen's existence, and she couldn't help but asked curiously, "Isn't it your new boyfriend?"

While speaking, she looked at Lu Chen warily.

It will take some time to kill Qiao Meili silently. If Qiao Meili and Lu Chen get married during this period, even if Qiao Meili dies by then, the wealth of the Qiao family will not fall to her. On the head.

Therefore, Zhang Na showed hostility towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen felt the hostility from Zhang Na, and the corners of his lips curled up.

Qiao Meili glanced at Zhang Na with a complicated look, then nodded, suddenly went over and took Lu Chen's arm, and said at the same time: "Yes, he is my boyfriend, and I am going to marry him right away."

When she said this, she stared at Zhang Na.

Qiao Meili was not stupid. On the contrary, she was a very smart woman. She quickly figured out the possibility that her sister wanted to harm her. Her sister might be doing it for the Qiao family's huge wealth.

But she was not sure, so she wanted to see Zhang Na's reaction.

"Sister, you want to marry him? I don't agree."

Zhang Na was very excited when she heard Qiao Meili's words and directly objected.

"My marriage is my decision. Not only will I marry him, but I will also share our Qiao family's property with him."

Qiao Meili continued to stimulate Zhang Na, "Next, I will make him the chairman of my Qiao Group, and you will be his assistant from now on. He has just taken charge of the group now, and he doesn't understand many things. You need to teach him more." .”

"My sister is a little tired these days, and wants to live a different life. I want to stay at home, take care of my husband and children, and live a life that a woman should live."

"Sister, I don't agree."

Zhang Na said at this time: "You told me that I have half of everything in the Qiao family. You also said that even if you are looking for a husband in the future, you must be willing to marry me if I like you. Why don't you marry me now?" Are you ready to get married after listening to my advice?”

Hearing Zhang Na's words, Qiao Meili's eyes became more disappointed.

In the past, Zhang Na never argued for anything in front of her. She said she wanted to share the shares of Zhang Na's Qiao Group, but Zhang Na clearly refused.

But today, she seemed particularly snobbish. This person was now very unfamiliar to Qiao Meili.

"Nana, you go to the company to work first. I want to be quiet today."

Qiao Meili became more and more disappointed. At the same time, she felt that she had lost the most precious thing, her sister.

"Okay, I'll go to the company first."

Zhang Na also realized that she had lost her composure just now. She couldn't help but say something to Qiao Meili, then looked at Lu Chen coldly, then walked outside, and at the same time told Qiao Meili: "Sister, please remember to give me to me." If you eat the steamed eggs you made, you can only eat the steamed eggs. If you feed them to him, I won’t cook them for you in the future."

But she didn't know that her words hurt Qiao Meili deeply.

Zhang Na was persuading her to take poison.

After Zhang Na left, Qiao Meili sat on the sofa dejectedly.

Lu Chen said calmly: "If you still don't believe me, you can take this bowl of eggs and check it to see if there are any harmful substances in it."

"No need to take it for testing."

Qiao Meili shook her head.

She already believed Lu Chen's words.

As a stranger, Lu Chen had no need to alienate the relationship between her and her sister.

"I just want to know why she wants to kill me. She wants the Qiao family's wealth, and I can give it to her." Qiao Meili said, her eyes turning red.

"Why, I'm afraid you have to ask her."

Lu Chen pursed his lips and said at the same time: "By the way, let me tell you something important. Your father's death has nothing to do with the Chen family."

"how can that be?"

Qiao Meili shook her head and said, "It's impossible for the Chen family to let my dad go. They are the only ones with such a motive."

"Really? Then let's think about the problem in a different way. If your father died, you died, and your mother died in the end, who should the property of your Qiao family belong to?" Lu Chen asked again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, my father could not have been killed by Nana." Qiao Meili shook her head repeatedly. Such speculation was a huge blow to her.

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said: "I went to the Chen family last night, and the Chen family told me this. He said that the Qiao family was supported by the Chen family, and your father was actually their puppet. They Controlling your father is equivalent to controlling the Qiao family. There is no need for them to kill your father and then control you. Their degree of control over your father is far greater than that of controlling you. Doing such a thing is thankless. .”

"As for what you said about the Qiao family feeling that your father might be out of control, so they strangled your father. In this case, has your father mentioned it to you?"

Qiao Meili looked a little confused when she heard Lu Chen's words.

To be honest, her father really didn't mention this to her. It was her own assumption, because from the very beginning, she believed that the murderer was the Chen family.

"Then why did the Chen family kidnap my mother?" Qiao Meili suddenly asked again.

"Because your father is dead, the Chen family will control you, and the only way to control you is to grasp your weakness. Your mother is your weakness."

Lu Chen said, "You should be lucky that your mother was captured by the Chen family, otherwise she might be dead by now."

(End of this chapter)

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